Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@) - Administrative privileges
Validation package for b-tagging : contain useful scripts for validation purpose. Use the DQMOffline/RecoB package.
Public interface
- BTagPerformanceAnalyzerMC : analyzer optimized to run on MC and produce all intersting variables to check the reliability of the b-tagging algorithms. Produce also performance plots.
Unit tests and examples
- file : to be run as ' cmsRun jets="ak5PF" '. Other jets label possible : "ak5PFJEC", "ak5PFnoPU". Other options which could be changed : runOnMC(True for MC ; False for DATA) ; useTrigger(False:no trigger filter used ; True:trigger filter used, path could be modified in the cfg, default:HLT_PFJet40) ; tag(put here your global tag).
- directory GridValidation/ : tools to run on Grid, cfg based on In README, the step to run on the Grid are listed.
Status and planned development
Scripts for validation automation perhaps to be updated if the modifications in the Validation/RecoB and DQMOffline/RecoB are released
Last updated: July 8 2012 @DATE@ Author: Adrien Caudron.