Package Configuration/StandardSequences - more details

Local reconstruction sequences

Global reconstruction sequences

  • globalreco = cms.Sequence(offlineBeamSpot+recopixelvertexing*ckftracks+ecalClusters+caloTowersRec*recoJets+metreco+muonreco_plus_isolation)
    • Global reconstruction is the reconstruction within only one subdetector. The standard sequence include only CKF Global Tracking, Muon Reconstruction (STA Muons and Mu+Tk Muons), ECAL Clusterization (Island+Hybrid), Calorimetric Towers, Reconstructed Jets (MidPoint+KT) and Missing ET.

High level reconstruction sequences

highlevelreco = cms.Sequence(vertexreco*recoJetAssociations*btagging*tautagging*egammarecoFull*particleFlowReco*recoPFJets*PFTau)

  • High Level reconstruction. With the caveat as in the previous paragraph, this sequence considers modules which need information from more than a subdetector. The current sequence includes tracking and vertexing with only pixels, vertexing with full tracking, b tagging with track counting, and tau tagging with cone isolation.