Package DQMOffline/RecoB
Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges


offline DQM package for b-tagging : allowed to produce histograms for the different taggers (discriminant, jet Pt, efficiency cut, performance plots for MC ...) and histograms for important variables related to the track properties and secondary vertices properties (number of hits, normalized chi2, SV multplicity ...).

Public interface



Modules for prebTagSequence in :

  • goodOfflinePrimaryVertices : create a collection of good primary vertices from "offlinePrimaryVertices"
  • ak5PFJetsJEC : create a collection of jets with JEC from "ak5PFJets"
  • PFJetsFilter : create a collection of jets with extra cuts from "ak5PFJetsJEC"
  • pfAk5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex : do the JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex for the "PFJetsFilter" jets
  • pfbtagging (and corresponding modules) : compute all tag infos and discriminant value for the "PFJetsFilter" jets

Modules used the validation conig file (see Validation/RecoB/test/ :

  • myak5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex : like pfAk5JetTracksAssociatorAtVertex
  • flavourSeq (sequence) : to run the matching with the proper modules and correct input tag
  • btagSequence (sequence): to run the btagging sequence modified to run with the correct input tags
  • goodOfflinePrimaryVertices : same as goodOfflinePrimaryVertices in
  • bTagHLT : trigger filter
  • ak5PFJetsJEC and PFJetsFilter : see the same modules in

Unit tests and examples

See Validation/RecoB/test/ for an example and see Validation/RecoB/test/GridValidation directory for an example on how to run on the Grid

Status and planned development

Modifications in the MAIN have to be released

Last updated: July 8 2012 @DATE@ Author: Adrien Caudron.