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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.PFRecoTauQualityCuts_cfi import PFTauQualityCuts
4 from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.TauDiscriminatorTools import requireLeadTrack
5 from RecoTauTag.RecoTau.pfRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolationContainer_cfi import pfRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolationContainer
7 pfRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolation = pfRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolationContainer.clone(
8  # Require leading pion ensures that:
9  # 1) these is at least one track above threshold (0.5 GeV) in the signal cone
10  # 2) a track in the signal cone has pT > 5 GeV
11  Prediscriminants = requireLeadTrack,
13  # Select which collections to use for isolation. You can select one or both
14  WeightECALIsolation = 1., # apply a flat, overall weight to ECAL isolation. Useful to combine charged and neutral isolations with different relative weights. Default 1.
16  minTauPtForNoIso = -99., # minimum tau pt at which the isolation is completely relaxed. If negative, this is disabled
18  qualityCuts = PFTauQualityCuts, # set the standard quality cuts
20  # Delta-Beta corrections to remove Pileup
21  particleFlowSrc = "particleFlow",
22  vertexSrc = PFTauQualityCuts.primaryVertexSrc,
23  # This must correspond to the cone size of the algorithm which built the
24  # tau. (or if customOuterCone option is used, the custom cone size)
25  customOuterCone = -1., # propagated this default from .cc, it probably corresponds to not using customOuterCone
26  isoConeSizeForDeltaBeta = 0.5,
27  # The delta beta factor maps the expected neutral contribution in the
28  # isolation cone from the observed PU charged contribution. This factor can
29  # optionally be a function (use 'x') of the number of vertices in the event
30  # (taken from the multiplicity of vertexSrc collection)
31  deltaBetaFactor = "0.38",
32  # By default, the pt threshold for tracks used to compute the DeltaBeta
33  # correction is taken as the gamma Et threshold from the isolation quality
34  # cuts.
35  deltaBetaPUTrackPtCutOverride = False, # Set the boolean = True to override.
36  deltaBetaPUTrackPtCutOverride_val = -1.5, # Set the value for new value.
38  # Tau footprint correction
39  applyFootprintCorrection = False,
40  footprintCorrections = cms.VPSet(
41  cms.PSet(
42  selection = cms.string("decayMode() = 0"),
43  offset = cms.string("0.0")
44  ),
45  cms.PSet(
46  selection = cms.string("decayMode() = 1 || decayMode() = 2"),
47  offset = cms.string("0.0")
48  ),
49  cms.PSet(
50  selection = cms.string("decayMode() = 5"),
51  offset = cms.string("2.7")
52  ),
53  cms.PSet(
54  selection = cms.string("decayMode() = 6"),
55  offset = cms.string("0.0")
56  ),
57  cms.PSet(
58  selection = cms.string("decayMode() = 10"),
59  offset = cms.string("max(2.0, 0.22*pt() - 2.0)")
60  )
61  ),
63  # Rho corrections
64  applyRhoCorrection = False,
65  rhoProducer = "fixedGridRhoFastjetAll",
66  rhoConeSize = 0.5,
67  rhoUEOffsetCorrection = 1.0,
69  verbosity = 0,
70 )