This is the complete list of members for HGCalHistoClusteringImpl, including all inherited members.
cluster_association_input_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
cluster_association_strategy_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
ClusterAssociationStrategy enum name | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
clusterizeHisto(const std::vector< edm::Ptr< l1t::HGCalCluster >> &clustersPtr, const std::vector< std::pair< GlobalPoint, double >> &seedPositionsEnergy, const HGCalTriggerGeometryBase &triggerGeometry, l1t::HGCalMulticlusterBxCollection &multiclusters, l1t::HGCalClusterBxCollection &rejected_clusters) const | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | |
clusterSeedMulticluster(const std::vector< edm::Ptr< l1t::HGCalCluster >> &clustersPtrs, const std::vector< std::pair< GlobalPoint, double >> &seeds, std::vector< l1t::HGCalCluster > &rejected_clusters) const | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
dR(const l1t::HGCalCluster &clu, const GlobalPoint &seed) const | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | |
dr_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
dr_byLayer_coefficientA_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
dr_byLayer_coefficientB_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
EnergySplit enum value | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
eventSetup(const edm::EventSetup &es) | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | inline |
finalizeClusters(std::vector< l1t::HGCalMulticluster > &, const std::vector< l1t::HGCalCluster > &, l1t::HGCalMulticlusterBxCollection &, l1t::HGCalClusterBxCollection &, const HGCalTriggerGeometryBase &) const | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
HGCalHistoClusteringImpl(const edm::ParameterSet &conf) | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | |
id_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
kMidRadius_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | privatestatic |
NearestNeighbour enum value | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
ptC3dThreshold_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
shape_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |
triggerTools_ | HGCalHistoClusteringImpl | private |