Package RecoMuon/L3MuonIsolationProducer
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


Package provides L3MuonIsolationProducer and analyzer (in /test) code. To be used in HLT for track-based isolation of L3 muons.

Public interface



  • L3MuonIsolationProducer Provide track-based isolation information for L3 muons. Uses TrackExtractor. Input: reco::TrackCollection of muons and reco::TrackCollection of "other" tracks (Ctf or PXLS). Output:
    1. IsoDepositMap [typedef ValueMap<IsoDeposit>] (optional) with track pt's
    2. edm::ValueMap<bool> [typedef ValueMap<bool> ] : "is isolated" flags associated to the input muons
    Thresholds for these flags are set in the cff/i via
    1. "SimpleCuts" Cuts : diff sumEtMin, coneSize for a given muon_eta range
    2. NominalEfficiencyConfigurator: based on effs derived from a nominal signal sample (read from a LUT previously written out by the L3MuonIsolationAnalyzer). Up-to date configuration is located in HLTrigger/Muon.

Unit tests and examples

  • L3MuonIsolationAnalyzer Makes muon isolation-related plots based on the output from L3MuonIsolationProducer: sumPt, eff vs. pt, coneSize.

Status and planned development

Nominal efficiency configuration will migrate to using dBase when available.

Last updated: @DATE@ Author: Slava Krutelyov.