This is the complete list of members for HGCGraphT< TILES >, including all inherited members.
Advanced enum value | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
allDoublets_ | HGCGraphT< TILES > | private |
areTimeCompatible(int innerIdx, int outerIdx, const edm::ValueMap< std::pair< float, float >> &layerClustersTime, float maxDeltaTime) | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
Basic enum value | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
clear() | HGCGraphT< TILES > | inline |
Expert enum value | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
findNtuplets(std::vector< HGCDoublet::HGCntuplet > &foundNtuplets, std::vector< int > &seedIndices, const unsigned int minClustersPerNtuplet, const bool outInDFS, const unsigned int maxOutInHops) | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
getAllDoublets() | HGCGraphT< TILES > | inline |
Guru enum value | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
isOuterClusterOfDoublets_ | HGCGraphT< TILES > | private |
makeAndConnectDoublets(const TILES &h, const std::vector< TICLSeedingRegion > ®ions, int nEtaBins, int nPhiBins, const std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > &layerClusters, const std::vector< float > &mask, const edm::ValueMap< std::pair< float, float >> &layerClustersTime, int deltaIEta, int deltaIPhi, float minCosThetai, float maxCosPointing, float root_doublet_max_distance_from_seed_squared, float etaLimitIncreaseWindow, int skip_layers, int maxNumberOfLayers, float maxDeltaTime) | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
None enum value | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |
setVerbosity(int level) | HGCGraphT< TILES > | inline |
theRootDoublets_ | HGCGraphT< TILES > | private |
verbosity_ | HGCGraphT< TILES > | private |
VerbosityLevel enum name | HGCGraphT< TILES > | |