def | plotscripts.addToTestResults (c, res) |
def | plotscripts.availableCellsCSC (reports) |
def | plotscripts.availableCellsDT (reports) |
def | plotscripts.bellcurves (tfile, reports, name, twobin=True, suppressblue=False) |
def | plotscripts.clearDDT () |
def | plotscripts.corrections2D (reportsX=None, reportsY=None, geometry0=None, geometryX=None, geometryY=None, window=25., selection=None, name="tmp", canvas=None, pre_title_x=None, pre_title_y=None, which="110011") |
| makes a scatterplot of corrections coming either from reports (if xml geometries are None) or from geometryX and geometryY (WRT the common initial geometry0) More...
def | plotscripts.createPeaksProfile (the2d, rebin=1) |
def | plotscripts.curvatureDTsummary (tfiles, window=15., pdgSfactor=False) |
def | plotscripts.curvatureplot (tfiles, name, param, mode="from2d", window=15., widebins=False, title="", fitgauss=False, fitconst=False, fitline=False, fitpeaks=True, reset_palette=False) |
| "param" may be one of "deltax" (Delta x position residuals), "deltadxdz" (Delta (dx/dz) angular residuals), "curverr" (Delta x * d(Delta q/pT)/d(Delta x) = Delta q/pT in the absence of misalignment) More...
def | plotscripts.DBdiff (database1, database2, reports1, reports2, window=10., windows=None, selection=None, phi=False, color=ROOT.kBlue-8, style=1, bins=50, normalized=False, getvalues=False, name="tmp", canvas=None, reportdiff=False, inlog=False) |
def | plotscripts.DBdiffVersus (quantity, versus, database1, database2, reports1, reports2, windwselection=None, color=ROOT.kBlack) |
def | plotscripts.DBMC (database, reports, window=10., windows=None, selection=None, phi=False, color=ROOT.kBlue-8, style=1, bins=50, normalized=False, getvalues=False, name="", canvas=None, reportdiff=False, inlog=True) |
def | plotscripts.DBMCVersus (quantity, versus, database, reports, window=10., selection=None, color=ROOT.kBlack) |
def | plotscripts.doTests (reports, pic_ids, fname_base, fname_dqm, run_name) |
def | plotscripts.doTestsForMapPlots (cells) |
def | plotscripts.doTestsForReport (cells, reports) |
def | plotscripts.getname (r) |
def | plotscripts.getReportByPostalAddress (postal_address, report) |
def | plotscripts.idToPostalAddress (id) |
def | plotscripts.loadTestResultsMap (run_name) |
def | plotscripts.mapNameToId (name) |
def | plotscripts.mapplot (tfiles, name, param, mode="from2d", window=10., abscissa=None, title="", widebins=False, fitsine=False, fitline=False, reset_palette=False, fitsawteeth=False, fitpeaks=False, peaksbins=1, fixfitpars={}, **args) |
def | plotscripts.mean (xlist) |
def | plotscripts.nameToId (name) |
def | plotscripts.phiedges2c () |
def | plotscripts.philines (name, window, abscissa) |
def | plotscripts.plotmedians (reports1, reports2, selection=None, binsx=100, windowx=5., ceilingx=None, binsy=100, windowy=5., ceilingy=None, binsdxdz=100, windowdxdz=5., ceilingdxdz=None, binsdydz=100, windowdydz=5., ceilingdydz=None, r1text=" before", r2text=" after", which="median") |
def | plotscripts.polynomials (tfile, reports, name, twobin=True, suppressblue=False) |
def | plotscripts.postalAddressToId (postal_address) |
def | plotscripts.printDeltaTs () |
def | plotscripts.rlines (disk, window, abscissa) |
def | plotscripts.rms (xlist) |
def | plotscripts.saveTestResultsMap (run_name) |
def | plotscripts.segdiff (tfiles, component, pair, **args) |
def | plotscripts.segdiff_xalign (tfiles, component, **args) |
def | plotscripts.segdiffvsphi (tfiles, reports, component, wheel, window=5., excludesectors=()) |
def | plotscripts.segdiffvsphi_xalign (tfiles, wheel, window=10.) |
def | plotscripts.segdiffvsphicsc (tfiles, component, pair, window=5., **args) |
def | plotscripts.set_palette (name=None, ncontours=999) |
def | plotscripts.setTDRStyle () |
def | plotscripts.stationIndex (name) |
def | plotscripts.stdev (xlist) |
def | plotscripts.testDeltaWithin5Sigma (x, sx) |
def | plotscripts.testEntry (testID, scope, descr, severity) |
def | plotscripts.testZeroWithin5Sigma (x) |
def | plotscripts.wheel0only (dt, wheel, station, sector) |
def | plotscripts.wheelLetter (wheel) |
def | plotscripts.wheelm1only (dt, wheel, station, sector) |
def | plotscripts.wheelm2only (dt, wheel, station, sector) |
| Convenience functions. More...
def | plotscripts.wheelNumber (wheell) |
def | plotscripts.wheelp1only (dt, wheel, station, sector) |
def | plotscripts.wheelp2only (dt, wheel, station, sector) |
def | plotscripts.wmean (xlist) |
def | plotscripts.writeDQMReport (fname_dqm, run_name) |
def | plotscripts.zlines (window, abscissa) |