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This package converts the simulated pixel hits to pixel digis. The pixel digi information consists of the pixel row index, column index and the adc value of the charge collectd by this pixel.
SiPixelDigitizer The steering class. Gets the pixel simHits, loops over all pixel detector modules and stores the digis.
SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm The main algorithm to digitze simhits in one detector module.
PixelIndices A helper class which transforms pixel module/plaquet pixel indices to ROC and DCOL indices. Can be used outside the digitizer.
SiPixelDigitizer The following parameters are used by this module tracker parameters defined in the configuration file : double ElectronPerAdc=135.0 - calibration electrons/adc double NoiseInElectrons =500.0 - pixel noise in electrons double ThresholdInNoiseUnits = 5. - pixel threshold in noise
double TanLorentzAnglePerTesla =0.106 - Lorentz angle per unit B field int32 AddPixelInefficiency = 0 - pixel inefficiency -1 - none 0 - static loss only, v.low lumi 2 - low lumi 10 - high lumi
bool AddNoise = true - add noise to the pixel signal bool AddNoisyPixels = true - add pixels generated by noise bool MissCalibrate = false - misscalibration the pixel gain double GainSmearing = 0.0 - misscalibration spread in gain double OffsetSmearing = 0.0 - misscalibration spread in offset
untracked parameters with default values provided : int AdcFullScale = 255 - adc full scale (8 bits) double TofCut = 12.5 - time of flight cut in nanoseconds bool FluctuateCharge = true - fluctuate generated charge along the track double DeltaProductionCut = 0.030 - the delta production cut in MeV, (has to be equal to the value used in OSCAR)
The configuration file is in data/PixelDigi.cfi.
Stable. Correspods rougly to the functinality which was available in ORCA. Missing fatures: DB access for some of the parameters.
Last updated: @DATE@ Author: computer-generated.