PhotonFix Member List

This is the complete list of members for PhotonFix, including all inherited members.

aPhi(double f0, double f1)PhotonFixprivatestatic
asinh(double s)PhotonFixstatic
barrelCGap(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k, double c)PhotonFixstatic
barrelMGap(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k, double c)PhotonFixstatic
barrelSGap(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k, double c)PhotonFixstatic
dPhi(double f0, double f1)PhotonFixprivatestatic
dumpGaps(std::ostream &o)PhotonFixstatic
dumpParameters(std::ostream &o)PhotonFixstatic
endcapCGap(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k, double c)PhotonFixstatic
endcapCrystal(unsigned i, unsigned j, bool c)PhotonFixstatic
endcapMGap(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k, double c)PhotonFixstatic
endcapSGap(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k, double c)PhotonFixstatic
eta() constPhotonFix
etaC() constPhotonFix
etaM() constPhotonFix
etaS() constPhotonFix
expCorrection(double a, const double *p)PhotonFixprivatestatic
fixedEnergy() constPhotonFix
gausCorrection(double a, const double *p)PhotonFixprivatestatic
GetaPhi(double f0, double f1)PhotonFixstatic
getParameters(unsigned be, unsigned hl, double *p)PhotonFixstatic
initialise(const std::string &s="Nominal")PhotonFixstatic
initialiseGeometry(const std::string &s)PhotonFixstatic
initialiseParameters(const std::string &s)PhotonFixstatic
phi() constPhotonFix
phiC() constPhotonFix
phiM() constPhotonFix
phiS() constPhotonFix
PhotonFix(double e, double eta, double phi, double r9)PhotonFix
print() constPhotonFix
printParameters(std::ostream &o)PhotonFixstatic
r9() constPhotonFix
rawEnergy() constPhotonFix
setParameters(unsigned be, unsigned hl, const double *p)PhotonFixstatic
sigmaEnergy() constPhotonFix
xC() constPhotonFix
xM() constPhotonFix
xS() constPhotonFix
xZ() constPhotonFix
yC() constPhotonFix
yM() constPhotonFix
yS() constPhotonFix
yZ() constPhotonFix