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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
4 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_HE_2017_cff import run2_HE_2017
5 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_HF_2017_cff import run2_HF_2017
6 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_HB_cff import run3_HB
8 LSParameter =cms.untracked.PSet(
9 HcalFeatureHFEMBit= cms.bool(False),
10 Min_Long_Energy= cms.double(10),#makes a cut based on energy deposited in short vrs long
11  Min_Short_Energy= cms.double(10),
12  Long_vrs_Short_Slope= cms.double(100.2),
13  Long_Short_Offset= cms.double(10.1))
16 simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis = cms.EDProducer("HcalTrigPrimDigiProducer",
17  peakFilter = cms.bool(True),
18  weights = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
19  weightsQIE11 = cms.PSet(
20  ieta1 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
21  ieta2 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
22  ieta3 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
23  ieta4 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
24  ieta5 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
25  ieta6 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
26  ieta7 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
27  ieta8 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
28  ieta9 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
29  ieta10 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
30  ieta11 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
31  ieta12 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
32  ieta13 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
33  ieta14 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
34  ieta15 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
35  ieta16 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
36  ieta17 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
37  ieta18 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
38  ieta19 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
39  ieta20 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
40  ieta21 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
41  ieta22 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
42  ieta23 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
43  ieta24 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
44  ieta25 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
45  ieta26 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
46  ieta27 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0),
47  ieta28 = cms.vdouble(1.0, 1.0)
48  ),
50  latency = cms.int32(1),
51  FG_threshold = cms.uint32(12),
52  FG_HF_thresholds = cms.vuint32(17, 255),
53  ZS_threshold = cms.uint32(1),
54  numberOfSamples = cms.int32(4),
55  numberOfPresamples = cms.int32(2),
56  numberOfSamplesHF = cms.int32(4),
57  numberOfPresamplesHF = cms.int32(2),
58  numberOfFilterPresamplesHBQIE11 = cms.int32(0),
59  numberOfFilterPresamplesHEQIE11 = cms.int32(0),
60  useTDCInMinBiasBits = cms.bool(False), # TDC information not used in MB fine grain bits
61  MinSignalThreshold = cms.uint32(0), # For HF PMT veto
62  PMTNoiseThreshold = cms.uint32(0), # For HF PMT veto
63  LSConfig=LSParameter,
65  upgradeHF = cms.bool(False),
66  upgradeHB = cms.bool(False),
67  upgradeHE = cms.bool(False),
69  # parameters = cms.untracked.PSet(
70  # FGVersionHBHE=cms.uint32(0),
71  # TDCMask=cms.uint64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF),
72  # ADCThreshold=cms.uint32(0),
73  # FGThreshold=cms.uint32(12)
74  # ),
76  #vdouble weights = { -1, -1, 1, 1} //low lumi algo
77  # Input digi label (_must_ be without zero-suppression!)
78  inputLabel = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag('simHcalUnsuppressedDigis'),
79  cms.InputTag('simHcalUnsuppressedDigis')),
80  inputUpgradeLabel = cms.VInputTag(
81  cms.InputTag('simHcalUnsuppressedDigis:HBHEQIE11DigiCollection'),
82  cms.InputTag('simHcalUnsuppressedDigis:HFQIE10DigiCollection')),
83  InputTagFEDRaw = cms.InputTag("rawDataCollector"),
84  overrideDBweightsAndFilterHB = cms.bool(False),
85  overrideDBweightsAndFilterHE = cms.bool(False),
86  RunZS = cms.bool(False),
87  FrontEndFormatError = cms.bool(False), # Front End Format Error, for real data only
88  PeakFinderAlgorithm = cms.int32(2),
90  tpScales = tpScales,
91 )
93 run2_HE_2017.toModify(simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis, upgradeHE=cms.bool(True))
94 run2_HF_2017.toModify(simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis,
95  upgradeHF=cms.bool(True),
96  numberOfSamplesHF = cms.int32(2),
97  numberOfPresamplesHF = cms.int32(1)
98 )
99 run2_HF_2017.toModify(tpScales.HF, NCTShift=cms.int32(2))
100 run3_HB.toModify(simHcalTriggerPrimitiveDigis, upgradeHB=cms.bool(True))
101 run3_HB.toModify(tpScales.HBHE, LSBQIE11Overlap=cms.double(1/16.))