Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges
Persistent classes for particle flow clustering and particle flow.
Public interface
- reco::PFRecHit: RecHit, input to the particle flow clustering algorithm. PFRecHits are not persistent officially. However, they can be written to disk in order to be used as an input to display and clustering in the ROOT interface (please see PFRootEventManager).
- reco::PFCluster: Particle Flow Cluster. Contains a vector of PFRecHitFractions.
- reco::PFRecHitFraction: A fraction of a PFRecHit (rechits can be shared between several clusters)
- reco::PFLayer: Detector Layer: ECAL barrel, ECAL endcap, HCAL barrel...
- reco::PFRecTrack: Reconstructed Track (KF or GSF). Objects of this type are not meant to be officially persistent. As in the case of PFRecHits, they can be written to disk in order to be used as an input to display and clustering in the ROOT interface.
- reco::PFSimParticle: Simulated particle.
- reco::PFTrack: Base class for PFRecTrack and PFSimParticle
- reco::PFTrajectoryPoint: Position and momentum of a PFTrack on a given detector.
- reco::PFBlock: Block of interconnected PFBlockElements
- reco::PFBlockElement: Base abstract class for PFBlock elements
- reco::PFBlockElementCluster: element holding a reference to a PFCluster (from ECAL, HCAL, or PS).
- reco::PFBlockElementTrack: element holding a reference to a PFRecTrack.
Unit tests and examples
Status and planned development
Last updated: @DATE@ Author: Colin Bernet