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1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 # This object modifies the csc2DRecHits for running in Run 2
5 # parameters for CSC rechit building
7 csc2DRecHits = cms.EDProducer("CSCRecHitDProducer",
8  #
9  # Parameters for coordinate and uncertainty calculations
10  # Data and MC parameters are (still) different
11  # Needs tuning
12  #
13  cscRecHitDParameters,
14  #
15  # Parameters for strip hits
16  #
17  CSCStripPeakThreshold = cms.double(10.0),
18  CSCStripClusterChargeCut = cms.double(25.0),
19  CSCStripxtalksOffset = cms.double(0.03),
20  #
21  # How to find SCA peak time?
22  #
23  UseAverageTime = cms.bool(False),
24  UseParabolaFit = cms.bool(False),
25  UseFivePoleFit = cms.bool(True),
26  #
27  # Parameters for wire hits
28  CSCWireClusterDeltaT = cms.int32(1),
29  #
30  # wire time window used for reconstruction
31  CSCUseReducedWireTimeWindow = cms.bool(False),
32  CSCWireTimeWindowLow = cms.int32(0),
33  CSCWireTimeWindowHigh = cms.int32(15),
34  #
35  # Calibration info:
36  CSCUseCalibrations = cms.bool(True),
37  # Pedestal treatment
38  CSCUseStaticPedestals = cms.bool(False),
39  CSCNoOfTimeBinsForDynamicPedestal = cms.int32(2),
40  #
41  # Which digis:
42  #
43  # When using data from unpacker
44  wireDigiTag = cms.InputTag("muonCSCDigis","MuonCSCWireDigi"),
45  stripDigiTag = cms.InputTag("muonCSCDigis","MuonCSCStripDigi"),
46  # When using data from simulation
47  # wireDigiTag = cms.InputTag("simMuonCSCDigis","MuonCSCWireDigi"),
48  # stripDigiTag = cms.InputTag("simMuonCSCDigis","MuonCSCStripDigi"),
49  #
50  # Use dead channels information
51  readBadChannels = cms.bool(True),
52  readBadChambers = cms.bool(True),
53  #
54  # Do we use the chip and chamber and L1A phase corrections when filling the recHit time?
55  #
56  CSCUseTimingCorrections = cms.bool(True),
57  #
58  # Do we correct the energy deposited for gas gains?
59  CSCUseGasGainCorrections = cms.bool(True),
60  #
61  # Parameters which are not used currently
62  #
63  CSCDebug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
64  # To be set once wire digis have proper timing info:
65  CSCstripWireDeltaTime = cms.int32(8),
66  # to be deleted
67  CSCStripClusterSize = cms.untracked.int32(3)
68 )
73 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_common_cff import run2_common
74 run2_common.toModify( csc2DRecHits, readBadChannels = False )
75 run2_common.toModify( csc2DRecHits, CSCUseGasGainCorrections = False )