Go to the documentation of this file.
3 texTemplate=
r"""%Offline Alignment Validation presentation.
4 %Time of creation: [time]
5 %Created with produceOfflineValidationTex.py
7 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
11 %\usepackage{epstopdf}
13 \title[Offline Validation]{Title here}
14 \author{Author(s) here}
15 \institute{Institute here}
26 \section{Introduction}
27 %---------------------------------------------
28 \begin{frame}{Introduction}
31 \item Introduction here
38 %---------------------------------------------
45 %---------------------------------------------
46 \begin{frame}{Conclusions}
49 \item Conclusions here
61 \begin{frame}{[title]}
70 summaryTemplate =
71 \begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]{[title]}
77 plotTemplate=
r""" \includegraphics[width=[width]\textwidth, height=[height]\textheight, keepaspectratio=true]{[path]}"""
79 subsectionTemplate=
82 %---------------------------------------------
86 #To produce a pdf presentation
87 #a. fill in your information, comments etc. in presentation.tex
88 #b. run this script: ./ToPdf.sh
89 latex presentation.tex
90 latex presentation.tex #(twice to produce the bookmarks)
91 dvipdf presentation.dvi
92 #(pdflatex doesn't like .eps-images; this way we can
93 #use just latex and the convert the result into pdf.)