Package RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


This package provides a class to produce a collection of TrajectorySeed inspired by a StandAloneMuon.

Public interface


  • TrackerSeedGeneratorFactory : The seal::PluginFactory for producing TrajectorySeed using different algorithms. To use the TrackerSeedGeneratorFactory, add the following to your code: (see RecoMuon/TrackingTools for more information about MuonServiceProxy ) Add the following to your code:
      // service parameters
      ParameterSet serviceParameters = parameterSet.getParameter("ServiceParameters");
      // the services
      theService = new MuonServiceProxy(serviceParameters);
      // start seed generator;
      ParameterSet seedGenPSet = par.getParameter("SeedGeneratorParameters");
      std::string seedGenName = seedGenPSet.getParameter("ComponentName");
      theTkSeedGenerator = TrackerSeedGeneratorFactory::get()->create(seedGenName, seedGenPSet);

Once per event, you must update the services:


Available Algorithms

Choose one of the available algorithms to generate the StandAloneMuon inspired trajectory seeds.

  • TSGFromPixelPairs In your .cfg file, include
    include "RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/data/TSGFromPixelPairs.cfi"
    Which is
  • TSGFromPixelTriplets In your .cfg file, include
    include "RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/data/TSGFromPixelTriplets.cfi"
    Which is
  • TSGForRoadSearch In your .cfg file, include
    include "RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator/data/TSGForRoadSearch.cfi"
    Which is

Unit tests and examples


Status and planned development

Recent development in RecoTracker/TkSeedGenerator has spurred reorganization and development of RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator so that RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator uses standard RecoTracker classes.
Current development includes a SmartSeeder which will start with seeds from hit triplets and then attemp a seed from hit pairs if the hit triplet seed fails. Also, the smart seeder will attemt to use different seed types based on the position in the detector (for example, it will use a pixel-strip seed in the very forward region).

Last updated: @DATE@ Author: computer-generated.