Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 gemDigiCommonParameters = cms.PSet(
4  signalPropagationSpeed = cms.double(0.66),
5  timeResolution = cms.double(5),
6  timeJitter = cms.double(1.0),
7  averageShapingTime = cms.double(50.0),
8  averageEfficiency = cms.double(0.98),
9  averageNoiseRate = cms.double(0.001), #intrinsic noise
10  bxwidth = cms.int32(25),
11  minBunch = cms.int32(-5), ## in terms of 25 ns
12  maxBunch = cms.int32(3),
13  mixLabel = cms.string('mix'), # added by A.Sharma
14  inputCollection = cms.string('g4SimHitsMuonGEMHits'),
15  digiModelString = cms.string('Simple'),
16  digitizeOnlyMuons = cms.bool(False),
17  doBkgNoise = cms.bool(False), #False == No background simulation
18  doNoiseCLS = cms.bool(True),
19  fixedRollRadius = cms.bool(True), #Uses fixed radius in the center of the roll
20  simulateIntrinsicNoise = cms.bool(False),
21  simulateElectronBkg = cms.bool(True), #False=simulate only neutral Bkg
22  instLumi = cms.double(7.5), # in units of 1E34 cm^-2 s^-1. Internally the background is parametrized from FLUKA+GEANT results at 5x10^34 (PU140). We are adding a 1.5 factor for PU200
23  rateFact = cms.double(1.0), # Set this factor to 1 since the new background model includes the new beam pipe and the relevant effects, so no need of higher safety factor. keeping is here is just for backward compatibiliy
24  referenceInstLumi = cms.double(5.), #In units of 10^34 Hz/cm^2. Internally the functions based on the FLUKA+GEANT simulation are normalized to 5x10^34 Hz/cm^2, this is needed to rescale them properly
25  resolutionX = cms.double(0.03), # referenced 2014 Test Beam results.
26 #the following parameters are needed to model the neutron induced background contribution.
27 #The parameters have been obtained after the fit of the rates predicted by FLUKA.
28 #By default the backgroud modeling with these parameters should be disabled with the 92X release setting doBkgNoise=False
29  GE11ElecBkgParam0 = cms.double(406.249),
30  GE11ElecBkgParam1 = cms.double(-2.90939),
31  GE11ElecBkgParam2 = cms.double(0.00548191),
32  GE21ElecBkgParam0 = cms.double(97.0505),
33  GE21ElecBkgParam1 = cms.double(-0.452612),
34  GE21ElecBkgParam2 = cms.double(0.000550599),
35  GE11ModNeuBkgParam0 = cms.double(5710.23),
36  GE11ModNeuBkgParam1 = cms.double(-43.3928),
37  GE11ModNeuBkgParam2 = cms.double(0.0863681),
38  GE21ModNeuBkgParam0 = cms.double(1440.44),
39  GE21ModNeuBkgParam1 = cms.double(-7.48607),
40  GE21ModNeuBkgParam2 = cms.double(0.0103078)
41 )
43 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.premix_stage2_cff import premix_stage2
44 premix_stage2.toModify(gemDigiCommonParameters, mixLabel = "mixData")
46 # Module to create simulated GEM digis.
47 simMuonGEMDigis = cms.EDProducer("GEMDigiProducer",
48  gemDigiCommonParameters
49 )