12 "jet transverse momentum",
13 "track-based jet transverse momentum",
15 "jet absolute pseudorapidity",
17 "tracks associated to jet",
18 "selected tracks in the jet",
19 "number of tracks for which etaRel is computed",
22 "track pseudorapidity",
27 "track transverse momentum, relative to the jet axis",
28 "track parallel momentum, along the jet axis",
29 "track pseudorapidity, relative to the jet axis",
30 "track pseudoangular distance from the jet axis",
31 "track transverse momentum, relative to the jet axis, normalized to its energy",
32 "track parallel momentum, along the jet axis, normalized to its energy",
34 "track 2D signed impact parameter",
35 "track 2D signed impact parameter significance",
36 "track 3D signed impact parameter",
37 "track 3D signed impact parameter significance",
39 "track decay length significance",
40 "minimum track approach distance to jet axis",
41 "minimum track approach distance to jet axis signifiance",
42 "minimum approach distance to ghost track",
43 "minimum approach distance to ghost track significance",
44 "weight of track participation in ghost track fit",
46 "ratio of track sum transverse energy over jet energy",
47 "pseudoangular distance between jet axis and track fourvector sum",
49 "category of secondary vertex (Reco, Pseudo, No)",
50 "category of secondary vertex & soft lepton (RecoNo, PseudoNo, NoNo, RecoMu, PseudoMu, NoMu, RecoEl, PseudoEl, NoEl)",
52 "number of reconstructed possible secondary vertices in jet",
53 "number of single-track ghost-track vertices",
55 "mass of track sum at secondary vertex",
56 "number of tracks at secondary vertex",
57 "vertex fit probability",
59 "ratio of energy at secondary vertex over total energy",
60 "pseudoangular distance between jet axis and secondary vertex direction",
62 "Longitudinal distance along the z-axis between primary and secondary vertex",
63 "Longitudinal distance significance along the z-axis between primary and secondary vertex",
64 "transverse distance between primary and secondary vertex",
65 "transverse distance significance between primary and secondary vertex",
66 "distance between primary and secondary vertex",
67 "distance significance between primary and secondary vertex",
69 "track 2D signed impact parameter of first track lifting mass above charm",
70 "track 2D signed impact parameter significance of first track lifting mass above charm",
71 "track 3D signed impact parameter of first track lifting mass above charm",
72 "track 3D signed impact parameter significance of first track lifting mass above charm",
74 "track momentum along the jet axis, in the jet rest frame",
75 "track momentum along the jet axis, in the jet rest frame, normalized to its energy" 76 "chi2 of the track fit",
77 "number of valid total hits",
78 "number of valid pixel hits",
80 "lepton identification quality",
81 "lepton identification quality 2",
83 "fraction of the jet energy coming from charged hadrons",
84 "fraction of the jet energy coming from neutral hadrons",
85 "fraction of the jet energy coming from photons",
86 "fraction of the jet energy coming from electrons",
87 "fraction of the jet energy coming from muons",
88 "number of charged hadrons in the jet",
89 "number of neutral hadrons in the jet",
90 "number of photons in the jet",
91 "number of electrons in the jet",
92 "number of muons in the jet",
93 "total number of charged and neutral hadrons in the jet",
94 "total number of photons, charged and neutral hadrons in the jet",
95 "total number of photons, electrons, muons, charged and neutral hadrons in the jet",
97 "vertexmass times fraction of the vertex energy w.r.t. the jet energy",
98 "variable related to the boost of the vertex system in flight direction",
100 "2D signed impact parameter of the soft lepton",
101 "3D signed impact parameter of the soft lepton",
102 "transverse momentum of the soft lepton wrt. the jet axis",
103 "momentum of the soft lepton along the jet direction, in the jet rest frame",
104 "pseudo)rapidity of the soft lepton along jet axis",
105 "pseudo)angular distance of the soft lepton to jet axis",
106 "momentum of the soft lepton over jet energy",
107 "momentum of the soft lepton parallel to jet axis over jet energy",
108 "mva output of the electron ID",
110 "1st largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance",
111 "2nd largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance",
112 "3rd largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance",
113 "4th largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance",
114 "1st largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
115 "2nd largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
116 "1st largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
117 "2nd largest track 3D signed impact parameter significance associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
118 "track 2D signed impact parameter significance of 1st track lifting mass above bottom",
119 "track 2D signed impact parameter significance of 2nd track lifting mass above bottom",
120 "1st smallest track pseudorapidity, relative to the jet axis, associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
121 "2nd smallest track pseudorapidity, relative to the jet axis, associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
122 "3rd smallest track pseudorapidity, relative to the jet axis, associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
123 "1st smallest track pseudorapidity, relative to the jet axis, associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
124 "2nd smallest track pseudorapidity, relative to the jet axis, associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
125 "3rd smallest track pseudorapidity, relative to the jet axis, associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
126 "mass of track sum at secondary vertex associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
127 "ratio of energy at secondary vertex over total energy associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
128 "transverse distance significance between primary and secondary vertex associated to the 1st N-subjettiness axis",
129 "pseudoangular distance between the 1st N-subjettiness axis and secondary vertex direction",
130 "mass of track sum at secondary vertex associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
131 "ratio of energy at secondary vertex over total energy associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
132 "transverse distance significance between primary and secondary vertex associated to the 2nd N-subjettiness axis",
133 "pseudoangular distance between the 2nd N-subjettiness axis and secondary vertex direction",
135 "SoftMu Tagger discriminator",
136 "SoftEl Tagger discriminator",
137 "JBP Tagger discriminator",
138 "JP Tagger discriminator",
140 "discriminator output of an algorithm",
153 "jetNSelectedTracks",
177 "trackGhostTrackDistVal",
178 "trackGhostTrackDistSig",
179 "trackGhostTrackWeight",
181 "trackSumJetEtRatio",
185 "vertexLeptonCategory",
187 "jetNSecondaryVertices",
188 "jetNSingleTrackVertices",
197 "flightDistance1dVal",
198 "flightDistance1dSig",
199 "flightDistance2dVal",
200 "flightDistance2dSig",
201 "flightDistance3dVal",
202 "flightDistance3dSig",
204 "trackSip2dValAboveCharm",
205 "trackSip2dSigAboveCharm",
206 "trackSip3dValAboveCharm",
207 "trackSip3dSigAboveCharm",
219 "chargedHadronEnergyFraction",
220 "neutralHadronEnergyFraction",
221 "photonEnergyFraction",
222 "electronEnergyFraction",
223 "muonEnergyFraction",
224 "chargedHadronMultiplicity",
225 "neutralHadronMultiplicity",
226 "photonMultiplicity",
227 "electronMultiplicity",
229 "hadronMultiplicity",
230 "hadronPhotonMultiplicity",
233 "massVertexEnergyFraction",
234 "vertexBoostOverSqrtJetPt",
250 "tau1_trackSip3dSig_0",
251 "tau1_trackSip3dSig_1",
252 "tau2_trackSip3dSig_0",
253 "tau2_trackSip3dSig_1",
254 "trackSip2dSigAboveBottom_0",
255 "trackSip2dSigAboveBottom_1",
256 "tau1_trackEtaRel_0",
257 "tau1_trackEtaRel_1",
258 "tau1_trackEtaRel_2",
259 "tau2_trackEtaRel_0",
260 "tau2_trackEtaRel_1",
261 "tau2_trackEtaRel_2",
263 "tau1_vertexEnergyRatio",
264 "tau1_flightDistance2dSig",
267 "tau2_vertexEnergyRatio",
268 "tau2_flightDistance2dSig",
278 "lastTaggingVariable" 284 if (name == TaggingVariableTokens[
295 m_list.push_back( variable );
296 if (not delayed) finalize();
301 if (not delayed) finalize();
305 for (std::vector<TaggingValue>::const_iterator
i = values.begin();
i != values.end();
i++) {
308 if (not delayed) finalize();
313 m_list.insert( m_list.end(), list.
m_list.begin(), list.
m_list.end() );
317 void TaggingVariableList::finalize(
void ) {
323 if (r.first == r.second)
325 <<
"TaggingVariable " << tag <<
" is not present in the collection";
326 return r.first->second;
331 if ( r.first == r.second )
333 return r.first->second;
337 range r = getRange( tag );
338 if ( throwOnEmptyList && r.first == r.second )
340 <<
"TaggingVariable " << tag <<
" is not present in the collection";
341 std::vector<TaggingValue>
list( r.second - r.first );
const char *const TaggingVariableTokens[]
bool insert(Storage &iStorage, ItemType *iItem, const IdTag &iIdTag)
std::pair< TaggingVariableName, TaggingValue > TaggingVariable
std::pair< const_iterator, const_iterator > range
TaggingVariableName getTaggingVariableName(const std::string &name)
const char *const TaggingVariableDescription[]
T get(const Candidate &c)
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger list("!*","!HLTx*"if it matches 2 triggers or more) will accept the event if all the matching triggers are FAIL.It will reject the event if any of the triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION(this matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).Triggers which are in the READY state are completely ignored.(READY should never be returned since the trigger paths have been run
std::vector< TaggingVariable > m_list