Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // This is the file "".
2 // This is the implementation of the class FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator.
3 // Author: Konstantinos Kousouris, Philipp Schieferdecker
4 // Email:,
10 #include "Math/PtEtaPhiE4D.h"
11 #include "Math/Vector3D.h"
12 #include "Math/LorentzVector.h"
13 #include <vector>
14 #include <string>
15 #include <sstream>
17 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 //--- Default FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator constructor -------------------------
19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 {
22 }
23 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 //--- FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator constructor ---------------------------------
25 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 {
28  initCorrectors(fLevels, fFiles, fOptions);
29 }
30 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 //--- FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator constructor ---------------------------------
32 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator(const std::vector<JetCorrectorParameters>& fParameters)
34 {
35  for(unsigned i=0;i<fParameters.size();i++) {
36  std::string ss = fParameters[i].definitions().level();
37  if (ss == "L1Offset")
38  mLevels.push_back(kL1);
39  else if (ss == "L1JPTOffset")
40  mLevels.push_back(kL1JPT);
41  else if (ss == "L2Relative")
42  mLevels.push_back(kL2);
43  else if (ss == "L3Absolute")
44  mLevels.push_back(kL3);
45  else if (ss == "L2L3Residual")
46  mLevels.push_back(kL2L3Res);
47  else if (ss == "L4EMF")
48  mLevels.push_back(kL4);
49  else if (ss == "L5Flavor")
50  mLevels.push_back(kL5);
51  else if (ss == "L6SLB")
52  mLevels.push_back(kL6);
53  else if (ss == "L7Parton")
54  mLevels.push_back(kL7);
55  else if (ss == "L1FastJet")
56  mLevels.push_back(kL1fj);
57  else {
58  std::stringstream sserr;
59  sserr<<"unknown correction level "<<ss;
60  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
61  }
62  mCorrectors.push_back(new SimpleJetCorrector(fParameters[i]));
63  mBinTypes.push_back(mapping(mCorrectors[i]->parameters().definitions().binVar()));
64  mParTypes.push_back(mapping(mCorrectors[i]->parameters().definitions().parVar()));
65  }
66 }
68 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 //--- FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator destructor ----------------------------------
70 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 {
73  for(unsigned i=0;i<mCorrectors.size();i++)
74  delete mCorrectors[i];
75 }
76 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 //--- initialises the correctors -----------------------------------------
78 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 void FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::initCorrectors(const std::string& fLevels, const std::string& fFiles, const std::string& fOptions)
80 {
81  //---- Read the CorrectionLevels string and parse the requested sub-correction levels.
82  std::vector<std::string> tmp = parseLevels(removeSpaces(fLevels));
83  for(unsigned i=0;i<tmp.size();i++) {
84  if (tmp[i] == "L1Offset")
85  mLevels.push_back(kL1);
86  else if (tmp[i] == "L1JPTOffset")
87  mLevels.push_back(kL1JPT);
88  else if (tmp[i] == "L2Relative")
89  mLevels.push_back(kL2);
90  else if (tmp[i] == "L3Absolute")
91  mLevels.push_back(kL3);
92  else if (tmp[i] == "L2L3Residual")
93  mLevels.push_back(kL2L3Res);
94  else if (tmp[i] == "L4EMF")
95  mLevels.push_back(kL4);
96  else if (tmp[i] == "L5Flavor")
97  mLevels.push_back(kL5);
98  else if (tmp[i] == "L6SLB")
99  mLevels.push_back(kL6);
100  else if (tmp[i] == "L7Parton")
101  mLevels.push_back(kL7);
102  else if (tmp[i] == "L1FastJet")
103  mLevels.push_back(kL1fj);
104  else {
105  std::stringstream sserr;
106  sserr<<"unknown correction level "<<tmp[i];
107  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
108  }
109  }
110  //---- Read the parameter filenames string and parse the requested sub-correction tags.
111  std::vector<std::string> Files = parseLevels(removeSpaces(fFiles));
112  //---- Read the Options string and define the FlavorOption and PartonOption.
113  std::string FlavorOption = parseOption(removeSpaces(fOptions),"L5Flavor");
114  std::string PartonOption = parseOption(removeSpaces(fOptions),"L7Parton");
115  //---- Check the consistency between tags and requested sub-corrections.
116  checkConsistency(tmp,Files);
117  //---- Create instances of the requested sub-correctors.
118  for(unsigned i=0;i<mLevels.size();i++) {
120  mCorrectors.push_back(new SimpleJetCorrector(Files[i]));
121  else if (mLevels[i]==kL5 && FlavorOption.length()==0)
122  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","must specify flavor option when requesting L5Flavor correction!");
123  else if (mLevels[i]==kL5 && FlavorOption.length()>0)
124  mCorrectors.push_back(new SimpleJetCorrector(Files[i],FlavorOption));
125  else if (mLevels[i]==kL7 && PartonOption.length()==0)
126  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","must specify parton option when requesting L7Parton correction!");
127  else if (mLevels[i]==kL7 && PartonOption.length()>0)
128  mCorrectors.push_back(new SimpleJetCorrector(Files[i],PartonOption));
129  else {
130  std::stringstream sserr;
131  sserr<<"unknown correction level "<<tmp[i];
132  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
133  }
134  mBinTypes.push_back(mapping(mCorrectors[i]->parameters().definitions().binVar()));
135  mParTypes.push_back(mapping(mCorrectors[i]->parameters().definitions().parVar()));
136  }
137 }
138 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 //--- Mapping between variable names and variable types ------------------
140 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 std::vector<FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::VarTypes> FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::mapping(const std::vector<std::string>& fNames) const
142 {
143  std::vector<VarTypes> result;
144  for(unsigned i=0;i<fNames.size();i++) {
145  std::string ss = fNames[i];
146  if (ss=="JetPt")
147  result.push_back(kJetPt);
148  else if (ss=="JetEta")
149  result.push_back(kJetEta);
150  else if (ss=="JetPhi")
151  result.push_back(kJetPhi);
152  else if (ss=="JetE")
153  result.push_back(kJetE);
154  else if (ss=="JetEMF")
155  result.push_back(kJetEMF);
156  else if (ss=="RelLepPt")
157  result.push_back(kRelLepPt);
158  else if (ss=="PtRel")
159  result.push_back(kPtRel);
160  else if (ss=="NPV")
161  result.push_back(kNPV);
162  else if (ss=="JetA")
163  result.push_back(kJetA);
164  else if (ss=="Rho")
165  result.push_back(kRho);
166  else if (ss=="JPTrawE")
167  result.push_back(kJPTrawE);
168  else if (ss=="JPTrawEt")
169  result.push_back(kJPTrawEt);
170  else if (ss=="JPTrawPt")
171  result.push_back(kJPTrawPt);
172  else if (ss=="JPTrawEta")
173  result.push_back(kJPTrawEta);
174  else if (ss=="JPTrawOff")
175  result.push_back(kJPTrawOff);
176  else {
177  std::stringstream sserr;
178  sserr<<"unknown parameter name: "<<ss;
179  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
180  }
181  }
182  return result;
183 }
184 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 //--- Consistency checker ------------------------------------------------
186 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 void FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::checkConsistency(const std::vector<std::string>& fLevels, const std::vector<std::string>& fTags)
188 {
189  //---- First check: the number of tags must be equal to the number of sub-corrections.
190  if (fLevels.size() != fTags.size()) {
191  std::stringstream sserr;
192  sserr<<"number of correction levels: "<<fLevels.size()<<" doesn't match # of tags: "<<fTags.size();
193  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
194  }
195  //---- Second check: each tag must contain the corresponding sub-correction level.
196  for(unsigned int i=0;i<fTags.size();i++) {
197  if ((int)fTags[i].find(fLevels[i])<0) {
198  std::stringstream sserr;
199  sserr<<"inconsistent tag: "<<fTags[i]<<" for "<<"the requested correction: "<<fLevels[i];
200  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
201  }
202  }
203 }
204 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 //--- String parser ------------------------------------------------------
206 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 std::vector<std::string> FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::parseLevels(const std::string& ss) const
208 {
209  std::vector<std::string> result;
210  unsigned int pos(0),j,newPos;
211  int i;
213  //---- The ss string must be of the form: "LX:LY:...:LZ"
214  while (pos<ss.length()) {
215  tmp = "";
216  i = ss.find(":" , pos);
217  if (i<0 && pos==0) {
218  result.push_back(ss);
219  pos = ss.length();
220  }
221  else if (i<0 && pos>0) {
222  for(j=pos;j<ss.length();j++)
223  tmp+=ss[j];
224  result.push_back(tmp);
225  pos = ss.length();
226  }
227  else {
228  newPos = i;
229  for(j=pos;j<newPos;j++)
230  tmp+=ss[j];
231  result.push_back(tmp);
232  pos = newPos+1;
233  }
234  }
235  return result;
236 }
237 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 //--- String parser ------------------------------------------------------
239 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
241 {
243  int pos1(-1),pos2(-1);
244  //---- The ss string must be of the form: "type1:option1&type2:option2&..."
245  pos1 = ss.find(type+":");
246  if (pos1<0)
247  result = "";
248  else {
249  pos2 = ss.find("&",pos1+type.length()+1);
250  if (pos2<0)
251  result = ss.substr(pos1+type.length()+1,ss.length()-pos1-type.length()-1);
252  else
253  result = ss.substr(pos1+type.length()+1,pos2-pos1-type.length()-1);
254  }
255  return result;
256 }
257 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 //--- String manipulator -------------------------------------------------
259 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
261 {
262  std::string result("");
263  std::string aChar;
264  for(unsigned int i=0;i<ss.length();i++) {
265  aChar = ss.substr(i,1);
266  if (aChar != " ")
267  result+=aChar;
268  }
269  return result;
270 }
271 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
272 //--- Returns the correction ---------------------------------------------
273 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
275 {
276  std::vector<float> && vv = getSubCorrections(iValues);
277  return vv.back();
278 }
279 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 //--- Returns the vector of subcorrections, up to a given level ----------
281 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
283 {
284  float scale,factor;
285  std::vector<float> factors;
286  std::vector<float> vx,vy;
287  factor = 1;
288  for(unsigned int i=0;i<mLevels.size();i++) {
289  vx = fillVector(mBinTypes[i],iValues);
290  vy = fillVector(mParTypes[i],iValues);
291  //if (mLevels[i]==kL2 || mLevels[i]==kL6)
292  //mCorrectors[i]->setInterpolation(true);
293  scale = mCorrectors[i]->correction(vx,vy);
294  //----- For JPT jets, the offset is stored in order to be used later by the the L1JPTOffset
295  if ((mLevels[i]==kL1 || mLevels[i]==kL1fj) && iValues.mIsJPTrawP4set && !iValues.mIsJPTrawOFFset) {
296  iValues.setJPTrawOff(scale);
297  }
298  else if (mLevels[i]==kL6 && iValues.mAddLepToJet) {
299  scale *= 1.0 + getLepPt(iValues) / iValues.mJetPt;
300  iValues.mJetE *= scale;
301  iValues.mJetPt *= scale;
302  factor *= scale;
303  }
304  else {
305  iValues.mJetE *= scale;
306  iValues.mJetPt *= scale;
307  factor *= scale;
308  }
309  factors.push_back(factor);
310  }
311  iValues.reset();
312  return factors;
313 }
314 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
315 //--- Reads the parameter names and fills a vector of floats -------------
316 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
317 std::vector<float> FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::fillVector(const std::vector<VarTypes>& fVarTypes,
319 {
320 // std::vector<VarTypes> fVarTypes = _fVarTypes;
321  std::vector<float> result;
322  for(unsigned i=0;i<fVarTypes.size();i++) {
323  if (fVarTypes[i] == kJetEta) {
324  if (!iValues.mIsJetEtaset)
325  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","jet eta is not set");
326  result.push_back(iValues.mJetEta);
327  }
328  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kNPV) {
329  if (!iValues.mIsNPVset)
330  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","number of primary vertices is not set");
331  result.push_back(iValues.mNPV);
332  }
333  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJetPt) {
334  if (!iValues.mIsJetPtset)
335  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","jet pt is not set");
336  result.push_back(iValues.mJetPt);
337  }
338  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJetPhi) {
339  if (!iValues.mIsJetPhiset)
340  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","jet phi is not set");
341  result.push_back(iValues.mJetPhi);
342  }
343  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJetE) {
344  if (!iValues.mIsJetEset)
345  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","jet E is not set");
346  result.push_back(iValues.mJetE);
347  }
348  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJetEMF) {
349  if (!iValues.mIsJetEMFset)
350  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","jet EMF is not set");
351  result.push_back(iValues.mJetEMF);
352  }
353  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJetA) {
354  if (!iValues.mIsJetAset)
355  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","jet area is not set");
356  result.push_back(iValues.mJetA);
357  }
358  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kRho) {
359  if (!iValues.mIsRhoset)
360  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","fastjet density Rho is not set");
361  result.push_back(iValues.mRho);
362  }
363  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJPTrawE) {
364  if (!iValues.mIsJPTrawP4set)
365  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","raw CaloJet P4 for JPT is not set");
366  result.push_back(iValues.mJPTrawE);
367  }
368  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJPTrawEt) {
369  if (!iValues.mIsJPTrawP4set)
370  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","raw CaloJet P4 for JPT is not set");
371  result.push_back(iValues.mJPTrawEt);
372  }
373  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJPTrawPt) {
374  if (!iValues.mIsJPTrawP4set)
375  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","raw CaloJet P4 for JPT is not set");
376  result.push_back(iValues.mJPTrawPt);
377  }
378  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJPTrawEta) {
379  if (!iValues.mIsJPTrawP4set)
380  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","raw CaloJet P4 for JPT is not set");
381  result.push_back(iValues.mJPTrawEta);
382  }
383  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kJPTrawOff) {
384  if (!iValues.mIsJPTrawOFFset)
385  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","Offset correction for JPT is not set");
386  result.push_back(iValues.mJPTrawOff);
387  }
388  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kRelLepPt) {
389  if (!iValues.mIsJetPtset||!iValues.mIsAddLepToJetset||!iValues.mIsLepPxset||!iValues.mIsLepPyset)
390  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","can't calculate rel lepton pt");
391  result.push_back(getRelLepPt(iValues));
392  }
393  else if (fVarTypes[i] == kPtRel) {
394  if (!iValues.mIsJetPtset||!iValues.mIsJetEtaset||!iValues.mIsJetPhiset||!iValues.mIsJetEset||!iValues.mIsAddLepToJetset||!iValues.mIsLepPxset||!iValues.mIsLepPyset||!iValues.mIsLepPzset)
395  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator","can't calculate ptrel");
396  result.push_back(getPtRel(iValues));
397  }
398  else {
399  std::stringstream sserr;
400  sserr<<"unknown parameter "<<fVarTypes[i];
401  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
402  }
403  }
404  return result;
405 }
406 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
407 //--- Calculate the lepPt (needed for the SLB) ---------------------------
408 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
410 {
411  return std::sqrt(iValues.mLepPx*iValues.mLepPx + iValues.mLepPy*iValues.mLepPy);
412 }
413 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
414 //--- Calculate the relLepPt (needed for the SLB) ---------------------------
415 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 {
418  float lepPt = getLepPt(iValues);
419  return (iValues.mAddLepToJet) ? lepPt/(iValues.mJetPt + lepPt) : lepPt/iValues.mJetPt;
420 }
421 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
422 //--- Calculate the PtRel (needed for the SLB) ---------------------------
423 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
425 {
426  typedef ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D<float> >
428  typedef ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D<ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<float> >
429  XYZVector;
430  PtEtaPhiELorentzVector jet;
431  XYZVector lep;
432  jet.SetPt(iValues.mJetPt);
433  jet.SetEta(iValues.mJetEta);
434  jet.SetPhi(iValues.mJetPhi);
435  jet.SetE(iValues.mJetE);
436  lep.SetXYZ(iValues.mLepPx,iValues.mLepPy,iValues.mLepPz);
437  float lj_x = (iValues.mAddLepToJet) ? lep.X()+jet.Px() : jet.Px();
438  float lj_y = (iValues.mAddLepToJet) ? lep.Y()+jet.Py() : jet.Py();
439  float lj_z = (iValues.mAddLepToJet) ? lep.Z()+jet.Pz() : jet.Pz();
440  // absolute values squared
441  float lj2 = lj_x*lj_x+lj_y*lj_y+lj_z*lj_z;
442  if (lj2<=0) {
443  std::stringstream sserr;
444  sserr<<"lepton+jet momentum sq is not positive: "<<lj2;
445  handleError("FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator",sserr.str());
446  }
447  float lep2 = lep.X()*lep.X()+lep.Y()*lep.Y()+lep.Z()*lep.Z();
448  // projection vec(mu) to lepjet axis
449  float lepXlj = lep.X()*lj_x+lep.Y()*lj_y+lep.Z()*lj_z;
450  // absolute value squared and normalized
451  float pLrel2 = lepXlj*lepXlj/lj2;
452  // lep2 = pTrel2 + pLrel2
453  float pTrel2 = lep2-pLrel2;
454  return (pTrel2 > 0) ? std::sqrt(pTrel2) : 0.0;
455 }
458 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
459 //--- Default FactorizedJetCorrectorCalculator::VariableValues constructor -------------------------
460 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 {
463  mJetEta = -9999;
464  mJetPt = -9999;
465  mJetPhi = -9999;
466  mJetE = -9999;
467  mJetEMF = -9999;
468  mJetA = -9999;
469  mRho = -9999;
470  mLepPx = -9999;
471  mLepPy = -9999;
472  mLepPz = -9999;
473  mNPV = -9999;
474  mJPTrawE = -9999;
475  mJPTrawEt = -9999;
476  mJPTrawPt = -9999;
477  mJPTrawEta = -9999;
478  mJPTrawOff = -9999;
479  mAddLepToJet = false;
480  mIsNPVset = false;
481  mIsJetEset = false;
482  mIsJetPtset = false;
483  mIsJetPhiset = false;
484  mIsJetEtaset = false;
485  mIsJetEMFset = false;
486  mIsJetAset = false;
487  mIsRhoset = false;
488  mIsJPTrawP4set = false;
489  mIsJPTrawOFFset = false;
490  mIsLepPxset = false;
491  mIsLepPyset = false;
492  mIsLepPzset = false;
493  mIsAddLepToJetset = false;
494 }
496 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
497 //--- Setters ------------------------------------------------------------
498 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 {
501  mNPV = fNPV;
502  mIsNPVset = true;
503 }
505 {
506  mJetEta = fEta;
507  mIsJetEtaset = true;
508 }
509 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 {
512  mJetPt = fPt;
513  mIsJetPtset = true;
514 }
515 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
517 {
518  mJetPhi = fPhi;
519  mIsJetPhiset = true;
520 }
521 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
523 {
524  mJetE = fE;
525  mIsJetEset = true;
526 }
527 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
529 {
530  mJetEMF = fEMF;
531  mIsJetEMFset = true;
532 }
533 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
535 {
536  mJetA = fA;
537  mIsJetAset = true;
538 }
539 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
541 {
542  mRho = fRho;
543  mIsRhoset = true;
544 }
545 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
547 {
548  mJPTrawE = fJPTrawP4.Energy();
549  mJPTrawEt = fJPTrawP4.Et();
550  mJPTrawPt = fJPTrawP4.Pt();
551  mJPTrawEta = fJPTrawP4.Eta();
552  mIsJPTrawP4set = true;
553 }
554 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
556 {
557  mJPTrawOff = fJPTrawOff;
558  mIsJPTrawOFFset = true;
559 }
560 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
562 {
563  mLepPx = fPx;
564  mIsLepPxset = true;
565 }
566 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
568 {
569  mLepPy = fPy;
570  mIsLepPyset = true;
571 }
572 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
574 {
575  mLepPz = fPz;
576  mIsLepPzset = true;
577 }
578 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
580 {
581  mAddLepToJet = fAddLepToJet;
582  mIsAddLepToJetset = true;
583 }
586 {
587  mIsNPVset = false;
588  mIsJetEset = false;
589  mIsJetPtset = false;
590  mIsJetPhiset = false;
591  mIsJetEtaset = false;
592  mIsJetEMFset = false;
593  mIsJetAset = false;
594  mIsRhoset = false;
595  mIsJPTrawP4set = false;
596  mIsJPTrawOFFset = false;
597  mIsLepPxset = false;
598  mIsLepPyset = false;
599  mIsLepPzset = false;
600  mAddLepToJet = false;
601 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
void checkConsistency(const std::vector< std::string > &fLevels, const std::vector< std::string > &fTags)
float getLepPt(const VariableValues &) const
float getRelLepPt(const VariableValues &) const
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:18
std::vector< float > fillVector(const std::vector< VarTypes > &fVarTypes, const VariableValues &) const
std::vector< float > getSubCorrections(VariableValues &) const
std::vector< std::vector< VarTypes > > mParTypes
std::vector< std::vector< VarTypes > > mBinTypes
void initCorrectors(const std::string &fLevels, const std::string &fFiles, const std::string &fOptions)
std::vector< VarTypes > mapping(const std::vector< std::string > &fNames) const
float getPtRel(const VariableValues &) const
PtEtaPhiELorentzVectorD PtEtaPhiELorentzVector
Lorentz vector with cartesian internal representation.
Definition: LorentzVector.h:27
std::vector< std::vector< double > > tmp
std::string parseOption(const std::string &ss, const std::string &type) const
std::string removeSpaces(const std::string &ss) const
math::XYZVector XYZVector
Definition: RawParticle.h:28
std::vector< SimpleJetCorrector const * > mCorrectors
std::vector< std::string > parseLevels(const std::string &ss) const