Package Configuration/EventContent
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


Package which contains .cff files defining event content for the different data tiers as defined in the TDR.


  • EventContent.cff : fragment which defines the CMS Data Tiers. No product is explicitly added/dropped here, the information is gathered from the Software SubSystems:
    # Reconstruction part
    # Simulation part

Available Blocks

Different keep and drop options are grouped into blocks, which an be used directly in the PoolOutputModule:

   module FEVT = PoolOutputModule 
        using FEVTSIMEventContent
    untracked string fileName = "PhysVal-DiElectron-Ene10.root"

The available blocks are defined according to the Data Tier Hierarchy of the TDR, and are

  • FEVTEventContent: Full event as defined in the TDR; all reconstruction information are present (but simulation is stripped or, in case of real data, was never present). Some redundant data can be stripped out. RAW data is present, at least partially. No information is lost and reprocessing is possible from this level.
  • RECOEventContent: A subset of FEVT with much lower space occupancy. It contains enough information to allow selected studies (please see the TDR), which cover a large fraction of the expected use cases. Very low level data is generally missing, unless irrelevant size-wise.
  • AODEventContent : An even more stripped subset of FEVT, and a subystem of RECO. Allows selected analysis-like use patterns, but not complete re-reconstruction of the event.
  • FEVTSIMEventContent: All which is included in FEVT, plus selected Simulation information. This last is enough to rerun reconstruction and reassociate the products.
  • RECOSIMEventContent: All which is included in RECO, plus selected Simulation information. The subset is enough to correctly associate the reco products with MC truth.
  • AODSIMEventContent : All which is included in AOD, plus selected Simulation information. The subset is enough to correctly associate the reco products with MC truth.

Last updated: @DATE@ Tommaso Boccali