This is the complete list of members for DeepTauId, including all inherited members.
andPrediscriminants_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
basicDiscrdR03IndexMap_ | DeepTauId | private |
BasicDiscriminator enum name | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
basicDiscrIndexMap_ | DeepTauId | private |
basicTauDiscriminators_inputToken_ | DeepTauId | private |
basicTauDiscriminatorsdR03_inputToken_ | DeepTauId | private |
cache_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protected |
CacheTypes typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
calculateElectronClusterVars(const pat::Electron *ele, float &elecEe, float &elecEgamma) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
calculateElectronClusterVarsV2(const pat::Electron &ele, float &cc_ele_energy, float &cc_gamma_energy, int &cc_n_gamma) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
calculateGottfriedJacksonAngleDifference(const TauCastType &tau, const size_t tau_index, double &gj_diff, TauFunc tau_funcs) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
calculateGottfriedJacksonAngleDifference(const TauCastType &tau, const size_t tau_index, TauFunc tau_funcs) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
CandidateCollection typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
ChargedIsoPtSum enum value | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
checkInputs(const tensorflow::Tensor &inputs, const char *block_name, int n_inputs, int n_eta=1, int n_phi=1) const | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
convTensor_ | DeepTauId | private |
createConvFeatures(const TauCastType &tau, const size_t tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const reco::Vertex &pv, double rho, const std::vector< pat::Electron > *electrons, const std::vector< pat::Muon > *muons, const edm::View< reco::Candidate > &pfCands, const CellGrid &grid, TauFunc tau_funcs, bool is_inner) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
createEgammaBlockInputs(unsigned idx, const TauCastType &tau, const size_t tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const reco::Vertex &pv, double rho, const std::vector< pat::Electron > *electrons, const edm::View< reco::Candidate > &pfCands, const Cell &cell_map, TauFunc tau_funcs, bool is_inner) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
createHadronsBlockInputs(unsigned idx, const TauCastType &tau, const size_t tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const reco::Vertex &pv, double rho, const edm::View< reco::Candidate > &pfCands, const Cell &cell_map, TauFunc tau_funcs, bool is_inner) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
createInputsV1(const TauCastType &tau, const size_t tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const std::vector< pat::Electron > *electrons, const std::vector< pat::Muon > *muons, TauFunc tau_funcs) const | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
createMuonBlockInputs(unsigned idx, const TauCastType &tau, const size_t tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const reco::Vertex &pv, double rho, const std::vector< pat::Muon > *muons, const edm::View< reco::Candidate > &pfCands, const Cell &cell_map, TauFunc tau_funcs, bool is_inner) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
createOutputs(edm::Event &event, const tensorflow::Tensor &pred, edm::Handle< TauCollection > taus) | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | privatevirtual |
createTauBlockInputs(const TauCastType &tau, const size_t &tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const reco::Vertex &pv, double rho, TauFunc tau_funcs) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
Cutter typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
CutterPtr typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
debug_level | DeepTauId | private |
DeepTauBase(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg, const OutputCollection &outputs, const DeepTauCache *cache) | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
DeepTauId(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg, const deep_tau::DeepTauCache *cache) | DeepTauId | inlineexplicit |
default_value | DeepTauId | static |
disable_dxy_pca_ | DeepTauId | private |
discrIndicesMapped_ | DeepTauId | private |
doAcquire_(Event const &ev, EventSetup const &es, WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder &holder) final | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | inlineprivate |
EDProducer()=default | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
EDProducer(const EDProducer &)=delete | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | private |
eGammaTensor_ | DeepTauId | private |
ElectronCollection typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
electrons_token_ | DeepTauId | private |
fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) | DeepTauId | inlinestatic |
fillGrids(const TauCastType &tau, const Collection &objects, CellGrid &inner_grid, CellGrid &outer_grid) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
findMatchedElectron(const TauCastType &tau, const std::vector< pat::Electron > *electrons, double deltaR) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
FootprintCorrection enum value | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
getInnerSignalConeRadius(double pt) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
GetOutputs() | DeepTauId | inlinestatic |
getPartialPredictions(bool is_inner) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
getPredictions(edm::Event &event, edm::Handle< TauCollection > taus) override | DeepTauId | inlineprivatevirtual |
getPredictionsV1(TauCollection::const_reference &tau, const size_t tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const std::vector< pat::Electron > *electrons, const std::vector< pat::Muon > *muons, std::vector< tensorflow::Tensor > &pred_vector, TauFunc tau_funcs) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
getPredictionsV2(TauCollection::const_reference &tau, const size_t tau_index, const edm::RefToBase< reco::BaseTau > tau_ref, const std::vector< pat::Electron > *electrons, const std::vector< pat::Muon > *muons, const edm::View< reco::Candidate > &pfCands, const reco::Vertex &pv, double rho, std::vector< tensorflow::Tensor > &pred_vector, TauFunc tau_funcs) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
getValue(T value) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
getValueLinear(T value, float min_value, float max_value, bool positive) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
getValueNorm(T value, float mean, float sigma, float n_sigmas_max=5) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
GlobalCache typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
globalEndJob(const deep_tau::DeepTauCache *cache_) | DeepTauId | inlinestatic |
hadronsTensor_ | DeepTauId | private |
HasAbility typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
hasAbilityToProduceInBeginLumis() const final | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | inline |
hasAbilityToProduceInBeginProcessBlocks() const final | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | inline |
hasAbilityToProduceInBeginRuns() const final | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | inline |
hasAbilityToProduceInEndLumis() const final | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | inline |
hasAbilityToProduceInEndProcessBlocks() const final | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | inline |
hasAbilityToProduceInEndRuns() const final | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | inline |
initializeGlobalCache(const edm::ParameterSet &cfg) | DeepTauId | inlinestatic |
input_layer_ | DeepTauId | private |
is_online_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protected |
isAbove(double value, double min) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
isInEcalCrack(double eta) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
LorentzVectorXYZ typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
LuminosityBlockCache typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
LuminosityBlockContext typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
LuminosityBlockSummaryCache typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
matchDiscriminatorIndices(edm::Event &event, edm::EDGetTokenT< reco::TauDiscriminatorContainer > discriminatorContainerToken, std::vector< BasicDiscriminator > requiredDiscr) | DeepTauId | inline |
MuonCollection typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
muons_token_ | DeepTauId | private |
muonTensor_ | DeepTauId | private |
NeutralIsoPtSum enum value | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
NeutralIsoPtSumWeight enum value | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
operator=(const EDProducer &)=delete | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | private |
output_layer_ | DeepTauId | private |
OutputCollection typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
outputs_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protected |
patPrediscriminants_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
pfcandToken_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protected |
pfTauTransverseImpactParameters_token_ | DeepTauId | private |
PhotonPtSumOutsideSignalCone enum value | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
pi | DeepTauId | privatestatic |
processIsolationPFComponents(const TauCastType &tau, const CandidateCollection &candidates, LorentzVectorXYZ &p4, float &pt, float &d_eta, float &d_phi, float &m, float &n) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
processSignalPFComponents(const TauCastType &tau, const CandidateCollection &candidates, LorentzVectorXYZ &p4_inner, LorentzVectorXYZ &p4_outer, float &pt_inner, float &dEta_inner, float &dPhi_inner, float &m_inner, float &pt_outer, float &dEta_outer, float &dPhi_outer, float &m_outer, float &n_inner, float &n_outer) | DeepTauId | inlineprivatestatic |
produce(edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &es) override | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
PUcorrPtSum enum value | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
recoPrediscriminants_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
requiredBasicDiscriminators_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protectedstatic |
requiredBasicDiscriminatorsdR03_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protectedstatic |
rho_token_ | DeepTauId | private |
RunCache typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
RunContext typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
RunSummaryCache typedef | edm::stream::EDProducer< edm::GlobalCache< DeepTauCache > > | |
setCellConvFeatures(tensorflow::Tensor &convTensor, const tensorflow::Tensor &features, unsigned batch_idx, int eta_index, int phi_index) | DeepTauId | inlineprivate |
stringFromDiscriminator_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protectedstatic |
tauBlockTensor_ | DeepTauId | private |
TauCollection typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
TauDiscriminator typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
TauRef typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
TauRefProd typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
tausToken_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protected |
version_ | DeepTauId | private |
vtxToken_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protected |
workingPoints_ | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | protected |
WPList typedef | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | |
zeroOutputTensor_ | DeepTauId | private |
~DeepTauBase() override | deep_tau::DeepTauBase | inline |