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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 ##########################################################
4 # See HLT Config Browser, for up-to-date HLT paths
5 #
6 #
7 # This config is for
8 # HLT_Photon10_L1R
9 # A single photon trigger, requiring at least one HLT photon with ET > 10 GeV.
10 # No isolation is required.
11 #
12 #
13 # This path contains 5 steps:
14 # HLT_Photon10_L1R = { HLTBeginSequence &
15 # hltL1sRelaxedSingleEgammaEt8 &
16 # hltPrePhoton10L1R &
17 # HLTSinglePhoton10L1NonIsolatedHLTNonIsoSequence &
18 # HLTEndSequence }
19 #
20 # The sequence in step 4 has 11 steps, and 3 filters (marked with *)
21 # HLTSinglePhoton10L1NonIsolatedHLTNonIsoSequence = {
22 # 1 HLTDoRegionalEgammaEcalSequence &
23 # 2 HLTL1IsolatedEcalClustersSequence &
24 # 3 HLTL1NonIsolatedEcalClustersSequence &
25 # 4 hltL1IsoRecoEcalCandidate &
26 # 5 hltL1NonIsoRecoEcalCandidate &
27 # 6* hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSinglePhotonEt10L1MatchFilterRegional &
28 # 7* hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSinglePhotonEt10EtFilter &
29 # 8 HLTDoLocalHcalWithoutHOSequence &
30 # 9 hltL1IsolatedPhotonHcalIsol &
31 # 10 hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonHcalIsol &
32 # 11* hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSinglePhotonEt10HcalIsolFilter }
33 #
34 # The filters (*) above are what go into
35 # the "HLTCollectionLabels" below.
36 ##########################################################
38 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
39 singlePhotonDQM = DQMEDAnalyzer('EmDQM',
40  pdgGen = cms.int32(22),
41  genEtaAcc = cms.double(2.5),
42  genEtAcc = cms.double(10.0),
43  reqNum = cms.uint32(1),
44  PtMax = cms.untracked.double(200.0),
45  useHumanReadableHistTitles = cms.untracked.bool(False),
47  # Filters from collections listed above
48  filters = cms.VPSet(
49  ##########################################################
50  # Initial Collection #
51  ##########################################################
52  cms.PSet(
53  PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 0.0),
54  HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltL1sRelaxedSingleEgammaEt8","","HLT"),
55  IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("none")),
56  theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(83),
57  HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Level 1")
58  ),
59  ##########################################################
60  # L1 Object Matching Filter #
61  ##########################################################
62  cms.PSet(
63  PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 0.0),
64  HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSinglePhotonEt10L1MatchFilterRegional","","HLT"),
65  IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("none")),
66  theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(100),
67  HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("L1 Match Filter")
68  ),
69  ##########################################################
70  # Et Filter #
71  ##########################################################
72  cms.PSet(
73  PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 0.0),
74  HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSinglePhotonEt10EtFilter","","HLT"),
75  IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("none")),
76  theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(100),
77  HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Et Filter")
78  ),
79  ##########################################################
80  # ECAL Isolation Filter #
81  ##########################################################
82 # cms.PSet(
83 # PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 10.0),
84 # HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsoSinglePhotonEt10EcalIsolFilter","","HLT"),
85 # IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("hltL1IsolatedPhotonEcalIsol","","HLT"), cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonEcalIsol","","HLT")),
86 # theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(100),
87 # HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Ecal Iso Filter")
88 # ),
89  ##########################################################
90  # HCAL Isolation Filter #
91  ##########################################################
92  cms.PSet(
93  PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 10.0),
94  HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsoHLTNonIsoSinglePhotonEt10HcalIsolFilter","","HLT"),
95  IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("hltL1IsolatedPhotonHcalIsol","","HLT"), cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsolatedPhotonHcalIsol","","HLT")),
96  theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(100),
97  HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Hcal Iso Filter")
98  )
99  ##########################################################
100  # Track Isolation Filter #
101  ##########################################################
102 # cms.PSet(
103 # PlotBounds = cms.vdouble(0.0, 10.0),
104 # HLTCollectionLabels = cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsoSinglePhotonEt10TrackIsolFilter","","HLT"),
105 # IsoCollections = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("hltL1IsoPhotonTrackIsol","","HLT"), cms.InputTag("hltL1NonIsoPhotonTrackIsol","","HLT")),
106 # theHLTOutputTypes = cms.uint32(91),
107 # HLTCollectionHumanName = cms.untracked.string("Track Iso Filter")
108 # )
109  )
110 )