Package RecoLocalTracker/SiStripRecHitConverter
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


This package creates RecHits from Clusters in silicon strip detectors and matches RecHits in glued detectors.

Public interface


  • SiStripRecHitConverter Base EDProducer (configuration file: SiStripRecHitConverter.cfi). Hit position is calculated using a StripCPE. By default StripCPEfromTrackAngle is used and in the first iteration the track is assumed to be a straight line from the origin. The SiStripRecHitConverter produces three separate collection of hits on rphi, stereo and glued dets. Parameters: used ClusterProducer StripCPE and Matcher.
  • StripCPEESProducer Base cluster parameter estimator which calculates the local position and local error for the hit without track angle but including correction for the Lorentz shift (configuration file: StripCPE.cfi). Parameters: double TanLorentzAnglePerTesla (default= 0.032); bool UseMagneticField (default= true).
  • StripCPEfromTrackAngleESProducer Improved cluster parameter estimator from ORCA. (configuration file: StripCPEfromTrackAngle.cfi) Parameters: see StripCPEESProducer.
  • SiStripRecHitMatcherESProducer RecHit matcher (configuration file: SiStripRecHitMatcher.cfi). Hits on rphi and stereo dets are matched by projecting them on the glued det according to the track direction. In the first iteration the track is assumed to be a straight line from the origin. The error is calculated according to TN/95-170. Hits are matched if they are NSigmaInside*error far from detector bounds. Parameters: double NSigmaInside (default=3.).

Unit tests and examples

An example of configuration file is available in test/DigisToRecHit.cfg. An example for reading the strip RecHit collections is given in test/DigisToRecHitRead.cfg

Status and planned development

Stable. Missing feature: position estimator for large clusters and eta function correction.

Last updated: @DATE@ Author: computer-generated.