Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef RecoParticleFlow_Benchmark_PFMETBenchmark_h
2 #define RecoParticleFlow_Benchmark_PFMETBenchmark_h
55 const std::vector<reco::CaloJet>&,
56 const std::vector<reco::CaloJet>&);
179 #endif // RecoParticleFlow_Benchmark_PFMETBenchmark_h
TProfile * profileTCMETvsTCMETresp
std::vector< reco::PFMET > PFMETCollection
collection of PFMET objects
void calculateQuantities(const reco::PFMETCollection &, const reco::GenParticleCollection &, const reco::CaloMETCollection &, const reco::METCollection &)
std::vector< GenParticle > GenParticleCollection
collection of GenParticles
TH2F * hDeltaPFPhivstrueMET
TProfile * profileCaloSETvsCaloSETresp
TProfile * profileTCSETvsTCSETresp
TH2F * hDeltaCaloPhivstrueMET
std::vector< reco::MET > METCollection
collection of MET objects
TH2F * hDeltaPFMEXvstrueSET
TH2F * hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloSET
TH2F * hDeltaTCPhivstrueMET
TProfile * profileSETvsSETresp
void process(const reco::PFMETCollection &, const reco::GenParticleCollection &, const reco::CaloMETCollection &, const reco::METCollection &)
TH2F * hCaloSETvsDeltaCaloMET
TH2F * hDeltaCaloMEXvstrueSET
double mpi_pi(double angle)
void setup(std::string Filename, bool debug, bool plotAgainstReco=false, std::string benchmarkLabel_="ParticleFlow", DQMStore *dbe_store=nullptr)
dqm::legacy::DQMStore DQMStore
dqm::legacy::MonitorElement MonitorElement
virtual ~PFMETBenchmark()
TProfile * profileCaloMETvsCaloMETresp
TH2F * hDeltaTCMEXvstrueSET
T angle(T x1, T y1, T z1, T x2, T y2, T z2)
TH2F * hDeltaTCMETvstrueMET
TH2F * hDeltaCaloMETvstrueMET
TH2F * hDeltaPFMETvstrueMET
std::vector< reco::CaloMET > CaloMETCollection
collection of CaloMET objects
TProfile * profileMETvsMETresp