Package RecoLocalMuon/DTRecHit
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


This package contains the EDProducer of 1D DTRecHits. The producer module access the various reconstruction algorithms through Seal Plugins Factories.

Public interface

Reconstruction Algorithms

  • DTRecHitAlgoFactory: Seal Plugin Factory for the access to reconstruction algorithms
  • DTRecHitBaseAlgo: base class of all reconstruction algorithms which defines their interface.

Synchronization Modules


The EDProducer of 1D DT RecHits is the module DTRecHitProducer.

The available plugins for reconstruction algorithms are:

The available plugins for synchronization are:

An example of configuration parameters for this module is:

 module  dt1DRecHits = DTRecHitProducer {
                untracked bool debug = false
                InputTag dtDigiLabel = muondtdigi      
                # The reconstruction algo and its parameter set
                string recAlgo = 'DTLinearDriftAlgo'
                PSet recAlgoConfig = {
                        # The module to be used for ttrig synchronization and its paraemter set
                        string tTrigMode = 'DTTTrigSyncTOFCorr'
                        PSet tTrigModeConfig = {
                                untracked bool debug = false
                                # The offset to be subtracted to digi times (ns)
                                double tTrig = 496
                                # The velocity of signal propagation along the wire (cm/ns)
                                double vPropWire = 24.4
                                # The correction type for TOF
                                int32 tofCorrType = 2
                        # Drift velocity (cm/ns)                
                        double driftVelocity = 0.00543
                        # Times outside this window (ns) are considered 
                        # as coming from previous BXs
                        double minTime = -3
                        double maxTime = 415
                        # Cell resolution (cm)
                        double hitResolution = 0.02
                        untracked bool debug = false

Some predefined configuration files for this module are available:

  • dt1DRecHits_LinearDrift.cfi: hit reconstruction using constant drift velocity over the entire cell
  • dt1DRecHits_ParamDrift.cfi: reconstruction with GARFIELD parametrization
  • dt1DRecHits_LinearDrift_CosmicData.cfi: reconstruction of real data from cosmic test The name of the module in these cfi files is dt1DRecHits

Unit tests and examples

Exaple of configuration files for the production of 1D DTRecHits are:

  • testDTRecHitProducer.cfg: for rechit building from simulated digis
  • testDTRecHitProducer_fromData.cfg:for rechit building from real data

An example EDAnalyzer is implemented in the DTRecHitReader class. This analyzer produces some basic histos comparing the rechits with the simhit information. Configuration files for this analyzer are:

  • DTRecHitReader_fromSimHit.cfg: start from simhits
  • DTRecHitReader_fromDigi.cfg: start from digis
  • DTRecHitReader_fromRecHit.cfg: start from rechits

Status and planned development

The package is under development! Stay tuned!

Last updated: @DATE@ Author: G. Cerminara