Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges
- RecoLocalMuon.cff : configuration fragment which defines the sequences
- RecoLocalMuon_EventContent.cff : configuration fragment which contains blocks definitions for FullEvent, RECO and AOD
Available Blocks
- dtlocalreco : sequence to perform DT local reconstruction. This sequence is used in the standard reconstruction chain. The reconstruction of the 2D segments are not required for the 4D segments reconstruction, they are used only for debuging purpose and for specific studies.
- dtlocalreco_with_2DSegments : sequence to perform DT local reconstruction and the 2D segments reconstruction.
- csclocalreco : sequence to perform CSC local reconstruction.
- muonlocalreco_with_2DSegments : sequence to perform DT, CSC and RPC local reconstruction (debuging purpose and specific studies).
- muonlocalreco : sequence to perform DT, CSC and RPC local reconstruction (sequence to be used for the standard reconstruction chain).
The RPC local reconstruction doesn't need a sequence. To perform only the RPC reconstruction just use rpcRecHits in the execution's path.
inputs are:
- DT Digis for the 1D rec hits producer (and indeed the starting input for the whole DT local reconstruction's chain):
- From simulated data: InputTag = muonDTDigis
- From real data: InputTag = dtunpacker
- CSC Digis for the 2D rec hits (starting input for the whole CSC local reconstruction's chain):
- Strip's digis: string CSCStripDigiProducer = "muonCSCDigis"
- Wire's digis: string CSCWireDigiProducer = "muonCSCDigis" Pay attention! Both of them are mandatory for the reconstruction.
- RPC Digis: InputTag = muonRPCDigis
Note. The following inputs are automatically taken into account inside the reconstruction's chain:
- For the 2D and 4D segments reconstruction:
- 2D segments producer needs InputTag = dt1DRecHits
- 4D segments producer needs InputTag = dt1DRecHits and InputTag = dt2DSegments The 2D segments are used for debugging and performance's studies. They are put in the whole chain by default, but to perform the whole muon reconstruction (i.e. up to the reco::Muon objects) they are not required.
- For the CSC's segments reconstruction:
- Segments producer needs InputTag = csc2DRecHits
products are:
- DT. InputTag: dt1DRecHits, dt2DSegments, dt4DSegments
- CSC. InputTag: csc2DRecHits, cscSegments
- RPC. InputTags: rpcRecHits
- the FEVT (Full Event), RECO and AOD Tier save the following products:
Last updated: @DATE@ Riccardo Bellan