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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 PFHTPSet = cms.PSet(
4  hltPathsToCheck = cms.vstring(
5 # "HLT_PFHT650_WideJetMJJ900DEtaJJ1p5_v",
6 # "HLT_PFHT650_WideJetMJJ950DEtaJJ1p5_v",
7 # "HLT_PFHT750_4Jet_v",
8 # "HLT_PFHT550_4JetPt50_v",
9 # "HLT_PFHT650_4JetPt50_v",
10 # "HLT_PFHT750_4JetPt50_v",
11 # "HLT_PFHT650_4Jet_v", # Run2
12 # "HLT_PFHT550_4Jet_v", # Run2
13 # "HLT_PFHT800_v",
14 # "HLT_PFHT650_v",
15 # "HLT_PFHT800_4JetPt50_v",
16 # "HLT_PFHT750_4JetPt70_v",
17 # "HLT_PFHT850_4JetPt50_v",
18 # "HLT_PFHT750_4JetPt80_v",
19  #"DST_HT450_PFReco_PFBTagCSVReco_PFScouting_v", # Moved to DSTJets category
20  #"DST_L1HTT125ORHTT150ORHTT175_PFReco_PFBTagCSVReco_PFScouting_v", # Moved to DSTJets category
21  #"DST_CaloJet40_PFReco_PFBTagCSVReco_PFScouting_v" # Moved to DSTJets category
22  "HLT_PFHT350MinPFJet15_v" #2017
23  ),
24  recPFMHTLabel = cms.InputTag("recoExoticaValidationHT"),
25  recPFJetLabel = cms.InputTag("ak4PFJets"),
26  # -- Analysis specific cuts
27  #MET_genCut = cms.string("sumEt > 75"),
28  #MET_recCut = cms.string("sumEt > 75"),
29  minCandidates = cms.uint32(1),
30  # -- Analysis specific binnings
31  parametersTurnOn = cms.vdouble(0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 470,
32  500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800, 900, 1000
33  )
34 )