Package Alignment/LaserAlignment
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


This package contains the reconstruction code for the Laser Alignment System in the Tracker.

Public interface

  • AlignmentAlgorithmBW: alignment algorithm developed by Bruno Wittmer. Used to calculate the alignment parameters using the data from the Laser Alignment System.
  • BeamProfileFitter: fit a gaussian to the laser beam profiles.
  • LaserAlignmentAlgorithmNegTEC: interface to the alignment algorithm for TEC-.
  • LaserAlignmentAlgorithmPosTEC: interface to the alignment algorithm for TEC+.
  • LaserAlignmentAlgorithmTEC2TEC: interface to the alignment algorithm to align TIB, TOB and both TEC's relative to each other.
  • LaserAlignmentNegTEC: pass the reconstructed beam positions to the alignment algorithm for TEC-.
  • LaserAlignmentPosTEC: pass the reconstructed beam positions to the alignment algorithm for TEC+.
  • LaserAlignmentTEC2TEC: pass the reconstructed beam positions to the alignment algorithm for TIB, TOB and TEC alignment.
  • LaserBeamClusterizer: clusterize the laser signals.
  • LaserClusterizerAlgorithm: algorithm to clusterize the laser signals (based on the result of the beam profile fit).
  • LaserHitPairGeneratorFromLayerPair: search for hit pairs on consecutive layers (used by the seed finder).
  • LaserHitPairGenerator: create hit pairs (used by the seed finder).
  • LaserLayerPairs: create pairs of layers (used by the seed finder).
  • LASvec: vector algebra needed by AlignmentAlgorithmBW.
  • LASvec2D: vector and matrix algebra needed by AlignmentAlgorithmBW.
  • LayerWithHits: look for layers with hits (used by the seed finder).
  • Millepede: algorithm used for alignment.
  • OrderedLaserHitPair: ordered pair of laser hits (used by the seed finder).
  • OrderedLaserHitPairs: collection of OrderedLaserHitPairs (used by the seed finder).
  • SeedGeneratorForLaserBeams: seed finder; seeds are used to create reconstructed tracks out of the laser beams in the endcaps.
  • SeedLayerPairs: base class for LaserLayerPairs (used by the seed finder).


  • LaserClusterizer: build clusters from the laser signals.

  • LaserSeedGenerator: create seeds for the track reconstruction of the laser beams.

Unit tests and examples

  • ExpectedCorrectionsCalculator: calculate the expected alignment corrections from the applied misalignment (you have to provide the applied misalignments in the configuration file!).
  • ReadLaserRecHit: analyzer for printing information about reconstructed hits from the laser beams.
  • RecoAnalyzer: small analyzer to fill some histograms with information about the reconstruction of the laser beams.

  • runP.cfg: run the reconstruction code of the Laser Alignment System, clusterize the beams, convert the clusters to RecHits, create seeds and do the track reconstruction of the laser beams.
  • iguana.cfg: configuration file to visualize lasertracks with IGUANA

Status and planned development

Almost completed; finish storage of alignment corrections in the DB, implement algorithm to automatically select the layer for which the intensity of the laser beam is currently optimized.

Last updated: @DATE@ Author: Maarten Thomas.