Package Alignment/LaserAlignmentSimulation
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


Simulation of the Laser Alignment System. This package contains a SimWatcher to OscarProducer which takes care of the appropriate actions during the various simulation steps.

Public interface


  • LaserAlignmentSimulation: this is the SimWatcher which supplies the simulation of the Laser Alignment System.
    include "SimG4Core/Configuration/data/SimG4Core.cff"
    replace g4SimHits.Watchers = {
      { string type = "LaserAlignmentSimulation"
        untracked int32 DebugLevel = 0
        untracked int32 MaterialPropertiesDebugLevel = 1
        untracked double SiAbsorptionLengthScalingFactor = 1.0
        untracked double EnergyLossScalingFactor = 1739.130435
        untracked double PhotonEnergy = 1.15
        untracked int32 NumberOfPhotonsInParticleGun = 10
        untracked int32 NumberOfPhotonsInEachBeam = 100
  • LaserAlignmentProducer: producer to provide an empty MCHepEvent.
    module laserAlignmentProducer  = LaserAlignmentProducer
  • LaserOpticalPhysics: Custom Physics to activate optical processes.
    include "SimG4Core/Configuration/data/SimG4Core.cff"
    replace g4SimHits.Physics.type = "SimG4Core/Physics/LaserOpticalPhysics"

Unit tests and examples

  • SimAnalyzer: get some statistics and plots about the simulation of the Laser Alignment System.
    module ana = SimAnalyzer 
      untracked int32 DebugLevel = 3
      untracked string ROOTFileName = "simulation.histos.root"
      untracked int32 ROOTFileCompression = 1
      untracked double SearchWindowPhiTIB = 0.05
      untracked double SearchWindowPhiTOB = 0.05
      untracked double SearchWindowPhiTEC = 0.05
      untracked double SearchWindowZTIB = 1.0
      untracked double SearchWindowZTOB = 1.0
  • LaserSimulation.cfg: configuration file to run the simulation of the Laser Alignment System.

Status and planned development


Last updated: @DATE@ Author: Maarten Thomas.