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1 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
3 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
5 #AOD content
6 RecoTrackerAOD = cms.PSet(
7  outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring(
8  'keep recoTracks_generalTracks_*_*',
9  'keep recoTracks_conversionStepTracks_*_*',
10  'keep recoTracks_beamhaloTracks_*_*',
11  'keep recoTracks_ctfPixelLess_*_*',
12  'keep *_dedxHarmonic2_*_*',
13  'keep *_dedxPixelHarmonic2_*_*',
14  'keep *_dedxHitInfo_*_*',
15  'keep *_trackExtrapolator_*_*',
16  'keep *_generalTracks_MVAValues_*',
17  'keep *_generalTracks_MVAVals_*'
18  )
19 )
20 #HI-specific products: needed in AOD, propagate to more inclusive tiers as well
21 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.pp_on_AA_cff import pp_on_AA
22 pp_on_AA.toModify( RecoTrackerAOD.outputCommands,
23  func=lambda outputCommands: outputCommands.extend(['keep recoTracks_hiConformalPixelTracks_*_*'])
24 )
25 #RECO content
26 RecoTrackerRECO = cms.PSet(
27  outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring(
28  'keep recoTrackExtras_generalTracks_*_*',
29  'keep TrackingRecHitsOwned_generalTracks_*_*',
30  'keep TrackingRecHitsOwned_extraFromSeeds_*_*',
31  'keep uints_extraFromSeeds_*_*',
32  'keep recoTrackExtras_beamhaloTracks_*_*',
33  'keep TrackingRecHitsOwned_beamhaloTracks_*_*',
34  'keep recoTrackExtras_conversionStepTracks_*_*',
35  'keep TrackingRecHitsOwned_conversionStepTracks_*_*',
36  'keep *_ctfPixelLess_*_*',
37  'keep *_dedxTruncated40_*_*'
38  )
39 )
40 RecoTrackerRECO.outputCommands.extend(RecoTrackerAOD.outputCommands)
41 pp_on_AA.toModify( RecoTrackerRECO.outputCommands,
42  func=lambda outputCommands: outputCommands.extend([
43  'keep recoTrackExtras_hiConformalPixelTracks_*_*',
44  'keep TrackingRecHitsOwned_hiConformalPixelTracks_*_*'
45  ])
46 )
47 #Full Event content
48 RecoTrackerFEVT = cms.PSet(
49  outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring()
50 )
51 RecoTrackerFEVT.outputCommands.extend(RecoTrackerRECO.outputCommands)