Go to the source code of this file.
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.jetCorrectionLevel |
| specify jet correction level as, Uncorrected, L1Offset, L2Relative, L3Absolute, L4Emf, L5Hadron, L6UE, L7Parton, a flavor specification will be added automatically, when chosen
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.jets |
| jet input More...
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.leps |
| lepton input More...
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.match |
| matched jet combination More...
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.mets |
| met input More...
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.neutrinoSolutionType |
| different ways to calculate a neutrino pz: -1 : take MET as neutrino directly, i.e. More...
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.nJetsConsidered |
| number of considered jets More...
| TtSemiLepHypGenMatch_cfi.ttSemiLepHypGenMatch |