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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 #
4 # During its "normal" (i.e., non-cosmic) operation, the HFPreReconstructor
5 # module constructs HFPreRecHit objects using a single time slice called
6 # "sample of interest" (SOI). This time slice can be chosen in three
7 # different ways:
8 # I. Take it from the data frame. This is the "standard" configuration.
9 # II. Take it from the database.
10 # III. Take is from a cfi parameter.
11 #
12 # HFPreReconstructor configurations corresponding to these SOI choices are:
13 # I. forceSOI < 0 and tsFromDB is False.
14 # II. forceSOI < 0 and tsFromDB is True.
15 # III. forceSOI >= 0 (the SOI is then defined by the forceSOI value).
16 #
17 # For configuration III, the SOI value will be the same for all channels.
18 # For I and II, SOIs can differ from channel to channel, depending on DAQ
19 # or database settings, respectively.
20 #
21 # After the time slice selection outlined above, the value of parameter
22 # "soiShift" is added to this selection. "soiShift" can be positive,
23 # negative, or zero.
24 #
25 # Note that, at the time of this writing, we read out only 3 time slices
26 # in HF, so that meaningful non-negative values of "forceSOI" parameter
27 # (assuming "soiShift" value of zero) are 0, 1, and 2. In all cases (I, II,
28 # and III), channels for which the SOI is misconfigured will be discarded.
29 #
30 # For cosmic operation, the parameter "sumAllTimeSlices" should be set
31 # to "True". In this case the SOI configuration is ignored, and the energy
32 # is accumulated using all time slices in the data frame.
33 #
34 hfprereco = cms.EDProducer("HFPreReconstructor",
35  digiLabel = cms.InputTag("hcalDigis"),
36  dropZSmarkedPassed = cms.bool(False),
37  tsFromDB = cms.bool(False),
38  sumAllTimeSlices = cms.bool(False),
39  forceSOI = cms.int32(-1),
40  soiShift = cms.int32(0)
41 )