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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 L1TkPrimaryVertex = cms.EDProducer('L1TkFastVertexProducer',
5 #
6 # Default parameters used for the plots for the TP
7 #
8  HepMCInputTag = cms.InputTag("generator"),
9  GenParticleInputTag = cms.InputTag("genParticles",""),
10  L1TrackInputTag = cms.InputTag("TTTracksFromTrackletEmulation", "Level1TTTracks"),
11  ZMAX = cms.double ( 25. ) , # in cm
12  CHI2MAX = cms.double( 100. ),
13  PTMINTRA = cms.double( 2.), # PTMIN of L1Tracks, in GeV
14  nVtx = cms.int32( 1 ), # number of vertices to return
15  nStubsmin = cms.int32( 4 ) , # minimum number of stubs
16  nStubsPSmin = cms.int32( 3 ), # minimum number of stubs in PS modules
17  nBinning = cms.int32( 601 ), # number of bins for the temp histo (from -30 cm to + 30 cm)
18  PTMAX = cms.double( 50. ), # in GeV. When PTMAX > 0, tracks with PT above PTMAX are considered as
19  # mismeasured and are treated according to HighPtTracks below.
20  # When PTMAX < 0, no special treatment is done for high PT tracks.
21  # If PTMAX < 0, no saturation or truncation is done.
22  HighPtTracks = cms.int32( 0 ), # when = 0 : truncation. Tracks with PT above PTMAX are ignored
23  # when = 1 : saturation. Tracks with PT above PTMAX are set to PT=PTMAX.
24  MonteCarloVertex = cms.bool( False ), # when True: dont run the vxt finding algo but pick up the MC generated vtx
25  doPtComp = cms.bool( True ), # track-stubs PT compatibility cut
26  doTightChi2 = cms.bool( False ), # chi2dof < 5 for tracks with PT > 10
27  WEIGHT = cms.int32(1) # WEIGHT can be set to 0, 1 or 2 for unweighted, pT weighted
28  # or pT2 weighted tracks respectively.
30 #
31 # Other working point which works better for H -> TauTau,
32 # cf talk by Moshan Ather, Dec 12, 2014:
34 # WEIGHT = cms.int32(2),
35 # PTMAX = cms.double( 25. ),
36 # nStubsmin = cms.int32( 5 ),
37 # HighPtTracks = cms.int32( 1),
38 # doPtComp = cms.bool( False ),
39 # CHI2MAX = cms.double( 20 )
40 #
42 )