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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 #Example version list of MEs to save with singel Luminosity Granularity
4 #in the nanoDQMIO reduced version of DQMIO data Tier
5 #It needs process.DQMStore.saveByLumi = cms.untracked.bool(True)
6 #to make effect in the MEs saved by DQMStore
7 #DQMIO with per Lumisection data, are a special kind of DQM files
8 #containing almost the full set of DQM Monitor Elements (MEs) saved
9 #with single lumisection time granularity.
10 #Saying "almost" we refer to the fact that only Monitor Elements
11 #produced in DQM Step1 are saved,
12 #while those produced in the Harvesting step are not,
13 #even if they could be obtained with some ad-hoc harvesting on Step1 data
14 #Hence, DQM Step2 (HARVESTING DQM) should not follow when saveByLumi is True
15 #since most DQM Harvesting modules expect perRun output
16 #
18 nanoDQMIO_perLSoutput = cms.PSet(
19  MEsToSave = cms.untracked.vstring(*( #Using tuple to avoid python limit of 255 arguments
20  #as suggested in:
21  #
22  'Muons/MuonRecoAnalyzer/', #Folder and its subfolders
23  'Muons/MuonIdDQM/GlobalMuons/hDT1Pullx' #particular ME
24  )
25  )
26 )