Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 L1TkPhotons = cms.EDProducer("L1TkEmParticleProducer",
4  label = cms.string("EG"), # labels the collection of L1TkEmParticleProducer that is produced
5  # (not really needed actually)
6  L1EGammaInputTag = cms.InputTag("simCaloStage2Digis",""),
7  # When the standard sequences are used :
8  # - for the Run-1 algo, use ("l1extraParticles","NonIsolated")
9  # or ("l1extraParticles","Isolated")
10  # - for the "old stage-2" algo (2x2 clustering), use
11  # ("SLHCL1ExtraParticles","EGamma") or ("SLHCL1ExtraParticles","IsoEGamma")
12  # - for the new clustering algorithm of Jean-Baptiste et al,
13  # use ("SLHCL1ExtraParticlesNewClustering","IsoEGamma") or
14  # ("SLHCL1ExtraParticlesNewClustering","EGamma").
15  ETmin = cms.double( -1 ), # Only the L1EG objects that have ET > ETmin in GeV
16  # are considered. ETmin < 0 means that no cut is applied.
17  RelativeIsolation = cms.bool( True ), # default = True. The isolation variable is relative if True,
18  # else absolute.
19  IsoCut = cms.double( 0.23 ), # Cut on the (Trk-based) isolation: only the L1TkEmParticle for which
20  # the isolation is below RelIsoCut are written into
21  # the output collection. When RelIsoCut < 0, no cut is applied.
22  # When RelativeIsolation = False, IsoCut is in GeV.
23  # Determination of the isolation w.r.t. L1Tracks :
24  L1TrackInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
25  ZMAX = cms.double( 25. ), # in cm
26  CHI2MAX = cms.double( 100. ),
27  PTMINTRA = cms.double( 2. ), # in GeV
28  DRmin = cms.double( 0.07),
29  DRmax = cms.double( 0.30 ),
30  PrimaryVtxConstrain = cms.bool( False ), # default = False
31  # if set to True, the default isolation is the PV constrained one, where L1TkPrimaryVertex is used to constrain
32  # the tracks entering in the calculation of the isolation
33  # if set to False, the isolation is computed and stored, but not used
34  #DeltaZConstrain = cms.bool( False ), # default = False
35  # if set to True, constrain to the z of the leading
36  # track within DR < DRmax
37  DeltaZMax = cms.double( 0.6 ), # in cm. Used only to compute the isolation with PrimaryVtxConstrain
38  L1VertexInputTag = cms.InputTag("L1TkPrimaryVertex"), # in cm. Used to compute the isolation with PrimaryVtxConstrain
39 )
42 L1TkPhotonsTightIsol = L1TkPhotons.clone()
43 L1TkPhotonsTightIsol.IsoCut = cms.double( 0.10)
48 L1TkPhotonsCrystal=L1TkPhotons.clone()
49 L1TkPhotonsCrystal.L1EGammaInputTag = cms.InputTag("L1EGammaClusterEmuProducer", )
50 L1TkPhotonsCrystal.IsoCut = cms.double(-0.1)
53 L1TkPhotonsHGC=L1TkPhotons.clone()
54 L1TkPhotonsHGC.L1EGammaInputTag = cms.InputTag("l1EGammaEEProducer","L1EGammaCollectionBXVWithCuts")
55 L1TkPhotonsHGC.IsoCut = cms.double(-0.1)