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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 PdwgLeptonRecoSkim = cms.EDFilter('LeptonRecoSkim',
4  HltLabel = cms.InputTag("TriggerResults","","HLT"),
5  electronCollection = cms.InputTag("gedGsfElectrons"),
6  pfElectronCollection = cms.InputTag("particleFlow"),
7  muonCollection = cms.InputTag("muons"),
8  caloJetCollection = cms.InputTag("ak4CaloJetsL2L3"),
9  PFJetCollection = cms.InputTag("ak4PFJetsL2L3"),
10  ecalBarrelRecHitsCollection = cms.InputTag('ecalRecHit', 'EcalRecHitsEB'),
11  ecalEndcapRecHitsCollection = cms.InputTag('ecalRecHit', 'EcalRecHitsEE'),
12  UseElectronSelection = cms.bool(False),
13  UsePfElectronSelection = cms.bool(False),
14  UseMuonSelection = cms.bool(False),
15  UseHtSelection = cms.bool(False),
16  UsePFHtSelection = cms.bool(False),
17  UseJetSelection = cms.bool(False),
18  FilterName = cms.string("None"),
19  electronPtMin = cms.double(0),
20  electronN = cms.int32(0),
21  pfElectronPtMin = cms.double(0),
22  pfElectronN = cms.int32(0),
23  globalMuonPtMin = cms.double(0),
24  trackerMuonPtMin = cms.double(0),
25  muonN = cms.int32(0),
26  HtMin = cms.double(0),
27  PFHtMin = cms.double(0),
28  HtJetThreshold = cms.double(0),
29  PFHtJetThreshold = cms.double(0),
30  jetN = cms.int32(0),
31  jetPtMin = cms.double(0)
32 )