CVS - Administrative privileges
This package provides a module to construct Tracks and TrackExtra from TrackCandidate.
- TrackProducer : Create the TrackProducer framework module The track producer module build Track and TrackExtra from TrackCandidate. The TrackCandidate can be generated both from Combinatorial Track Finder then from Road Search Track Finder. To propagate the track throught the detector during the fitting phase the TrackProducer can use two different propagator: the analytical propagator and the propagator with material. The following cfi configuration files allow to run the TrackProducer with the standard reconstruction chain using different options
Combinatorial track finder with analytical propagator
Combinatorial track finder with material propagator
Road search track finder with analytical propagator
Road search track finder with material propagator
Status and planned development
- TrackProducer is complete. Bug fixing and code optimization are in progress
Last updated: @DATE@ S. Magni