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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 from L1Trigger.VertexFinder.VertexProducer_cff import VertexProducer
4 L1TVertexNTupler = cms.EDAnalyzer('VertexNTupler',
5  inputDataInputTag = cms.InputTag("InputDataProducer","InputData"),
6  genParticleInputTag = cms.InputTag("genParticles",""),
7  l1TracksInputTags = cms.VInputTag( VertexProducer.l1TracksInputTag ),
8  l1TracksTruthMapInputTags = cms.VInputTag( cms.InputTag("TTTrackAssociatorFromPixelDigis", "Level1TTTracks") ),
9  l1TracksTPInputTags = cms.InputTag("TPStubValueMapProducer:allMatchedTPs"),
10  l1TracksTPValueMapInputTags = cms.InputTag("TPStubValueMapProducer:TPs"),
11  l1TracksBranchNames = cms.vstring('hybrid'),
12  l1VertexInputTags = cms.VInputTag( cms.InputTag("VertexProducer", VertexProducer.l1VertexCollectionName.value()) ),
13  l1VertexTrackInputs = cms.vstring('hybrid'),
14  l1VertexBranchNames = cms.vstring('FastHisto'),
15  extraL1VertexInputTags = cms.VInputTag(),
16  extraL1VertexDescriptions = cms.vstring(),
18  genJetsInputTag = cms.InputTag("ak4GenJetsNoNu"),
20  #=== Cuts on MC truth particles (i.e., tracking particles) used for tracking efficiency measurements.
21  GenCuts = cms.PSet(
22  GenMinPt = cms.double(2.0),
23  GenMaxAbsEta = cms.double(2.4),
24  GenMaxVertR = cms.double(1.0), # Maximum distance of particle production vertex from centre of CMS.
25  GenMaxVertZ = cms.double(30.0),
26  GenPdgIds = cms.vuint32(), # Only particles with these PDG codes used for efficiency measurement.
29  # Additional cut on MC truth tracks used for algorithmic tracking efficiency measurements.
30  # You should usually set this equal to value of L1TrackDef.MinStubLayers below, unless L1TrackDef.MinPtToReduceLayers
31  # is < 10000, in which case, set it equal to (L1TrackDef.MinStubLayers - 1).
32  GenMinStubLayers = cms.uint32(4)
33  ),
36  #=== Rules for deciding when the track finding has found an L1 track candidate
37  L1TrackDef = cms.PSet(
38  UseLayerID = cms.bool(True),
39  # Reduce this layer ID, so that it takes no more than 8 different values in any eta region (simplifies firmware).
40  ReducedLayerID = cms.bool(True)
41  ),
43  #=== Rules for deciding when a reconstructed L1 track matches a MC truth particle (i.e. tracking particle).
44  TrackMatchDef = cms.PSet(
45  #--- Three different ways to define if a tracking particle matches a reco track candidate. (Usually, set two of them to ultra loose).
46  # Min. fraction of matched stubs relative to number of stubs on reco track.
47  MinFracMatchStubsOnReco = cms.double(-99.),
48  # Min. fraction of matched stubs relative to number of stubs on tracking particle.
49  MinFracMatchStubsOnTP = cms.double(-99.),
50  # Min. number of matched layers.
51  MinNumMatchLayers = cms.uint32(4),
52  # Min. number of matched PS layers.
53  MinNumMatchPSLayers = cms.uint32(0),
54  # Associate stub to TP only if the TP contributed to both its clusters? (If False, then associate even if only one cluster was made by TP).
55  StubMatchStrict = cms.bool(False)
56  ),
59  # === Vertex Reconstruction configuration
60  VertexReconstruction = VertexProducer.VertexReconstruction,
62  # Debug printout
63  debug = VertexProducer.debug,
64  printResults = cms.bool(False)
65 )