Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 from PhysicsTools.SelectorUtils.centralIDRegistry import central_id_registry
4 # Common functions and classes for ID definition are imported here:
5 from RecoEgamma.ElectronIdentification.Identification.heepElectronID_tools import HEEP_WorkingPoint_V1,configureHEEPElectronID_V70
7 #
8 # The HEEP ID cuts V6.0 below are optimized IDs for PHYS14 Scenario PU 20, bx 25ns
9 # The cut values are taken from the twiki:
10 #
11 # (where they may not stay, if a newer version of cuts becomes available for these
12 # conditions)
13 # See also the presentation explaining these working points (this will not change):
14 # [ ... none available for this particular version ... ]
17 # The cut values for the Barrel and Endcap
18 idName = "heepElectronID-HEEPV70"
19 WP_HEEP70_EB = HEEP_WorkingPoint_V1(
20  idName=idName,
21  dEtaInSeedCut=0.004,
22  dPhiInCut=0.06,
23  full5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaCut=9999,
24  # Two constants for the GsfEleFull5x5E2x5OverE5x5Cut
25  minE1x5OverE5x5Cut=0.83,
26  minE2x5OverE5x5Cut=0.94,
27  # Three constants for the GsfEleHadronicOverEMLinearCut
28  # cut = constTerm if value < slopeStart
29  # cut = slopeTerm * (value - slopeStart) + constTerm if value >= slopeStart
30  hOverESlopeTerm=0.05,
31  hOverESlopeStart=0.00,
32  hOverEConstTerm=1.00,
33  # Three constants for the GsfEleTrkPtIsoCut:
34  # cut = constTerm if value < slopeStart
35  # cut = slopeTerm * (value - slopeStart) + constTerm if value >= slopeStart
36  trkIsoSlopeTerm=0.00,
37  trkIsoSlopeStart=0.00,
38  trkIsoConstTerm=5.00,
39  # Three constants for the GsfEleEmHadD1IsoRhoCut:
40  # cut = constTerm if value < slopeStart
41  # cut = slopeTerm * (value - slopeStart) + constTerm if value >= slopeStart
42  # Also for the same cut, the effective area for the rho correction of the isolation
43  ehIsoSlopeTerm=0.03,
44  ehIsoSlopeStart=0.00,
45  ehIsoConstTerm=2.00,
46  effAreaForEHIso=0.28,
47  # other cuts
48  dxyCut=0.02,
49  maxMissingHitsCut=1,
50  ecalDrivenCut=1
51  )
53 WP_HEEP70_EE = HEEP_WorkingPoint_V1(
54  idName=idName,
55  dEtaInSeedCut=0.006,
56  dPhiInCut=0.06,
57  full5x5SigmaIEtaIEtaCut=0.03,
58  # Two constants for the GsfEleFull5x5E2x5OverE5x5Cut
59  minE1x5OverE5x5Cut=-1.0,
60  minE2x5OverE5x5Cut=-1.0,
61  # Three constants for the GsfEleHadronicOverEMLinearCut
62  # cut = constTerm if value < slopeStart
63  # cut = slopeTerm * (value - slopeStart) + constTerm if value >= slopeStart
64  hOverESlopeTerm=0.05,
65  hOverESlopeStart=0.00,
66  hOverEConstTerm=5,
67  # Three constants for the GsfEleTrkPtIsoCut:
68  # cut = constTerm if value < slopeStart
69  # cut = slopeTerm * (value - slopeStart) + constTerm if value >= slopeStart
70  trkIsoSlopeTerm=0.00,
71  trkIsoSlopeStart=0.00,
72  trkIsoConstTerm=5.00,
73  # Three constants for the GsfEleEmHadD1IsoRhoCut:
74  # cut = constTerm if value < slopeStart
75  # cut = slopeTerm * (value - slopeStart) + constTerm if value >= slopeStart
76  # Also for the same cut, the effective area for the rho correction of the isolation
77  ehIsoSlopeTerm=0.03,
78  ehIsoSlopeStart=50.0,
79  ehIsoConstTerm=2.50,
80  effAreaForEHIso=0.28,
81  # other cuts
82  dxyCut=0.05,
83  maxMissingHitsCut=1,
84  ecalDrivenCut=1
86  )
88 #
89 # Finally, set up VID configuration for all cuts
90 #
91 heepElectronID_HEEPV70 = configureHEEPElectronID_V70 (idName, WP_HEEP70_EB, WP_HEEP70_EE )
93 #
94 # The MD5 sum numbers below reflect the exact set of cut variables
95 # and values above. If anything changes, one has to
96 # 1) comment out the lines below about the registry,
97 # 2) run "calculateMD5 <this file name> <one of the VID config names just above>
98 # 3) update the MD5 sum strings below and uncomment the lines again.
99 #
101 central_id_registry.register(heepElectronID_HEEPV70.idName,"49b6b60e9f16727f241eb34b9d345a8f")
102 heepElectronID_HEEPV70.isPOGApproved = cms.untracked.bool(True)