Package FastSimulation/SimplifiedGeometryPropagator


The goal is to prepare fastsim for the upgrade of the pixel detector. A new, configurable interface for the geometry of the fastsim tracker was developed. To this end, it was necessary to also write a new algorithm for the propagation of the particles inside the tracker. The package is created inside it's own namespace so none of the standard fastsim code is affected. This allows for easy comparison/validation of the new geometry/particle propagation.

The geometry of the detector used to be hard-coded but can now be specified in a single python file (FastSimulation/Geometry/python/

Motivation for a new algorithm (particle propagation inside the tracker)

  • almost impossible to adjust the old algorithm to the new, configurable geometry (hard-coded links have to be omitted)
  • old algorithm is flawed
  • the new algorithm allows to put material and instruments on any plane perpendicular to z, or on any cylinder with the z-axis as axis
  • while the old algorithm, with the requirement of nested layers, forbids the introduction of long narrow cylinders, required for a decent simulation of material in front of HF

Public interface

  • BarrelSimplifiedGeometry
  • CMSDummyDeexcitation
  • Constants
  • Decayer
  • ForwardSimplifiedGeometry
  • Geometry
  • HelixTrajectory
  • InteractionModel
  • InteractionModelFactory
  • LayerNavigator
  • Particle
  • ParticleFilter
  • ParticleManager
  • SimplifiedGeometry
  • SimplifiedGeometryFactory
  • StraightTrajectory
  • Trajectory


  • Bremsstrahlung
  • DummyHitProducer
  • EnergyLoss
  • FastSimProducer
  • MultipleScattering
  • MuonBremsstrahlung
  • NuclearInteraction
  • NuclearInteractionFTF
  • PairProduction
  • TrackerSimHitProducer


Unit tests and examples


Status and planned development


Last updated: @DATE@ Author: Simon Kurz