List of all members | Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes
DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo Class Reference

#include <DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h>

Inheritance diagram for DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo:

Public Types

typedef HepGeom::Point3D< double > Pt3D
typedef HepGeom::ReflectZ3D RfZ3D
typedef HepGeom::Rotate3D Ro3D
typedef CLHEP::HepRotation Rota
typedef HepGeom::RotateX3D RoX3D
typedef HepGeom::RotateY3D RoY3D
typedef HepGeom::RotateZ3D RoZ3D
typedef HepGeom::Transform3D Tf3D
typedef HepGeom::Translate3D Tl3D
typedef EcalTrapezoidParameters Trap
typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector Vec3

Public Member Functions

DDMaterial aglMat () const
DDName aglName () const
double aglThick () const
DDMaterial andMat () const
DDName andName () const
double andThick () const
DDMaterial apdMat () const
DDName apdName () const
double apdSide () const
double apdThick () const
double apdX1 () const
double apdX2 () const
double apdZ () const
DDMaterial atjMat () const
DDName atjName () const
double atjThick () const
double backBracketHeight () const
DDMaterial backBracketMat () const
const std::string & backBracketName () const
double backCBStdSep () const
double backCoolBarHeight () const
double backCoolBarHere () const
DDMaterial backCoolBarMat () const
DDName backCoolBarName () const
DDMaterial backCoolBarSSMat () const
DDName backCoolBarSSName () const
double backCoolBarSSThick () const
double backCoolBarThick () const
DDMaterial backCoolBarWaMat () const
DDName backCoolBarWaName () const
double backCoolBarWaThick () const
double backCoolBarWidth () const
double backCoolHere () const
DDMaterial backCoolMat () const
double backCoolTankHere () const
DDMaterial backCoolTankMat () const
const std::string & backCoolTankName () const
double backCoolTankThick () const
DDMaterial backCoolTankWaMat () const
const std::string & backCoolTankWaName () const
double backCoolTankWaWidth () const
double backCoolTankWidth () const
double backCoolVFEHere () const
DDMaterial backCoolVFEMat () const
DDName backCoolVFEName () const
double backHere () const
double backMiscHere () const
double backPipeHere () const
DDMaterial backPipeMat () const
const std::string & backPipeName () const
DDMaterial backPipeWaterMat () const
DDMaterial backPlate2Mat () const
DDName backPlate2Name () const
double backPlate2Thick () const
double backPlateHere () const
double backPlateLength () const
DDMaterial backPlateMat () const
DDName backPlateName () const
double backPlateThick () const
double backPlateWidth () const
double backSideAngle () const
double backSideHeight () const
double backSideHere () const
double backSideLength () const
DDMaterial backSideMat () const
DDName backSideName () const
double backSideWidth () const
double backSideYOff1 () const
double backSideYOff2 () const
DDMaterial backVFEMat () const
DDName backVFEName () const
double backXOff () const
double backYOff () const
double barHere () const
DDMaterial barMat () const
DDName barName () const
double barPhiHi () const
double barPhiLo () const
DDMaterial bsiMat () const
DDName bsiName () const
double bsiThick () const
double bsiXSize () const
double bsiYSize () const
double capHere () const
DDMaterial capMat () const
DDName capName () const
double capThick () const
double capXSize () const
double capYSize () const
DDMaterial cerMat () const
DDName cerName () const
double cerThick () const
double cerXSize () const
double cerYSize () const
double clrFrAlv () const
DDMaterial clrMat () const
const std::string & clrName () const
double clrReAlv () const
double clrThAlv () const
DDMaterial cryMat () const
const std::string & cryName () const
 DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo ()
DDMaterial ddmat (const std::string &s) const
DDName ddname (const std::string &s) const
double dryAirTubeHere () const
double dryAirTubeInnDiam () const
DDMaterial dryAirTubeMat () const
const std::string & dryAirTubeName () const
double dryAirTubeOutDiam () const
void execute (DDCompactView &cpv) override
double fawDelPhi () const
double fawHere () const
DDName fawName () const
double fawPhiOff () const
double fawPhiRot () const
double fawRadOff () const
double grEdgeSlotHeight () const
double grEdgeSlotHere () const
DDMaterial grEdgeSlotMat () const
DDName grEdgeSlotName () const
double grEdgeSlotWidth () const
double gridHere () const
DDMaterial gridMat () const
DDName gridName () const
double gridThick () const
double grilleHere () const
DDMaterial grilleMat () const
const std::string & grilleName () const
double grilleThick () const
double grilleWidth () const
double grilleZSpace () const
double grMidSlotHere () const
DDMaterial grMidSlotMat () const
const std::string & grMidSlotName () const
double grMidSlotWidth () const
double grMidSlotXOff () const
double hawRCutDelY () const
double hawRCutY () const
double hawRCutZ () const
double hawRHBIG () const
double hawRhsml () const
DDName hawRName () const
double hawYOffCry () const
const std::string & idNameSpace () const
double ilyBndlLength () const
DDMaterial ilyBndlMat () const
DDName ilyBndlName () const
double ilyBndlOff () const
double ilyDelPhi () const
double ilyDiffLength () const
DDMaterial ilyDiffMat () const
DDName ilyDiffName () const
double ilyDiffOff () const
double ilyFanOutHeight () const
double ilyFanOutHere () const
double ilyFanOutLength () const
DDMaterial ilyFanOutMat () const
DDName ilyFanOutName () const
double ilyFanOutWidth () const
double ilyFEMHeight () const
double ilyFEMLength () const
DDMaterial ilyFEMMat () const
DDName ilyFEMName () const
double ilyFEMWidth () const
double ilyHere () const
const std::string & ilyName () const
double ilyPhiLow () const
double ilyPipeHere () const
double ilyPipeID () const
DDMaterial ilyPipeMat () const
const std::string & ilyPipeName () const
double ilyPipeOD () const
double ilyPTMHeight () const
double ilyPTMHere () const
double ilyPTMLength () const
DDMaterial ilyPTMMat () const
DDName ilyPTMName () const
double ilyPTMWidth () const
void initialize (const DDNumericArguments &nArgs, const DDVectorArguments &vArgs, const DDMapArguments &mArgs, const DDStringArguments &sArgs, const DDStringVectorArguments &vsArgs) override
double mBCoolTubeHere () const
double mBCoolTubeInnDiam () const
DDMaterial mBCoolTubeMat () const
const std::string & mBCoolTubeName () const
double mBCoolTubeNum () const
double mBCoolTubeOutDiam () const
double mBLyrHere () const
double mBManifHere () const
double mBManifInnDiam () const
DDMaterial mBManifMat () const
DDName mBManifName () const
double mBManifOutDiam () const
DDRotation myrot (const std::string &s, const CLHEP::HepRotation &r) const
 Create a DDRotation from a string converted to DDName and CLHEP::HepRotation converted to DDRotationMatrix. – Michael Case. More...
DDSolid mytrap (const std::string &s, const Trap &t) const
unsigned int nCryPerAlvEta () const
unsigned int nCryTypes () const
unsigned int nFawPerSupm () const
double nomCryDimAF () const
double nomCryDimLZ () const
double patchPanelHere () const
DDName patchPanelName () const
double pincerBlkLength () const
DDMaterial pincerBlkMat () const
DDName pincerBlkName () const
double pincerCutHeight () const
DDMaterial pincerCutMat () const
DDName pincerCutName () const
double pincerCutWidth () const
double pincerEnvHeight () const
double pincerEnvLength () const
DDMaterial pincerEnvMat () const
DDName pincerEnvName () const
double pincerEnvWidth () const
double pincerRodHere () const
DDMaterial pincerRodMat () const
DDName pincerRodName () const
DDName pincerShim1Name () const
double pincerShim1Width () const
DDName pincerShim2Name () const
double pincerShim2Width () const
double pincerShimHeight () const
DDMaterial pincerShimMat () const
DDMaterial sglMat () const
DDName sglName () const
double sglThick () const
DDName spmCutName () const
double spmCutRM () const
double spmCutRP () const
int spmCutShow () const
double spmCutThick () const
double spmDelPhi () const
double spmExpThick () const
double spmExpWide () const
double spmExpYOff () const
double spmLowPhi () const
DDMaterial spmMat () const
DDName spmName () const
unsigned int spmNPerHalf () const
double spmPhiOff () const
double spmSideHigh () const
DDMaterial spmSideMat () const
DDName spmSideName () const
double spmSideThick () const
double spmSideYOffM () const
double spmSideYOffP () const
double underAF () const
double underAR () const
double underBF () const
double underBR () const
double underCF () const
double underCR () const
double underLZ () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecBackCoolName () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBackCoolNPerSec () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBackCoolNSec () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBackCoolSecSep () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecBackMiscMat () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecBackMiscName () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBackMiscThick () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBackPipeDiam () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBackPipeThick () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecBackVFELyrMat () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecBackVFELyrName () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBackVFELyrThick () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBarRMax () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBarRMin () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBarRota () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBarRota2 () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBarRota3 () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBarTran () const
const std::vector< double > & vecBarZPts () const
const std::vector< double > & vecGapAlvEta () const
const std::vector< double > & vecGrilleHeight () const
const std::vector< double > & vecGrilleZOff () const
const std::vector< double > & vecGrMidSlotHeight () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyFanOutPhi () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyFanOutZ () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyFEMPhi () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyFEMZ () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecIlyMat () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyPipeLength () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyPipePhi () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyPipeType () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyPipeZ () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyPTMPhi () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyPTMZ () const
const std::vector< double > & vecIlyThick () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecMBLyrMat () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecMBLyrName () const
const std::vector< double > & vecMBLyrThick () const
const std::vector< double > & vecNomCryDimAR () const
const std::vector< double > & vecNomCryDimBF () const
const std::vector< double > & vecNomCryDimBR () const
const std::vector< double > & vecNomCryDimCF () const
const std::vector< double > & vecNomCryDimCR () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecPatchPanelMat () const
const std::vector< std::string > & vecPatchPanelNames () const
const std::vector< double > & vecPatchPanelThick () const
std::vector< double > vecPincerEnvZOff () const
std::vector< double > vecPincerRodAzimuth () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmBRota () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmBTran () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmCutTM () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmCutTP () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmHere () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmRMax () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmRMin () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmRota () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmTran () const
const std::vector< double > & vecSpmZPts () const
const std::vector< double > & vecWebClrTh () const
const std::vector< double > & vecWebLength () const
const std::vector< double > & vecWebPlTh () const
double wallFrAlv () const
DDMaterial wallMat () const
const std::string & wallName () const
double wallReAlv () const
double wallThAlv () const
DDMaterial webClrMat () const
const std::string & webClrName () const
double webHere () const
DDMaterial webPlMat () const
const std::string & webPlName () const
double wrapFrAlv () const
DDMaterial wrapMat () const
const std::string & wrapName () const
double wrapReAlv () const
double wrapThAlv () const
 ~DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo () override

Private Member Functions

void web (unsigned int iWeb, double bWeb, double BWeb, double LWeb, double theta, const Pt3D &corner, const DDLogicalPart &logPar, double &zee, double side, double front, double delta, DDCompactView &cpv)

Private Attributes

std::string m_AGLMat
std::string m_AGLName
double m_AGLThick
std::string m_ANDMat
std::string m_ANDName
double m_ANDThick
std::string m_APDMat
std::string m_APDName
double m_APDSide
double m_APDThick
double m_APDX1
double m_APDX2
double m_APDZ
std::string m_ATJMat
std::string m_ATJName
double m_ATJThick
double m_BackBracketHeight
std::string m_BackBracketMat
std::string m_BackBracketName
double m_BackCBStdSep
double m_BackCoolBarHeight
double m_BackCoolBarHere
std::string m_BackCoolBarMat
std::string m_BackCoolBarName
std::string m_BackCoolBarSSMat
std::string m_BackCoolBarSSName
double m_BackCoolBarSSThick
double m_BackCoolBarThick
std::string m_BackCoolBarWaMat
std::string m_BackCoolBarWaName
double m_BackCoolBarWaThick
double m_BackCoolBarWidth
double m_BackCoolHere
std::string m_BackCoolMat
double m_BackCoolTankHere
std::string m_BackCoolTankMat
std::string m_BackCoolTankName
double m_BackCoolTankThick
std::string m_BackCoolTankWaMat
std::string m_BackCoolTankWaName
double m_BackCoolTankWaWidth
double m_BackCoolTankWidth
double m_BackCoolVFEHere
std::string m_BackCoolVFEMat
std::string m_BackCoolVFEName
double m_BackHere
double m_BackMiscHere
double m_BackPipeHere
std::string m_BackPipeMat
std::string m_BackPipeName
std::string m_BackPipeWaterMat
std::string m_BackPlate2Mat
std::string m_BackPlate2Name
double m_BackPlate2Thick
double m_BackPlateHere
double m_BackPlateLength
std::string m_BackPlateMat
std::string m_BackPlateName
double m_BackPlateThick
double m_BackPlateWidth
double m_BackSideAngle
double m_BackSideHeight
double m_BackSideHere
double m_BackSideLength
std::string m_BackSideMat
std::string m_BackSideName
double m_BackSideWidth
double m_BackSideYOff1
double m_BackSideYOff2
std::string m_BackVFEMat
std::string m_BackVFEName
double m_BackXOff
double m_BackYOff
double m_BarHere
std::string m_BarMat
std::string m_BarName
double m_BarPhiHi
double m_BarPhiLo
std::string m_BSiMat
std::string m_BSiName
double m_BSiThick
double m_BSiXSize
double m_BSiYSize
double m_capHere
std::string m_capMat
std::string m_capName
double m_capThick
double m_capXSize
double m_capYSize
std::string m_CERMat
std::string m_CERName
double m_CERThick
double m_CERXSize
double m_CERYSize
double m_ClrFrAlv
std::string m_ClrMat
std::string m_ClrName
double m_ClrReAlv
double m_ClrThAlv
std::string m_CryMat
std::string m_CryName
double m_DryAirTubeHere
double m_DryAirTubeInnDiam
std::string m_DryAirTubeMat
std::string m_DryAirTubeName
double m_DryAirTubeOutDiam
double m_FawDelPhi
double m_FawHere
std::string m_FawName
double m_FawPhiOff
double m_FawPhiRot
double m_FawRadOff
double m_GrEdgeSlotHeight
double m_GrEdgeSlotHere
std::string m_GrEdgeSlotMat
std::string m_GrEdgeSlotName
double m_GrEdgeSlotWidth
double m_GridHere
std::string m_GridMat
std::string m_GridName
double m_GridThick
double m_GrilleHere
std::string m_GrilleMat
std::string m_GrilleName
double m_GrilleThick
double m_GrilleWidth
double m_GrilleZSpace
double m_GrMidSlotHere
std::string m_GrMidSlotMat
std::string m_GrMidSlotName
double m_GrMidSlotWidth
double m_GrMidSlotXOff
double m_HawRCutDelY
double m_HawRCutY
double m_HawRCutZ
double m_HawRHBIG
double m_HawRhsml
std::string m_HawRName
double m_HawYOffCry
std::string m_idNameSpace
double m_IlyBndlLength
std::string m_IlyBndlMat
std::string m_IlyBndlName
double m_IlyBndlOff
double m_IlyDelPhi
double m_IlyDiffLength
std::string m_IlyDiffMat
std::string m_IlyDiffName
double m_IlyDiffOff
double m_IlyFanOutHeight
double m_IlyFanOutHere
double m_IlyFanOutLength
std::string m_IlyFanOutMat
std::string m_IlyFanOutName
double m_IlyFanOutWidth
double m_IlyFEMHeight
double m_IlyFEMLength
std::string m_IlyFEMMat
std::string m_IlyFEMName
double m_IlyFEMWidth
double m_IlyHere
std::string m_IlyName
double m_IlyPhiLow
double m_IlyPipeHere
double m_IlyPipeID
std::string m_IlyPipeMat
std::string m_IlyPipeName
double m_IlyPipeOD
double m_IlyPTMHeight
double m_IlyPTMHere
double m_IlyPTMLength
std::string m_IlyPTMMat
std::string m_IlyPTMName
double m_IlyPTMWidth
double m_MBCoolTubeHere
double m_MBCoolTubeInnDiam
std::string m_MBCoolTubeMat
std::string m_MBCoolTubeName
unsigned int m_MBCoolTubeNum
double m_MBCoolTubeOutDiam
double m_MBLyrHere
double m_MBManifHere
double m_MBManifInnDiam
std::string m_MBManifMat
std::string m_MBManifName
double m_MBManifOutDiam
unsigned int m_NCryPerAlvEta
unsigned int m_NCryTypes
unsigned int m_NFawPerSupm
double m_NomCryDimAF
double m_NomCryDimLZ
double m_PatchPanelHere
std::string m_PatchPanelName
double m_PincerBlkLength
std::string m_PincerBlkMat
std::string m_PincerBlkName
double m_PincerCutHeight
std::string m_PincerCutMat
std::string m_PincerCutName
double m_PincerCutWidth
double m_PincerEnvHeight
double m_PincerEnvLength
std::string m_PincerEnvMat
std::string m_PincerEnvName
double m_PincerEnvWidth
double m_PincerRodHere
std::string m_PincerRodMat
std::string m_PincerRodName
std::string m_PincerShim1Name
double m_PincerShim1Width
std::string m_PincerShim2Name
double m_PincerShim2Width
double m_PincerShimHeight
std::string m_PincerShimMat
std::string m_SGLMat
std::string m_SGLName
double m_SGLThick
std::string m_SpmCutName
double m_SpmCutRM
double m_SpmCutRP
int m_SpmCutShow
double m_SpmCutThick
double m_SpmDelPhi
double m_SpmExpThick
double m_SpmExpWide
double m_SpmExpYOff
double m_SpmLowPhi
std::string m_SpmMat
std::string m_SpmName
unsigned int m_SpmNPerHalf
double m_SpmPhiOff
double m_SpmSideHigh
std::string m_SpmSideMat
std::string m_SpmSideName
double m_SpmSideThick
double m_SpmSideYOffM
double m_SpmSideYOffP
double m_UnderAF
double m_UnderAR
double m_UnderBF
double m_UnderBR
double m_UnderCF
double m_UnderCR
double m_UnderLZ
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackCoolName
std::vector< double > m_vecBackCoolNPerSec
std::vector< double > m_vecBackCoolNSec
std::vector< double > m_vecBackCoolSecSep
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackMiscMat
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackMiscName
std::vector< double > m_vecBackMiscThick
std::vector< double > m_vecBackPipeDiam
std::vector< double > m_vecBackPipeThick
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackVFELyrMat
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackVFELyrName
std::vector< double > m_vecBackVFELyrThick
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRMax
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRMin
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRota
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRota2
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRota3
std::vector< double > m_vecBarTran
std::vector< double > m_vecBarZPts
std::vector< double > m_vecGapAlvEta
std::vector< double > m_vecGrilleHeight
std::vector< double > m_vecGrilleZOff
std::vector< double > m_vecGrMidSlotHeight
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFanOutPhi
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFanOutZ
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFEMPhi
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFEMZ
std::vector< std::string > m_vecIlyMat
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipeLength
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipePhi
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipeType
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipeZ
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPTMPhi
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPTMZ
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyThick
std::vector< std::string > m_vecMBLyrMat
std::vector< std::string > m_vecMBLyrName
std::vector< double > m_vecMBLyrThick
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimAR
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimBF
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimBR
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimCF
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimCR
std::vector< std::string > m_vecPatchPanelMat
std::vector< std::string > m_vecPatchPanelNames
std::vector< double > m_vecPatchPanelThick
std::vector< double > m_vecPincerEnvZOff
std::vector< double > m_vecPincerRodAzimuth
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmBRota
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmBTran
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmCutTM
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmCutTP
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmHere
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmRMax
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmRMin
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmRota
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmTran
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmZPts
std::vector< double > m_vecWebClrTh
std::vector< double > m_vecWebLength
std::vector< double > m_vecWebPlTh
double m_WallFrAlv
std::string m_WallMat
std::string m_WallName
double m_WallReAlv
double m_WallThAlv
std::string m_WebClrMat
std::string m_WebClrName
double m_WebHere
std::string m_WebPlMat
std::string m_WebPlName
double m_WrapFrAlv
std::string m_WrapMat
std::string m_WrapName
double m_WrapReAlv
double m_WrapThAlv

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 20 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef HepGeom::ReflectZ3D DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::RfZ3D

Definition at line 22 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef HepGeom::Rotate3D DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::Ro3D

Definition at line 24 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef CLHEP::HepRotation DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::Rota

Definition at line 30 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef HepGeom::RotateX3D DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::RoX3D

Definition at line 27 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef HepGeom::RotateY3D DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::RoY3D

Definition at line 26 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef HepGeom::RotateZ3D DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::RoZ3D

Definition at line 25 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef HepGeom::Transform3D DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::Tf3D

Definition at line 21 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef HepGeom::Translate3D DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::Tl3D

Definition at line 23 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

Definition at line 19 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

typedef CLHEP::Hep3Vector DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::Vec3

Definition at line 29 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo ( )

Definition at line 24 of file

References LogDebug.

24  :
25  m_idNameSpace ( "" ),
26  m_BarName ( "" ),
27  m_BarMat ( "" ),
28  m_vecBarZPts ( ),
29  m_vecBarRMin ( ),
30  m_vecBarRMax ( ),
31  m_vecBarTran ( ),
32  m_vecBarRota ( ),
33  m_vecBarRota2 ( ),
34  m_vecBarRota3 ( ),
35  m_BarPhiLo (0),
36  m_BarPhiHi (0),
37  m_BarHere (0),
38  m_SpmName (""),
39  m_SpmMat (""),
40  m_vecSpmZPts (),
41  m_vecSpmRMin (),
42  m_vecSpmRMax (),
43  m_vecSpmTran (),
44  m_vecSpmRota (),
45  m_vecSpmBTran (),
46  m_vecSpmBRota (),
47  m_SpmNPerHalf (0),
48  m_SpmLowPhi (0),
49  m_SpmDelPhi (0),
50  m_SpmPhiOff (0),
51  m_vecSpmHere (),
52  m_SpmCutName (""),
53  m_SpmCutThick (0),
54  m_SpmCutShow (0),
55  m_vecSpmCutTM (),
56  m_vecSpmCutTP (),
57  m_SpmCutRM (0),
58  m_SpmCutRP (0),
59  m_SpmExpThick (0),
60  m_SpmExpWide (0),
61  m_SpmExpYOff (0),
62  m_SpmSideName (""),
63  m_SpmSideMat (""),
64  m_SpmSideHigh (0),
65  m_SpmSideThick (0),
66  m_SpmSideYOffM (0),
67  m_SpmSideYOffP (0),
68  m_NomCryDimAF (0),
69  m_NomCryDimLZ (0),
75  m_UnderAF (0),
76  m_UnderLZ (0),
77  m_UnderBF (0),
78  m_UnderCF (0),
79  m_UnderAR (0),
80  m_UnderBR (0),
81  m_UnderCR (0),
82  m_WallThAlv (0),
83  m_WrapThAlv (0),
84  m_ClrThAlv (0),
85  m_vecGapAlvEta (),
86  m_WallFrAlv (0),
87  m_WrapFrAlv (0),
88  m_ClrFrAlv (0),
89  m_WallReAlv (0),
90  m_WrapReAlv (0),
91  m_ClrReAlv (0),
92  m_NCryTypes (0),
93  m_NCryPerAlvEta (0),
94  m_CryName (""),
95  m_ClrName (""),
96  m_WrapName (""),
97  m_WallName (""),
98  m_CryMat (""),
99  m_ClrMat (""),
100  m_WrapMat (""),
101  m_WallMat (""),
103  m_capName (""),
104  m_capHere (0),
105  m_capMat (""),
106  m_capXSize (0),
107  m_capYSize (0),
108  m_capThick (0),
110  m_CERName (""),
111  m_CERMat (""),
112  m_CERXSize (0),
113  m_CERYSize (0),
114  m_CERThick (0),
116  m_BSiName (""),
117  m_BSiMat (""),
118  m_BSiXSize (0),
119  m_BSiYSize (0),
120  m_BSiThick (0),
122  m_APDName (""),
123  m_APDMat (""),
124  m_APDSide (0),
125  m_APDThick (0),
126  m_APDZ (0),
127  m_APDX1 (0),
128  m_APDX2 (0),
130  m_ATJName (""),
131  m_ATJMat (""),
132  m_ATJThick (0),
134  m_SGLName (""),
135  m_SGLMat (""),
136  m_SGLThick (0),
138  m_AGLName (""),
139  m_AGLMat (""),
140  m_AGLThick (0),
142  m_ANDName (""),
143  m_ANDMat (""),
144  m_ANDThick (0),
146  m_WebHere (0),
147  m_WebPlName (""),
148  m_WebClrName (""),
149  m_WebPlMat (""),
150  m_WebClrMat (""),
151  m_vecWebPlTh (),
152  m_vecWebClrTh (),
153  m_vecWebLength (),
154  m_IlyHere (0),
155  m_IlyName (),
156  m_IlyPhiLow (0),
157  m_IlyDelPhi (0),
158  m_vecIlyMat (),
159  m_vecIlyThick (),
160  m_IlyPipeName (""),
161  m_IlyPipeHere (0),
162  m_IlyPipeMat (""),
163  m_IlyPipeOD (0),
164  m_IlyPipeID (0),
166  m_vecIlyPipeType (),
167  m_vecIlyPipePhi (),
168  m_vecIlyPipeZ (),
169  m_IlyPTMName (""),
170  m_IlyPTMHere (0),
171  m_IlyPTMMat (""),
172  m_IlyPTMWidth (0),
173  m_IlyPTMLength (0),
174  m_IlyPTMHeight (0),
175  m_vecIlyPTMZ (),
176  m_vecIlyPTMPhi (),
177  m_IlyFanOutName (""),
178  m_IlyFanOutHere (0),
179  m_IlyFanOutMat (""),
180  m_IlyFanOutWidth (0),
183  m_vecIlyFanOutZ (),
185  m_IlyDiffName (""),
186  m_IlyDiffMat (""),
187  m_IlyDiffOff (0),
188  m_IlyDiffLength (0),
189  m_IlyBndlName (""),
190  m_IlyBndlMat (""),
191  m_IlyBndlOff (0),
192  m_IlyBndlLength (0),
193  m_IlyFEMName (""),
194  m_IlyFEMMat (""),
195  m_IlyFEMWidth (0),
196  m_IlyFEMLength (0),
197  m_IlyFEMHeight (0),
198  m_vecIlyFEMZ (),
199  m_vecIlyFEMPhi (),
200  m_HawRName (""),
201  m_FawName (""),
202  m_FawHere (0),
203  m_HawRHBIG (0),
204  m_HawRhsml (0),
205  m_HawRCutY (0),
206  m_HawRCutZ (0),
207  m_HawRCutDelY (0),
208  m_HawYOffCry (0),
209  m_NFawPerSupm (0),
210  m_FawPhiOff (0),
211  m_FawDelPhi (0),
212  m_FawPhiRot (0),
213  m_FawRadOff (0),
214  m_GridHere (0),
215  m_GridName (""),
216  m_GridMat (""),
217  m_GridThick (0),
218  m_BackXOff (0),
219  m_BackYOff (0),
220  m_BackHere (0),
221  m_BackSideName (""),
222  m_BackSideHere (0),
223  m_BackSideLength (0),
224  m_BackSideHeight (0),
225  m_BackSideWidth (0),
226  m_BackSideYOff1 (0),
227  m_BackSideYOff2 (0),
228  m_BackSideAngle (0),
229  m_BackSideMat (""),
230  m_BackPlateName (""),
231  m_BackPlateHere (0),
232  m_BackPlateLength (0),
233  m_BackPlateThick (0),
234  m_BackPlateWidth (0),
235  m_BackPlateMat (""),
236  m_BackPlate2Name (""),
237  m_BackPlate2Thick (0),
238  m_BackPlate2Mat (""),
239  m_GrilleName (""),
240  m_GrilleHere (0),
241  m_GrilleThick (0),
242  m_GrilleWidth (0),
243  m_GrilleZSpace (0),
244  m_GrilleMat (""),
246  m_vecGrilleZOff (),
247  m_GrEdgeSlotName (""),
248  m_GrEdgeSlotMat (""),
249  m_GrEdgeSlotHere (0),
250  m_GrEdgeSlotHeight (0),
251  m_GrEdgeSlotWidth (0),
252  m_GrMidSlotName (""),
253  m_GrMidSlotMat (""),
254  m_GrMidSlotHere (0),
255  m_GrMidSlotWidth (0),
256  m_GrMidSlotXOff (0),
258  m_BackPipeHere (0),
259  m_BackPipeName (""),
262  m_BackPipeMat (""),
263  m_BackPipeWaterMat (""),
266  m_BackCoolHere (0),
267  m_BackCoolBarHere (0),
268  m_BackCoolBarWidth (0),
270  m_BackCoolMat (""),
271  m_BackCoolBarName (""),
272  m_BackCoolBarThick (0),
273  m_BackCoolBarMat (""),
274  m_BackCoolBarSSName (""),
276  m_BackCoolBarSSMat (""),
277  m_BackCoolBarWaName (""),
279  m_BackCoolBarWaMat (""),
280  m_BackCoolVFEHere (0),
281  m_BackCoolVFEName (""),
282  m_BackCoolVFEMat (""),
283  m_BackVFEName (""),
284  m_BackVFEMat (""),
292  m_BackMiscHere (0),
295  m_vecBackMiscMat (),
296  m_BackCBStdSep (0),
297  m_PatchPanelHere (0),
298  m_PatchPanelName (""),
302  m_BackCoolTankHere (0),
303  m_BackCoolTankName (""),
306  m_BackCoolTankMat (""),
309  m_BackCoolTankWaMat (""),
310  m_BackBracketName (""),
312  m_BackBracketMat (""),
314  m_DryAirTubeHere (0),
315  m_DryAirTubeName (""),
316  m_MBCoolTubeNum (0),
319  m_DryAirTubeMat (""),
320  m_MBCoolTubeHere (0),
321  m_MBCoolTubeName (""),
324  m_MBCoolTubeMat (""),
325  m_MBManifHere (0),
326  m_MBManifName (""),
327  m_MBManifInnDiam (0),
328  m_MBManifOutDiam (0),
329  m_MBManifMat (""),
330  m_MBLyrHere (0),
331  m_vecMBLyrThick (0),
332  m_vecMBLyrName (),
333  m_vecMBLyrMat (),
336  m_PincerRodHere (0),
337  m_PincerRodName (""),
338  m_PincerRodMat (""),
340  m_PincerEnvName (""),
341  m_PincerEnvMat (""),
342  m_PincerEnvWidth (0),
343  m_PincerEnvHeight (0),
344  m_PincerEnvLength (0),
346  m_PincerBlkName (""),
347  m_PincerBlkMat (""),
348  m_PincerBlkLength (0),
349  m_PincerShim1Name (""),
350  m_PincerShimHeight (0),
351  m_PincerShim2Name (""),
352  m_PincerShimMat (""),
353  m_PincerShim1Width (0),
354  m_PincerShim2Width (0),
355  m_PincerCutName (""),
356  m_PincerCutMat (""),
357  m_PincerCutWidth (0),
360 {
361  LogDebug("EcalGeom") << "DDEcalBarrelAlgo info: Creating an instance" ;
362 }
#define LogDebug(id)
std::vector< double > m_vecPincerEnvZOff
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFEMZ
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimCF
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackVFELyrMat
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackCoolName
std::vector< std::string > m_vecIlyMat
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmZPts
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmBTran
std::vector< double > m_vecBarTran
std::vector< double > m_vecBackMiscThick
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimAR
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFanOutZ
std::string m_BackCoolTankWaName
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFanOutPhi
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackMiscName
std::vector< double > m_vecBackCoolSecSep
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRota2
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimBF
std::vector< double > m_vecWebClrTh
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRMin
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipePhi
std::vector< std::string > m_vecPatchPanelMat
std::vector< std::string > m_vecPatchPanelNames
std::vector< std::string > m_vecMBLyrName
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmBRota
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmRMax
std::vector< double > m_vecPincerRodAzimuth
std::vector< double > m_vecWebLength
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRota
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackVFELyrName
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimCR
std::vector< double > m_vecNomCryDimBR
std::vector< std::string > m_vecBackMiscMat
std::vector< double > m_vecBackCoolNSec
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipeType
std::vector< double > m_vecPatchPanelThick
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmCutTM
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRMax
std::vector< std::string > m_vecMBLyrMat
std::vector< double > m_vecBarRota3
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPTMPhi
std::vector< double > m_vecWebPlTh
std::vector< double > m_vecBackVFELyrThick
std::vector< double > m_vecGrMidSlotHeight
std::vector< double > m_vecBackPipeDiam
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmTran
std::vector< double > m_vecGrilleHeight
std::vector< double > m_vecGapAlvEta
std::vector< double > m_vecMBLyrThick
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipeZ
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyThick
std::vector< double > m_vecGrilleZOff
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPTMZ
std::vector< double > m_vecBarZPts
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmRota
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmCutTP
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyPipeLength
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmRMin
std::vector< double > m_vecBackPipeThick
std::vector< double > m_vecIlyFEMPhi
std::vector< double > m_vecSpmHere
std::vector< double > m_vecBackCoolNPerSec
DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::~DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo ( )

Definition at line 364 of file

364 {}

Member Function Documentation

DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::aglMat ( ) const

Definition at line 166 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_AGLMat.

Referenced by execute().

166 { return ddmat(m_AGLMat) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::aglName ( ) const

Definition at line 165 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_AGLName.

Referenced by execute().

165 { return ddname(m_AGLName) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::aglThick ( ) const

Definition at line 167 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_AGLThick.

Referenced by execute().

167 { return m_AGLThick; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::andMat ( ) const

Definition at line 170 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_ANDMat.

Referenced by execute().

170 { return ddmat(m_ANDMat) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::andName ( ) const

Definition at line 169 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_ANDName.

Referenced by execute().

169 { return ddname(m_ANDName) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::andThick ( ) const

Definition at line 171 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_ANDThick.

Referenced by execute().

171 { return m_ANDThick; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::apdMat ( ) const

Definition at line 174 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_APDMat.

Referenced by execute().

174 { return ddmat(m_APDMat) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::apdName ( ) const

Definition at line 173 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_APDName.

Referenced by execute().

173 { return ddname(m_APDName) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::apdSide ( ) const

Definition at line 175 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_APDSide.

Referenced by execute().

175 { return m_APDSide ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::apdThick ( ) const

Definition at line 176 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_APDThick.

Referenced by execute().

176 { return m_APDThick; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::apdX1 ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_APDX1.

Referenced by execute().

178 { return m_APDX1 ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::apdX2 ( ) const

Definition at line 179 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_APDX2.

Referenced by execute().

179 { return m_APDX2 ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::apdZ ( ) const

Definition at line 177 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_APDZ.

Referenced by execute().

177 { return m_APDZ ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::atjMat ( ) const

Definition at line 158 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_ATJMat.

Referenced by execute().

158 { return ddmat(m_ATJMat) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::atjName ( ) const

Definition at line 157 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_ATJName.

Referenced by execute().

157 { return ddname(m_ATJName) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::atjThick ( ) const

Definition at line 159 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_ATJThick.

Referenced by execute().

159 { return m_ATJThick; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backBracketHeight ( ) const

Definition at line 360 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackBracketHeight.

Referenced by execute().

360 { return m_BackBracketHeight ;}
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backBracketMat ( ) const

Definition at line 361 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackBracketMat.

Referenced by execute().

361 { return ddmat(m_BackBracketMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
const std::string& DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backBracketName ( ) const

Definition at line 359 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackBracketName.

Referenced by execute().

359 { return m_BackBracketName ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCBStdSep ( ) const

Definition at line 349 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCBStdSep.

Referenced by execute().

349 { return m_BackCBStdSep ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarHeight ( ) const

Definition at line 326 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolBarHeight.

Referenced by execute().

326 { return m_BackCoolBarHeight ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarHere ( ) const

Definition at line 328 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolBarHere.

Referenced by execute().

328 { return m_BackCoolBarHere ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarMat ( ) const

Definition at line 331 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackCoolBarMat.

Referenced by execute().

331 { return ddmat(m_BackCoolBarMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarName ( ) const

Definition at line 329 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackCoolBarName.

Referenced by execute().

329 { return ddname(m_BackCoolBarName);}
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarSSMat ( ) const

Definition at line 334 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackCoolBarSSMat.

Referenced by execute().

334 { return ddmat(m_BackCoolBarSSMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarSSName ( ) const

Definition at line 332 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackCoolBarSSName.

Referenced by execute().

332 { return ddname(m_BackCoolBarSSName);}
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarSSThick ( ) const

Definition at line 333 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolBarSSThick.

Referenced by execute().

333 { return m_BackCoolBarSSThick ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarThick ( ) const

Definition at line 330 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolBarThick.

Referenced by execute().

330 { return m_BackCoolBarThick ;}
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarWaMat ( ) const

Definition at line 337 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackCoolBarWaMat.

Referenced by execute().

337 { return ddmat(m_BackCoolBarWaMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarWaName ( ) const

Definition at line 335 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackCoolBarWaName.

Referenced by execute().

335 { return ddname(m_BackCoolBarWaName);}
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarWaThick ( ) const

Definition at line 336 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolBarWaThick.

Referenced by execute().

336 { return m_BackCoolBarWaThick ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolBarWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 325 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolBarWidth.

Referenced by execute().

325 { return m_BackCoolBarWidth ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolHere ( ) const

Definition at line 324 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolHere.

Referenced by execute().

324 { return m_BackCoolHere ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolMat ( ) const

Definition at line 327 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackCoolMat.

327 { return ddmat(m_BackCoolMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankHere ( ) const

Definition at line 351 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolTankHere.

Referenced by execute().

351 { return m_BackCoolTankHere ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankMat ( ) const

Definition at line 355 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackCoolTankMat.

Referenced by execute().

355 { return ddmat(m_BackCoolTankMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
const std::string& DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankName ( ) const

Definition at line 352 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolTankName.

Referenced by execute().

352 { return m_BackCoolTankName ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankThick ( ) const

Definition at line 354 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolTankThick.

Referenced by execute().

354 { return m_BackCoolTankThick ;}
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankWaMat ( ) const

Definition at line 358 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackCoolTankWaMat.

Referenced by execute().

358 { return ddmat(m_BackCoolTankWaMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
const std::string& DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankWaName ( ) const

Definition at line 356 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolTankWaName.

Referenced by execute().

356 { return m_BackCoolTankWaName ;}
std::string m_BackCoolTankWaName
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankWaWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 357 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolTankWaWidth.

Referenced by execute().

double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolTankWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 353 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolTankWidth.

Referenced by execute().

353 { return m_BackCoolTankWidth ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolVFEHere ( ) const

Definition at line 338 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackCoolVFEHere.

Referenced by execute().

338 { return m_BackCoolVFEHere ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolVFEMat ( ) const

Definition at line 340 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackCoolVFEMat.

Referenced by execute().

340 { return ddmat(m_BackCoolVFEMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backCoolVFEName ( ) const

Definition at line 339 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackCoolVFEName.

Referenced by execute().

339 { return ddname(m_BackCoolVFEName) ;}
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backHere ( ) const

Definition at line 261 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackHere.

Referenced by execute().

261 { return m_BackHere ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backMiscHere ( ) const

Definition at line 309 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackMiscHere.

Referenced by execute().

309 { return m_BackMiscHere ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPipeHere ( ) const

Definition at line 303 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackPipeHere.

Referenced by execute().

303 { return m_BackPipeHere ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPipeMat ( ) const

Definition at line 307 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackPipeMat.

Referenced by execute().

307 { return ddmat( m_BackPipeMat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
const std::string& DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPipeName ( ) const

Definition at line 304 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackPipeName.

Referenced by execute().

304 { return m_BackPipeName ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPipeWaterMat ( ) const

Definition at line 308 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackPipeWaterMat.

Referenced by execute().

308 { return ddmat( m_BackPipeWaterMat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlate2Mat ( ) const

Definition at line 281 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackPlate2Mat.

Referenced by execute().

281 { return ddmat( m_BackPlate2Mat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlate2Name ( ) const

Definition at line 279 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackPlate2Name.

Referenced by execute().

279 { return ddname( m_BackPlate2Name ) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlate2Thick ( ) const

Definition at line 280 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackPlate2Thick.

Referenced by execute().

280 { return m_BackPlate2Thick ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlateHere ( ) const

Definition at line 274 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackPlateHere.

Referenced by execute().

274 { return m_BackPlateHere ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlateLength ( ) const

Definition at line 275 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackPlateLength.

Referenced by execute().

275 { return m_BackPlateLength ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlateMat ( ) const

Definition at line 278 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackPlateMat.

Referenced by execute().

278 { return ddmat( m_BackPlateMat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlateName ( ) const

Definition at line 273 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackPlateName.

Referenced by execute().

273 { return ddname( m_BackPlateName ) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlateThick ( ) const

Definition at line 276 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackPlateThick.

Referenced by execute().

276 { return m_BackPlateThick ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backPlateWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 277 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackPlateWidth.

Referenced by execute().

277 { return m_BackPlateWidth ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideAngle ( ) const

Definition at line 271 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackSideAngle.

Referenced by execute().

271 { return m_BackSideAngle ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideHeight ( ) const

Definition at line 267 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackSideHeight.

Referenced by execute().

267 { return m_BackSideHeight ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideHere ( ) const

Definition at line 265 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackSideHere.

Referenced by execute().

265 { return m_BackSideHere ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideLength ( ) const

Definition at line 266 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackSideLength.

Referenced by execute().

266 { return m_BackSideLength ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideMat ( ) const

Definition at line 272 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackSideMat.

Referenced by execute().

272 { return ddmat( m_BackSideMat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideName ( ) const

Definition at line 264 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackSideName.

Referenced by execute().

264 { return ddname( m_BackSideName ) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 268 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackSideWidth.

Referenced by execute().

268 { return m_BackSideWidth ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideYOff1 ( ) const

Definition at line 269 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackSideYOff1.

Referenced by execute().

269 { return m_BackSideYOff1 ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backSideYOff2 ( ) const

Definition at line 270 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackSideYOff2.

Referenced by execute().

270 { return m_BackSideYOff2 ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backVFEMat ( ) const

Definition at line 342 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BackVFEMat.

Referenced by execute().

342 { return ddmat(m_BackVFEMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backVFEName ( ) const

Definition at line 341 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BackVFEName.

Referenced by execute().

341 { return ddname(m_BackVFEName) ;}
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backXOff ( ) const

Definition at line 262 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackXOff.

Referenced by execute().

262 { return m_BackXOff ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::backYOff ( ) const

Definition at line 263 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BackYOff.

Referenced by execute().

263 { return m_BackYOff ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::barHere ( ) const

Definition at line 64 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BarHere.

Referenced by execute().

64 { return m_BarHere ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::barMat ( ) const

Definition at line 54 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BarMat.

Referenced by execute().

54 { return ddmat( m_BarMat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::barName ( ) const

Definition at line 53 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BarName.

Referenced by execute().

53 { return ddname( m_BarName ) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::barPhiHi ( ) const

Definition at line 63 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BarPhiHi.

Referenced by execute().

63 { return m_BarPhiHi ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::barPhiLo ( ) const

Definition at line 62 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BarPhiLo.

Referenced by execute().

62 { return m_BarPhiLo ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::bsiMat ( ) const

Definition at line 152 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_BSiMat.

Referenced by execute().

152 { return ddmat(m_BSiMat) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::bsiName ( ) const

Definition at line 151 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_BSiName.

Referenced by execute().

151 { return ddname(m_BSiName) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::bsiThick ( ) const

Definition at line 155 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BSiThick.

Referenced by execute().

155 { return m_BSiThick; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::bsiXSize ( ) const

Definition at line 153 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BSiXSize.

Referenced by execute().

153 { return m_BSiXSize ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::bsiYSize ( ) const

Definition at line 154 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_BSiYSize.

Referenced by execute().

154 { return m_BSiYSize ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::capHere ( ) const

Definition at line 139 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_capHere.

Referenced by execute().

139 { return m_capHere ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::capMat ( ) const

Definition at line 140 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_capMat.

Referenced by execute().

140 { return ddmat(m_capMat) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::capName ( ) const

Definition at line 138 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_capName.

Referenced by execute().

138 { return ddname(m_capName) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::capThick ( ) const

Definition at line 143 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_capThick.

Referenced by execute().

143 { return m_capThick; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::capXSize ( ) const

Definition at line 141 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_capXSize.

Referenced by execute().

141 { return m_capXSize ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::capYSize ( ) const

Definition at line 142 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_capYSize.

Referenced by execute().

142 { return m_capYSize ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::cerMat ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_CERMat.

Referenced by execute().

146 { return ddmat(m_CERMat) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::cerName ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddname(), and m_CERName.

Referenced by execute().

145 { return ddname(m_CERName) ; }
DDName ddname(const std::string &s) const
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::cerThick ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_CERThick.

Referenced by execute().

149 { return m_CERThick; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::cerXSize ( ) const

Definition at line 147 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_CERXSize.

Referenced by execute().

147 { return m_CERXSize ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::cerYSize ( ) const

Definition at line 148 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_CERYSize.

Referenced by execute().

148 { return m_CERYSize ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::clrFrAlv ( ) const

Definition at line 120 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_ClrFrAlv.

Referenced by execute().

120 { return m_ClrFrAlv ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::clrMat ( ) const

Definition at line 135 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_ClrMat.

Referenced by execute().

135 { return ddmat( m_ClrMat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
const std::string& DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::clrName ( ) const

Definition at line 130 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_ClrName.

Referenced by execute().

130 { return m_ClrName ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::clrReAlv ( ) const

Definition at line 124 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_ClrReAlv.

Referenced by execute().

124 { return m_ClrReAlv ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::clrThAlv ( ) const

Definition at line 115 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_ClrThAlv.

Referenced by execute().

115 { return m_ClrThAlv ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::cryMat ( ) const

Definition at line 134 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_CryMat.

Referenced by execute().

134 { return ddmat( m_CryMat ) ; }
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
const std::string& DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::cryName ( ) const

Definition at line 129 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_CryName.

Referenced by execute().

129 { return m_CryName ; }
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::ddmat ( const std::string &  s) const
DDName DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::ddname ( const std::string &  s) const

Definition at line 2876 of file

References DDSplit(), m_idNameSpace, and groupFilesInBlocks::temp.

Referenced by aglName(), andName(), apdName(), atjName(), backCoolBarName(), backCoolBarSSName(), backCoolBarWaName(), backCoolVFEName(), backPlate2Name(), backPlateName(), backSideName(), backVFEName(), barName(), bsiName(), capName(), cerName(), ddmat(), execute(), fawName(), grEdgeSlotName(), gridName(), hawRName(), ilyBndlName(), ilyDiffName(), ilyFanOutName(), ilyFEMName(), ilyPTMName(), mBManifName(), myrot(), mytrap(), patchPanelName(), pincerBlkName(), pincerCutName(), pincerEnvName(), pincerRodName(), pincerShim1Name(), pincerShim2Name(), sglName(), spmCutName(), spmName(), and spmSideName().

2877 {
2878  const pair<std::string,std::string> temp ( DDSplit(s) ) ;
2879  if ( temp.second.empty() ) {
2880  return DDName( temp.first,
2881  m_idNameSpace ) ;
2882  } else {
2883  return DDName( temp.first, temp.second );
2884  }
2885 }
DDName is used to identify DDD entities uniquely.
Definition: DDName.h:15
std::pair< std::string, std::string > DDSplit(const std::string &n)
split into (name,namespace), separator = &#39;:&#39;
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::dryAirTubeHere ( ) const

Definition at line 363 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_DryAirTubeHere.

Referenced by execute().

363 { return m_DryAirTubeHere ; }
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::dryAirTubeInnDiam ( ) const

Definition at line 366 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_DryAirTubeInnDiam.

Referenced by execute().

366 { return m_DryAirTubeInnDiam ;}
DDMaterial DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::dryAirTubeMat ( ) const

Definition at line 368 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References ddmat(), and m_DryAirTubeMat.

Referenced by execute().

368 { return ddmat(m_DryAirTubeMat) ;}
DDMaterial ddmat(const std::string &s) const
const std::string& DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::dryAirTubeName ( ) const

Definition at line 364 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_DryAirTubeName.

Referenced by execute().

364 { return m_DryAirTubeName ;}
double DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::dryAirTubeOutDiam ( ) const

Definition at line 367 of file DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo.h.

References m_DryAirTubeOutDiam.

Referenced by execute().

367 { return m_DryAirTubeOutDiam ;}
void DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo::execute ( DDCompactView cpv)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Back Cover Plate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Back Cover Plate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Back Side Plates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Back Side Plates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Mother Board Cooling Manifold Setup !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Mother Board Cooling Manifold Setup !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Loop over Grilles & MB Cooling Manifold !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Loop over Grilles & MB Cooling Manifold !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Cooling Bar Setup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Cooling Bar Setup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin VFE Card Setup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End VFE Card Setup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Cooling Bar + VFE Setup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Cooling Bar + VFE Setup !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Placement of Readout & Cooling by Module !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Back Water Pipes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Back Water Pipes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Placement of Cooling + VFE Cards !!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Placement of Cooling + VFE Cards !!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Placement of Readout & Cooling by Module !!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Patch Panel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Patch Panel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Begin Pincers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! End Pincers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Definition at line 742 of file

References EcalTrapezoidParameters::a(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::A(), aglMat(), aglName(), aglThick(), andMat(), andName(), andThick(), apdMat(), apdName(), apdSide(), apdThick(), apdX1(), apdX2(), apdZ(), atjMat(), atjName(), atjThick(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::b(), backBracketHeight(), backBracketMat(), backBracketName(), backCBStdSep(), backCoolBarHeight(), backCoolBarHere(), backCoolBarMat(), backCoolBarName(), backCoolBarSSMat(), backCoolBarSSName(), backCoolBarSSThick(), backCoolBarThick(), backCoolBarWaMat(), backCoolBarWaName(), backCoolBarWaThick(), backCoolBarWidth(), backCoolHere(), backCoolTankHere(), backCoolTankMat(), backCoolTankName(), backCoolTankThick(), backCoolTankWaMat(), backCoolTankWaName(), backCoolTankWaWidth(), backCoolTankWidth(), backCoolVFEHere(), backCoolVFEMat(), backCoolVFEName(), backHere(), backMiscHere(), backPipeHere(), backPipeMat(), backPipeName(), backPipeWaterMat(), backPlate2Mat(), backPlate2Name(), backPlate2Thick(), backPlateHere(), backPlateLength(), backPlateMat(), backPlateName(), backPlateThick(), backPlateWidth(), backSideAngle(), backSideHeight(), backSideHere(), backSideLength(), backSideMat(), backSideName(), backSideWidth(), backSideYOff1(), backSideYOff2(), backVFEMat(), backVFEName(), backXOff(), backYOff(), barHere(), barMat(), barName(), barPhiHi(), barPhiLo(), pfBoostedDoubleSVAK8TagInfos_cfi::beta, EcalTrapezoidParameters::bl1(), reco::HaloData::both, DDSolidFactory::box(), bsiMat(), bsiName(), bsiThick(), bsiXSize(), bsiYSize(), capHere(), capMat(), capName(), capThick(), capXSize(), capYSize(), cerMat(), cerName(), cerThick(), cerXSize(), cerYSize(), clrFrAlv(), clrMat(), clrName(), clrReAlv(), clrThAlv(), funct::cos(), cryMat(), cryName(), ddmat(), ddname(), delta, dryAirTubeHere(), dryAirTubeInnDiam(), dryAirTubeMat(), dryAirTubeName(), dryAirTubeOutDiam(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::dz(), fawDelPhi(), fawHere(), fawName(), fawPhiOff(), fawPhiRot(), fawRadOff(), CustomPhysics_cfi::gamma, grEdgeSlotHeight(), grEdgeSlotHere(), grEdgeSlotMat(), grEdgeSlotName(), grEdgeSlotWidth(), gridHere(), gridMat(), gridName(), gridThick(), grilleHere(), grilleMat(), grilleName(), grilleThick(), grilleZSpace(), grMidSlotHere(), grMidSlotMat(), grMidSlotName(), grMidSlotWidth(), grMidSlotXOff(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::h(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::H(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::h1(), hawRCutDelY(), hawRCutY(), hawRCutZ(), hawRHBIG(), hawRhsml(), hawRName(), hawYOffCry(), ilyBndlLength(), ilyBndlMat(), ilyBndlName(), ilyBndlOff(), ilyDelPhi(), ilyDiffLength(), ilyDiffMat(), ilyDiffName(), ilyDiffOff(), ilyFanOutHeight(), ilyFanOutHere(), ilyFanOutLength(), ilyFanOutMat(), ilyFanOutName(), ilyFanOutWidth(), ilyFEMHeight(), ilyFEMLength(), ilyFEMMat(), ilyFEMName(), ilyFEMWidth(), ilyHere(), ilyName(), ilyPhiLow(), ilyPipeHere(), ilyPipeID(), ilyPipeMat(), ilyPipeName(), ilyPipeOD(), ilyPTMHeight(), ilyPTMHere(), ilyPTMLength(), ilyPTMMat(), ilyPTMName(), ilyPTMWidth(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::L(), LogDebug, M_PI_2, m_SpmName, mBCoolTubeHere(), mBCoolTubeInnDiam(), mBCoolTubeMat(), mBCoolTubeName(), mBCoolTubeNum(), mBCoolTubeOutDiam(), mBLyrHere(), mBManifHere(), mBManifInnDiam(), mBManifMat(), mBManifName(), mBManifOutDiam(), myrot(), mytrap(), DDName::name(), dataset::name, DDBase< N, C >::name(), nCryPerAlvEta(), nCryTypes(), nFawPerSupm(), nomCryDimAF(), nomCryDimLZ(), DDSolid::parameters(), class-composition::parent, patchPanelHere(), patchPanelName(), phi, pincerBlkLength(), pincerBlkMat(), pincerBlkName(), pincerCutHeight(), pincerCutMat(), pincerCutName(), pincerCutWidth(), pincerEnvHeight(), pincerEnvLength(), pincerEnvMat(), pincerEnvName(), pincerEnvWidth(), pincerRodHere(), pincerRodMat(), pincerRodName(), pincerShim1Name(), pincerShim1Width(), pincerShim2Name(), pincerShim2Width(), pincerShimHeight(), pincerShimMat(), DDSolidFactory::polycone(), DDCompactView::position(), diffTwoXMLs::r1, TCMET_cfi::radius, sglMat(), sglName(), sglThick(), funct::sin(), findQualityFiles::size, spmCutName(), spmCutRM(), spmCutRP(), spmCutShow(), spmCutThick(), spmDelPhi(), spmExpThick(), spmExpWide(), spmExpYOff(), spmLowPhi(), spmMat(), spmName(), spmNPerHalf(), spmPhiOff(), spmSideHigh(), spmSideMat(), spmSideName(), spmSideThick(), spmSideYOffM(), spmSideYOffP(), mathSSE::sqrt(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, DDSolidFactory::subtraction(), theta(), DDSolidFactory::tubs(), underAF(), underAR(), underBF(), underBR(), underCF(), underLZ(), vecBackCoolName(), vecBackCoolNPerSec(), vecBackCoolNSec(), vecBackCoolSecSep(), vecBackMiscMat(), vecBackMiscName(), vecBackMiscThick(), vecBackPipeDiam(), vecBackPipeThick(), vecBackVFELyrMat(), vecBackVFELyrName(), vecBackVFELyrThick(), vecBarRMax(), vecBarRMin(), vecBarRota(), vecBarRota2(), vecBarRota3(), vecBarTran(), vecBarZPts(), vecGapAlvEta(), vecGrilleHeight(), vecGrilleZOff(), vecGrMidSlotHeight(), vecIlyFanOutPhi(), vecIlyFanOutZ(), vecIlyFEMPhi(), vecIlyFEMZ(), vecIlyMat(), vecIlyPipeLength(), vecIlyPipePhi(), vecIlyPipeType(), vecIlyPipeZ(), vecIlyPTMPhi(), vecIlyPTMZ(), vecIlyThick(), vecMBLyrMat(), vecMBLyrName(), vecMBLyrThick(), vecNomCryDimAR(), vecNomCryDimBF(), vecNomCryDimBR(), vecNomCryDimCF(), vecNomCryDimCR(), vecPatchPanelMat(), vecPatchPanelNames(), vecPatchPanelThick(), vecPincerEnvZOff(), vecPincerRodAzimuth(), vecSpmBRota(), vecSpmBTran(), vecSpmCutTM(), vecSpmCutTP(), vecSpmHere(), vecSpmRMax(), vecSpmRMin(), vecSpmRota(), vecSpmTran(), vecSpmZPts(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::vertexList(), wallFrAlv(), wallMat(), wallName(), wallReAlv(), wallThAlv(), web(), wrapFrAlv(), wrapMat(), wrapName(), wrapReAlv(), wrapThAlv(), x, geometryCSVtoXML::xx, y, geometryCSVtoXML::yy, z, and geometryCSVtoXML::zz.

743 {
744  LogDebug("EcalGeom") << "******** DDEcalBarrelAlgo execute!" << std::endl ;
746  if( barHere() != 0 )
747  {
748  const unsigned int copyOne (1) ;
749  const unsigned int copyTwo (2) ;
750  // Barrel parent volume----------------------------------------------------------
751  cpv.position( DDLogicalPart( barName(), barMat(),
753  barName(), barPhiLo(), ( barPhiHi() - barPhiLo() ),
754  vecBarZPts(), vecBarRMin(), vecBarRMax())),
755  parent().name() ,
756  copyOne,
758  vecBarTran()[1],
759  vecBarTran()[2]),
760  myrot(barName().name()+"Rot",
761  Rota(Vec3(vecBarRota3()[0],
762  vecBarRota3()[1],
763  vecBarRota3()[2]),
764  vecBarRota3()[3])*
765  Rota(Vec3(vecBarRota2()[0],
766  vecBarRota2()[1],
767  vecBarRota2()[2]),
768  vecBarRota2()[3])*
769  Rota(Vec3(vecBarRota()[0],
770  vecBarRota()[1],
771  vecBarRota()[2]),
772  vecBarRota()[3]) ) ) ;
773  // End Barrel parent volume----------------------------------------------------------
776  // Supermodule parent------------------------------------------------------------
778  const DDName spmcut1ddname ( ( 0 != spmCutShow() ) ?
779  spmName() : ddname( m_SpmName + "CUT1" ) ) ;
780  const DDSolid ddspm ( DDSolidFactory::polycone(
781  spmcut1ddname,
782  spmLowPhi(), spmDelPhi(),
783  vecSpmZPts(), vecSpmRMin(), vecSpmRMax())) ;
785  const unsigned int indx ( vecSpmRMax().size()/2 ) ;
788  // Deal with the cut boxes first
789  const DDSolid spmCutBox ( DDSolidFactory::box(
790  spmCutName(),
791  1.05*(vecSpmRMax()[indx] - vecSpmRMin()[indx])/2.,
792  spmCutThick()/2.,
793  fabs( vecSpmZPts().back() - vecSpmZPts().front() )/2.+1*mm) ) ;
794  const std::vector<double>& cutBoxParms ( spmCutBox.parameters() ) ;
795  const DDLogicalPart spmCutLog ( spmCutName(), spmMat(), spmCutBox ) ;
797  // Now the expansion box
798  const double xExp ( spmExpThick()/2. ) ;
799  const double yExp ( spmExpWide()/2. ) ;
800  const double zExp ( fabs( vecSpmZPts().back() -
801  vecSpmZPts().front() )/2.) ;
802  const DDName expName ( m_SpmName + "EXP" ) ;
803  const DDSolid spmExpBox ( DDSolidFactory::box(
804  expName ,
805  xExp ,
806  yExp ,
807  zExp )) ;
808  const DDTranslation expTra ( vecSpmRMax().back() - xExp, spmExpYOff(),
809  vecSpmZPts().front() + zExp ) ;
810  const DDLogicalPart expLog ( expName, spmMat(), spmExpBox ) ;
812 /* const DDName unionName ( ddname( m_SpmName + "UNI" ) ) ;
813  if( 0 != spmCutShow() )
814  {
815  cpv.position( expLog, spmName(), copyOne, expTra, DDRotation() ) ;
816  }
817  else
818  {
819  const DDSolid unionSolid ( DDSolidFactory::unionSolid(
820  unionName,
821  spmcut1ddname, expName,
822  expTra, DDRotation() ) ) ;
823  }*/
826  // Supermodule side platess
827  const DDSolid sideSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box(
828  spmSideName(),
829  spmSideHigh()/2.,
830  spmSideThick()/2.,
831  fabs( vecSpmZPts()[1] - vecSpmZPts()[0] )/2.) ) ;
832  const std::vector<double>& sideParms ( sideSolid.parameters() ) ;
833  const DDLogicalPart sideLog ( spmSideName(), spmSideMat(), sideSolid ) ;
835  DDSolid temp1 ;
836  DDSolid temp2 ;
837  for( unsigned int icopy(1); icopy <= 2; ++icopy )
838  {
839  const std::vector<double>& tvec ( 1==icopy ? vecSpmCutTM() : vecSpmCutTP() ) ;
840  const double rang ( 1==icopy ? spmCutRM() : spmCutRP() ) ;
842  const Tl3D tr ( tvec[0], tvec[1], tvec[2] );
843  const RoZ3D ro ( rang ) ;
844  const Tf3D alltrot (
845  RoZ3D( 1==icopy ? spmLowPhi() : spmLowPhi()+spmDelPhi() )*
846  Tl3D( ( vecSpmRMax()[indx]+vecSpmRMin()[indx])/2.,
847  0,
848  (vecSpmZPts().front()+ vecSpmZPts().back())/2.)*
849  tr*ro) ;
851  const DDRotation ddrot ( myrot(spmCutName().name() +
852  std::to_string(icopy),
853  alltrot.getRotation() ) ) ;
854  const DDTranslation ddtra ( alltrot.getTranslation() ) ;
857  const Tl3D trSide ( tvec[0],
858  tvec[1] + ( 1==icopy ? 1. : -1. )*( cutBoxParms[1]+sideParms[1] )
859  + ( 1==icopy ? spmSideYOffM() : spmSideYOffP() ),
860  tvec[2] );
861  const RoZ3D roSide ( rang ) ;
862  const Tf3D sideRot (
863  RoZ3D( 1==icopy ? spmLowPhi() : spmLowPhi()+spmDelPhi() )*
864  Tl3D( vecSpmRMin().front() + sideParms[0] ,
865  0,
866  vecSpmZPts().front()+ sideParms[2] )*
867  trSide*roSide) ;
869  const DDRotation sideddrot ( myrot(spmSideName().name() +
870  std::to_string(icopy),
871  sideRot.getRotation() ) ) ;
872  const DDTranslation sideddtra ( sideRot.getTranslation() ) ;
874  cpv.position( sideLog,
875  spmName(),
876  icopy,
877  sideddtra,
878  sideddrot ) ;
881  if( 0 != spmCutShow() ) // do this if we are "showing" the boxes
882  {
883  cpv.position( spmCutLog,
884  spmName(),
885  icopy,
886  ddtra,
887  ddrot ) ;
888  }
889  else // do this if we are subtracting the boxes
890  {
891  if( 1 == icopy )
892  {
893  temp1 = DDSolidFactory::subtraction( DDName( m_SpmName+"_T1" ),
894  spmcut1ddname, spmCutBox,
895  ddtra, ddrot ) ;
896  }
897  else
898  {
900  temp1, spmCutBox,
901  ddtra, ddrot ) ;
902  }
903  }
904  }
906  const DDLogicalPart spmLog (spmName(), spmMat(),
907  ((0 != spmCutShow()) ? ddspm : temp2) ) ;
909  const double dphi ( 360.*deg/(1.*spmNPerHalf() ) ) ;
910  for( unsigned int iphi (0); iphi<2*spmNPerHalf() ; ++iphi )
911  {
912  const double phi ( iphi*dphi + spmPhiOff() ) ; //- 0.000130/deg ) ;
914  // this base rotation includes the base translation & rotation
915  // plus flipping for the negative z hemisphere, plus
916  // the phi rotation for this module
917  const Tf3D rotaBase ( RoZ3D( phi )*
918  ( iphi < spmNPerHalf() ? Ro3D() :
919  RoX3D( 180.*deg ) )*
920  Ro3D( vecSpmBRota()[3],
921  Vec3( vecSpmBRota()[0],
922  vecSpmBRota()[1],
923  vecSpmBRota()[2]))*
924  Tl3D( Vec3( vecSpmBTran()[0],
925  vecSpmBTran()[1],
926  vecSpmBTran()[2] ))) ;
928  // here the individual rotations & translations of the supermodule
929  // are implemented on top of the overall "base" rotation & translation
931  const unsigned int offr ( 4*iphi ) ;
932  const unsigned int offt ( 3*iphi ) ;
934  const Ro3D r1 ( vecSpmRota()[ offr+3],
935  Vec3(vecSpmRota()[offr+0],
936  vecSpmRota()[offr+1],
937  vecSpmRota()[offr+2] ) ) ;
939  const Tf3D rotaExtra ( r1*Tl3D( Vec3(vecSpmTran()[offt+0],
940  vecSpmTran()[offt+1],
941  vecSpmTran()[offt+2] ) ) ) ;
943  const Tf3D both ( rotaExtra*rotaBase ) ;
945  const DDRotation rota ( myrot( spmName().name()+std::to_string(phi/deg),
946  both.getRotation() ) );
948  if( vecSpmHere()[iphi] != 0 )
949  {
950  // convert from CLHEP to DDTranslation & etc. -- Michael Case
951  DDTranslation myTran(both.getTranslation().x(), both.getTranslation().y(), both.getTranslation().z());
952  cpv.position( spmLog,
953  barName(),
954  iphi+1,
955  myTran,
956  rota ) ;
957  }
958  }
959  // End Supermodule parent------------------------------------------------------------
961  // Begin Inner Layer volumes---------------------------------------------------------
962  const double ilyLength ( vecSpmZPts()[1] - vecSpmZPts()[0] ) ;
963  double ilyRMin ( vecSpmRMin()[0] ) ;
964  double ilyThick ( 0 ) ;
965  for( unsigned int ilyx ( 0 ) ; ilyx != vecIlyThick().size() ; ++ilyx )
966  {
967  ilyThick += vecIlyThick()[ilyx] ;
968  }
969  const DDName ilyDDName ( ddname( ilyName() ) ) ;
970  const DDSolid ilySolid ( DDSolidFactory::tubs( ilyDDName,
971  ilyLength/2,
972  ilyRMin,
973  ilyRMin + ilyThick,
974  ilyPhiLow(),
975  ilyDelPhi() ) ) ;
976  const DDLogicalPart ilyLog ( ilyDDName, spmMat(), ilySolid ) ;
977  cpv.position( ilyLog,
978  spmLog,
979  copyOne,
980  DDTranslation(0,0, ilyLength/2 ),
981  DDRotation() ) ;
983  DDLogicalPart ilyPipeLog[200] ;
985  if( 0 != ilyPipeHere() )
986  {
987  for( unsigned int iPipeType ( 0 ) ; iPipeType != vecIlyPipeLength().size(); ++iPipeType )
988  {
989  const DDName pName ( ddname( ilyPipeName() + "_" +
990  std::to_string(iPipeType+1) ) ) ;
992  DDSolid ilyPipeSolid ( DDSolidFactory::tubs( pName ,
993  vecIlyPipeLength()[iPipeType]/2.,
994  0,
995  ilyPipeOD()/2,
996  0*deg, 360*deg ) ) ;
997  ilyPipeLog[iPipeType] = DDLogicalPart( pName, ilyPipeMat(), ilyPipeSolid ) ;
999  const DDName pWaName ( ddname( ilyPipeName() + "Wa_" +
1000  std::to_string(iPipeType+1) ) ) ;
1001  DDSolid ilyPipeWaSolid ( DDSolidFactory::tubs( pWaName ,
1002  vecIlyPipeLength()[iPipeType]/2.,
1003  0,
1004  ilyPipeID()/2,
1005  0*deg, 360*deg ) ) ;
1006  const DDLogicalPart ilyPipeWaLog ( pWaName, backPipeWaterMat(), ilyPipeWaSolid ) ;
1008  cpv.position( ilyPipeWaLog,
1009  pName,
1010  copyOne,
1011  DDTranslation(0,0,0),
1012  DDRotation() ) ;
1013  }
1014  }
1016  DDSolid ilyPTMSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( ilyPTMName(),
1017  ilyPTMHeight()/2.,
1018  ilyPTMWidth()/2.,
1019  ilyPTMLength()/2. ) ) ;
1020  const DDLogicalPart ilyPTMLog ( ilyPTMName(),
1021  ilyPTMMat(),
1022  ilyPTMSolid ) ;
1024  DDSolid ilyFanOutSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( ilyFanOutName(),
1025  ilyFanOutHeight()/2.,
1026  ilyFanOutWidth()/2.,
1027  ilyFanOutLength()/2. ) ) ;
1028  const DDLogicalPart ilyFanOutLog ( ilyFanOutName(),
1029  ilyFanOutMat(),
1030  ilyFanOutSolid ) ;
1032  DDSolid ilyFEMSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( ilyFEMName(),
1033  ilyFEMHeight()/2.,
1034  ilyFEMWidth()/2.,
1035  ilyFEMLength()/2. ) ) ;
1036  const DDLogicalPart ilyFEMLog ( ilyFEMName(),
1037  ilyFEMMat(),
1038  ilyFEMSolid ) ;
1040  DDSolid ilyDiffSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( ilyDiffName(),
1041  ilyFanOutHeight()/2.,
1042  ilyFanOutWidth()/2.,
1043  ilyDiffLength()/2. ) ) ;
1044  const DDLogicalPart ilyDiffLog ( ilyDiffName(),
1045  ilyDiffMat(),
1046  ilyDiffSolid ) ;
1048  DDSolid ilyBndlSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( ilyBndlName(),
1049  ilyFanOutHeight()/2.,
1050  ilyFanOutWidth()/2.,
1051  ilyBndlLength()/2. ) ) ;
1052  const DDLogicalPart ilyBndlLog ( ilyBndlName(),
1053  ilyBndlMat(),
1054  ilyBndlSolid ) ;
1055  cpv.position( ilyDiffLog,
1056  ilyFanOutName(),
1057  copyOne,
1058  DDTranslation(0,0, -ilyFanOutLength()/2 + ilyDiffLength()/2 + ilyDiffOff() ),
1059  DDRotation() ) ;
1060  cpv.position( ilyBndlLog,
1061  ilyFanOutName(),
1062  copyOne,
1063  DDTranslation(0,0, -ilyFanOutLength()/2 + ilyBndlLength()/2 + ilyBndlOff() ),
1064  DDRotation() ) ;
1066  for( unsigned int ily ( 0 ) ; ily != vecIlyThick().size() ; ++ily )
1067  {
1068  const double ilyRMax ( ilyRMin + vecIlyThick()[ily] ) ;
1069  const DDName xilyName ( ddname( ilyName() + std::to_string(ily) ) ) ;
1070  const DDSolid xilySolid ( DDSolidFactory::tubs( xilyName,
1071  ilyLength/2,
1072  ilyRMin,
1073  ilyRMax,
1074  ilyPhiLow(),
1075  ilyDelPhi() ) ) ;
1077  const DDLogicalPart xilyLog ( xilyName, ddmat(vecIlyMat()[ily]), xilySolid ) ;
1079  if( 0 != ilyHere() )
1080  {
1081  cpv.position( xilyLog,
1082  ilyLog,
1083  copyOne,
1084  DDTranslation(0,0,0),
1085  DDRotation() ) ;
1087  unsigned int copyNum[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} ;
1089  if( 10*mm < vecIlyThick()[ily] &&
1090  vecIlyThick().size() != (ily+1) &&
1091  0 != ilyPipeHere() )
1092  {
1093  if( 0 != ilyPTMHere() )
1094  {
1095  unsigned int ptmCopy ( 0 ) ;
1096  for( unsigned int ilyPTM ( 0 ) ; ilyPTM != vecIlyPTMZ().size() ; ++ilyPTM )
1097  {
1098  const double radius ( ilyRMax - 1*mm - ilyPTMHeight()/2. ) ;
1099  const double phi ( vecIlyPTMPhi()[ilyPTM] ) ;
1100  const double yy ( radius*sin(phi) ) ;
1101  const double xx ( radius*cos(phi) ) ;
1102  ++ptmCopy ;
1103  cpv.position( ilyPTMLog,
1104  xilyLog,
1105  ptmCopy,
1106  DDTranslation(xx,yy, vecIlyPTMZ()[ilyPTM] -ilyLength/2 ),
1107  myrot( + "_rot" +
1108  std::to_string( ptmCopy ) , CLHEP::HepRotationZ( phi ) )) ;
1109  }
1110  }
1111  if( 0 != ilyFanOutHere() )
1112  {
1113  unsigned int fanOutCopy ( 0 ) ;
1114  for( unsigned int ilyFO ( 0 ) ; ilyFO != vecIlyFanOutZ().size() ; ++ilyFO )
1115  {
1116  const double radius ( ilyRMax - 1*mm - ilyFanOutHeight()/2. ) ;
1117  const double phi ( vecIlyFanOutPhi()[ilyFO] ) ;
1118  const double yy ( radius*sin(phi) ) ;
1119  const double xx ( radius*cos(phi) ) ;
1120  ++fanOutCopy ;
1121  cpv.position( ilyFanOutLog,
1122  xilyLog,
1123  fanOutCopy,
1124  DDTranslation(xx,yy, vecIlyFanOutZ()[ilyFO] -ilyLength/2 ),
1125  myrot( + "_rot" +
1126  std::to_string( fanOutCopy ) ,
1127  CLHEP::HepRotationZ( phi )*CLHEP::HepRotationY( 180*deg ) )) ;
1128  }
1129  unsigned int femCopy ( 0 ) ;
1130  for( unsigned int ilyFEM ( 0 ) ; ilyFEM != vecIlyFEMZ().size() ; ++ilyFEM )
1131  {
1132  const double radius ( ilyRMax - 1*mm - ilyFEMHeight()/2. ) ;
1133  const double phi ( vecIlyFEMPhi()[ilyFEM] ) ;
1134  const double yy ( radius*sin(phi) ) ;
1135  const double xx ( radius*cos(phi) ) ;
1136  ++femCopy ;
1137  cpv.position( ilyFEMLog,
1138  xilyLog,
1139  femCopy,
1140  DDTranslation(xx,yy, vecIlyFEMZ()[ilyFEM] -ilyLength/2 ),
1141  myrot( + "_rot" +
1142  std::to_string( femCopy ) , CLHEP::HepRotationZ( phi ) )) ;
1143  }
1144  }
1145  for( unsigned int iPipe ( 0 ) ; iPipe != vecIlyPipePhi().size(); ++iPipe )
1146  {
1147  const unsigned int type ( static_cast<unsigned int> ( round( vecIlyPipeType()[iPipe] ) ) ) ;
1148 // std::cout<<" iPipe, type= " << iPipe << ", " << type << std::endl ;
1149  const double zz ( -ilyLength/2 + vecIlyPipeZ()[iPipe] +
1150  ( 9>type ? vecIlyPipeLength()[type]/2. : 0 ) ) ;
1152  for( unsigned int ly ( 0 ) ; ly != 2 ; ++ly )
1153  {
1154  const double radius ( 0 == ly ? ilyRMin + ilyPipeOD()/2. + 1*mm :
1155  ilyRMax - ilyPipeOD()/2. - 1*mm ) ;
1156  const double phi ( vecIlyPipePhi()[iPipe] ) ;
1157  const double yy ( radius*sin(phi) ) ;
1158  const double xx ( radius*cos(phi) ) ;
1159  ++copyNum[type],
1160  cpv.position( ilyPipeLog[type],
1161  xilyLog,
1162  copyNum[type],
1163  DDTranslation(xx,yy,zz),
1164  ( 9 > type ? DDRotation() :
1165  myrot( ilyPipeLog[type].name().name() + "_rot" +
1166  std::to_string( copyNum[type] ) , Rota( Vec3(xx,yy,0), 90*deg) ) ) ) ;
1167  }
1168  }
1169  }
1170  }
1171  ilyRMin = ilyRMax ;
1172  }
1173  // End Inner Layer volumes---------------------------------------------------------
1175  const DDName clyrName ( DDName( "ECLYR" ) ) ;
1176  std::vector<double> cri;
1177  std::vector<double> cro;
1178  std::vector<double> czz;
1179  czz.emplace_back( vecSpmZPts()[1] ) ;
1180  cri.emplace_back( vecSpmRMin()[0] ) ;
1181  cro.emplace_back( vecSpmRMin()[0] + 25*mm ) ;
1182  czz.emplace_back( vecSpmZPts()[2] ) ;
1183  cri.emplace_back( vecSpmRMin()[2] ) ;
1184  cro.emplace_back( vecSpmRMin()[2] + 10*mm ) ;
1185  const DDSolid clyrSolid ( DDSolidFactory::polycone( clyrName, -9.5*deg, 19*deg, czz,cri,cro) ) ;
1186  const DDLogicalPart clyrLog ( clyrName, ddmat(vecIlyMat()[4]), clyrSolid ) ;
1187  cpv.position( clyrLog, spmLog, copyOne, DDTranslation(0,0,0), DDRotation() ) ;
1189  // Begin Alveolar Wedge parent ------------------------------------------------------
1190 //----------------
1192  // the next few lines accumulate dimensions appropriate to crystal type 1
1193  // which we use to set some of the features of the half-alveolar wedge (hawR).
1195 // const double ANom1 ( vecNomCryDimAR()[0] ) ;
1196  const double BNom1 ( vecNomCryDimCR()[0] ) ;
1197  const double bNom1 ( vecNomCryDimCF()[0] ) ;
1198 // const double HNom1 ( vecNomCryDimBR()[0] ) ;
1199 // const double hNom1 ( vecNomCryDimBF()[0] ) ;
1200  const double sWall1( wallThAlv() ) ;
1201  const double fWall1( wallFrAlv() ) ;
1202 // const double rWall1( wallReAlv() ) ;
1203  const double sWrap1( wrapThAlv() ) ;
1204  const double fWrap1( wrapFrAlv() ) ;
1205 // const double rWrap1( wrapReAlv() ) ;
1206  const double sClr1 ( clrThAlv() ) ;
1207  const double fClr1 ( clrFrAlv() ) ;
1208 // const double rClr1 ( clrReAlv() ) ;
1209  const double LNom1 ( nomCryDimLZ() ) ;
1210  const double beta1 ( atan( ( BNom1 - bNom1 )/LNom1 ) ) ;
1211 // const double cosbeta1 ( cos( beta1 ) ) ;
1212  const double sinbeta1 ( sin( beta1 ) ) ;
1214  const double tana_hawR ( ( BNom1 - bNom1 )/LNom1 ) ;
1216  const double H_hawR ( hawRHBIG() ) ;
1217  const double h_hawR ( hawRhsml() ) ;
1218  const double a_hawR ( bNom1 + sClr1 + 2*sWrap1 + 2*sWall1
1219  - sinbeta1*( fClr1 + fWrap1 + fWall1 ) ) ;
1220  const double B_hawR ( a_hawR + H_hawR*tana_hawR ) ;
1221  const double b_hawR ( a_hawR + h_hawR*tana_hawR ) ;
1222  const double L_hawR ( vecSpmZPts()[2] ) ;
1224  const Trap trapHAWR (
1225  a_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthXNegZLoY , // bl1, A/2
1226  a_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthXPosZLoY , // bl2, a/2
1227  b_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthXPosZHiY , // tl2, b/2
1228  H_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthYNegZ , // h1, H/2
1229  h_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthYPosZ , // h2, h/2
1230  L_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthZ , // dz, L/2
1231  90*deg, //double aAngleAD , // alfa1
1232  0, //double aCoord15X , // x15
1233  0 //double aCoord15Y // y15
1234  ) ;
1236  const DDName hawRName1 ( ddname( hawRName().name() + "1") ) ;
1237  const DDSolid hawRSolid1 ( mytrap(, trapHAWR ) ) ;
1238  const DDLogicalPart hawRLog1 ( hawRName1, spmMat(), hawRSolid1 ) ;
1240  const double al1_fawR ( atan( ( B_hawR - a_hawR )/H_hawR ) + M_PI_2 ) ;
1242  // here is trap for Full Alveolar Wedge
1243  const Trap trapFAW (
1244  a_hawR, //double aHalfLengthXNegZLoY , // bl1, A/2
1245  a_hawR, //double aHalfLengthXPosZLoY , // bl2, a/2
1246  b_hawR, //double aHalfLengthXPosZHiY , // tl2, b/2
1247  H_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthYNegZ , // h1, H/2
1248  h_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthYPosZ , // h2, h/2
1249  L_hawR/2., //double aHalfLengthZ , // dz, L/2
1250  al1_fawR, //double aAngleAD , // alfa1
1251  0, //double aCoord15X , // x15
1252  0 //double aCoord15Y // y15
1253  ) ;
1255  const DDName fawName1 ( ddname( fawName().name() + "1") ) ;
1256  const DDSolid fawSolid1 ( mytrap(, trapFAW ) ) ;
1257  const DDLogicalPart fawLog1 ( fawName1, spmMat(), fawSolid1 ) ;
1259  const Trap::VertexList vHAW ( trapHAWR.vertexList() ) ;
1260  const Trap::VertexList vFAW ( trapFAW.vertexList() ) ;
1262  const double hawBoxClr ( 1*mm ) ;
1264  // HAW cut box to cut off back end of wedge
1265  const DDName hawCutName ( ddname( hawRName().name() + "CUTBOX" ) ) ;
1266  const DDSolid hawCutBox ( DDSolidFactory::box(
1267  hawCutName,
1268  b_hawR/2 + hawBoxClr,
1269  hawRCutY()/2,
1270  hawRCutZ()/2 ) ) ;
1271  const std::vector<double>& hawBoxParms ( hawCutBox.parameters() ) ;
1272  const DDLogicalPart hawCutLog ( hawCutName, spmMat(), hawCutBox ) ;
1274  const Pt3D b1 ( hawBoxParms[0], hawBoxParms[1], hawBoxParms[2] ) ;
1275  const Pt3D b2 ( -hawBoxParms[0], hawBoxParms[1], hawBoxParms[2] ) ;
1276  const Pt3D b3 ( -hawBoxParms[0], hawBoxParms[1], -hawBoxParms[2] ) ;
1278  const double zDel ( sqrt( 4*hawBoxParms[2]*hawBoxParms[2]
1279  -(h_hawR-hawRCutDelY())*(h_hawR-hawRCutDelY()) ) ) ;
1281  const Tf3D hawCutForm (
1282  b1, b2, b3,
1283  vHAW[2] + Pt3D( hawBoxClr, -hawRCutDelY(), 0),
1284  vHAW[1] + Pt3D(-hawBoxClr, -hawRCutDelY(), 0),
1285  Pt3D( vHAW[0].x() -hawBoxClr, vHAW[0].y(), vHAW[0].z() - zDel ) ) ;
1287  const DDSolid hawRSolid ( DDSolidFactory::subtraction(
1288  hawRName(),
1289  hawRSolid1, hawCutBox,
1290  DDTranslation(hawCutForm.getTranslation().x(), hawCutForm.getTranslation().y(), hawCutForm.getTranslation().z()),
1291  myrot("R",
1292  hawCutForm.getRotation() ) ) ) ;
1293  const DDLogicalPart hawRLog ( hawRName(), spmMat(), hawRSolid ) ;
1295  // FAW cut box to cut off back end of wedge
1296  const DDName fawCutName ( ddname( fawName().name() + "CUTBOX") ) ;
1297  const DDSolid fawCutBox ( DDSolidFactory::box(
1298  fawCutName,
1299  2*hawBoxParms[0],
1300  hawBoxParms[1],
1301  hawBoxParms[2] ) ) ;
1303  const std::vector<double>& fawBoxParms ( fawCutBox.parameters() ) ;
1304  const DDLogicalPart fawCutLog ( fawCutName, spmMat(), fawCutBox ) ;
1306  const Pt3D bb1 ( fawBoxParms[0], fawBoxParms[1], fawBoxParms[2] ) ;
1307  const Pt3D bb2 ( -fawBoxParms[0], fawBoxParms[1], fawBoxParms[2] ) ;
1308  const Pt3D bb3 ( -fawBoxParms[0], fawBoxParms[1], -fawBoxParms[2] ) ;
1310  const Tf3D fawCutForm (
1311  bb1, bb2, bb3,
1312  vFAW[2] + Pt3D( 2*hawBoxClr,-5*mm,0),
1313  vFAW[1] + Pt3D(-2*hawBoxClr,-5*mm,0),
1314  Pt3D( vFAW[1].x()-2*hawBoxClr, vFAW[1].y()-trapFAW.h(), vFAW[1].z() - zDel ) ) ;
1316  const DDSolid fawSolid ( DDSolidFactory::subtraction(
1317  fawName(),
1318  fawSolid1, fawCutBox,
1319  DDTranslation(fawCutForm.getTranslation().x(), fawCutForm.getTranslation().y(), fawCutForm.getTranslation().z()) ,
1320  myrot("R",
1321  fawCutForm.getRotation() ) ) ) ;
1322  const DDLogicalPart fawLog ( fawName(), spmMat(), fawSolid ) ;
1325  const Tf3D hawRform ( vHAW[3], vHAW[0], vHAW[1], // HAW inside FAW
1326  vFAW[3], 0.5*(vFAW[0]+vFAW[3]), 0.5*(vFAW[1]+vFAW[2] ) ) ;
1327  cpv.position( hawRLog,
1328  fawLog,
1329  copyOne,
1330  DDTranslation(hawRform.getTranslation().x(), hawRform.getTranslation().y(), hawRform.getTranslation().z()),
1331  myrot( hawRName().name()+"R",
1332  hawRform.getRotation() ) ) ;
1334  cpv.position( hawRLog,
1335  fawLog,
1336  copyTwo,
1337  DDTranslation( -hawRform.getTranslation().x(),
1338  -hawRform.getTranslation().y(),
1339  -hawRform.getTranslation().z() ),
1340  myrot( hawRName().name()+"RotRefl",
1341  CLHEP::HepRotationY(180*deg)* // rotate about Y after refl thru Z
1342  CLHEP::HepRep3x3(1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,-1) ) ) ;
1344 /* this for display of haw cut box instead of subtraction
1345  cpv.position( hawCutLog,
1346  hawRName,
1347  copyOne,
1348  hawCutForm.getTranslation(),
1349  myrot("R",
1350  hawCutForm.getRotation() ) ) ;
1351 */
1353  for( unsigned int iPhi ( 1 ); iPhi <= nFawPerSupm() ; ++iPhi )
1354  {
1355  const double rPhi ( fawPhiOff() + ( iPhi - 0.5 )*fawDelPhi() ) ;
1357  const Tf3D fawform ( RoZ3D( rPhi )*
1358  Tl3D( fawRadOff() + ( trapFAW.H() + trapFAW.h() )/4 ,
1359  0,
1360  trapFAW.L()/2 )*
1361  RoZ3D( -90*deg + fawPhiRot() ) ) ;
1362  if( fawHere() )
1363  cpv.position( fawLog,
1364  spmLog,
1365  iPhi,
1366  DDTranslation(fawform.getTranslation().x(), fawform.getTranslation().y(), fawform.getTranslation().z() ),
1367  myrot( fawName().name()+"_Rot" + std::to_string(iPhi),
1368  fawform.getRotation() ) ) ;
1369  }
1371  // End Alveolar Wedge parent ------------------------------------------------------
1373  // Begin Grid + Tablet insertion
1375  const double h_Grid ( gridThick() ) ;
1377  const Trap trapGrid (
1378  ( B_hawR - h_Grid*( B_hawR - a_hawR )/H_hawR )/2, // bl1, A/2
1379  ( b_hawR - h_Grid*( B_hawR - a_hawR )/H_hawR )/2, // bl2, a/2
1380  b_hawR/2., // tl2, b/2
1381  h_Grid/2., // h1, H/2
1382  h_Grid/2., // h2, h/2
1383  (L_hawR-8*cm)/2., // dz, L/2
1384  90*deg, // alfa1
1385  0, // x15
1386  H_hawR - h_hawR // y15
1387  ) ;
1389  const DDSolid gridSolid ( mytrap( gridName().name(), trapGrid ) ) ;
1390  const DDLogicalPart gridLog ( gridName(), gridMat(), gridSolid ) ;
1392  const Trap::VertexList vGrid ( trapGrid.vertexList() ) ;
1394  const Tf3D gridForm ( vGrid[4], vGrid[5], vGrid[6], // Grid inside HAW
1395  vHAW[5] - Pt3D(0,h_Grid,0), vHAW[5], vHAW[6] ) ;
1397  if( 0 != gridHere() )
1398  cpv.position( gridLog,
1399  hawRLog,
1400  copyOne,
1401  DDTranslation(gridForm.getTranslation().x(), gridForm.getTranslation().y(), gridForm.getTranslation().z() ),
1402  myrot( gridName().name()+"R",
1403  gridForm.getRotation() ) ) ;
1405  // End Grid + Tablet insertion
1407  // begin filling Wedge with crystal plus supports --------------------------
1409  const double aNom ( nomCryDimAF() ) ;
1410  const double LNom ( nomCryDimLZ() ) ;
1412  const double AUnd ( underAR() ) ;
1413  const double aUnd ( underAF() ) ;
1414 // const double BUnd ( underCR() ) ;
1415  const double bUnd ( underCF() ) ;
1416  const double HUnd ( underBR() ) ;
1417  const double hUnd ( underBF() ) ;
1418  const double LUnd ( underLZ() ) ;
1420  const double sWall ( wallThAlv() ) ;
1421  const double sWrap ( wrapThAlv() ) ;
1422  const double sClr ( clrThAlv() ) ;
1424  const double fWall ( wallFrAlv() ) ;
1425  const double fWrap ( wrapFrAlv() ) ;
1426  const double fClr ( clrFrAlv() ) ;
1428  const double rWall ( wallReAlv() ) ;
1429  const double rWrap ( wrapReAlv() ) ;
1430  const double rClr ( clrReAlv() ) ;
1432  // theta is angle in yz plane between z axis & leading edge of crystal
1433  double theta ( 90*deg ) ;
1434  double zee ( 0*mm ) ;
1435  double side ( 0*mm ) ;
1436  double zeta ( 0*deg ) ; // increment in theta for last crystal
1438  for( unsigned int cryType ( 1 ) ; cryType <= nCryTypes() ; ++cryType )
1439  {
1440  const std::string sType ( "_" +
1441  std::string( 10>cryType ? "0" : "") +
1442  std::to_string( cryType ) ) ;
1444  LogDebug("EcalGeom") << "Crytype=" << cryType ;
1445  const double ANom ( vecNomCryDimAR()[ cryType-1 ] ) ;
1446  const double BNom ( vecNomCryDimCR()[ cryType-1 ] ) ;
1447  const double bNom ( vecNomCryDimCF()[ cryType-1 ] ) ;
1448  const double HNom ( vecNomCryDimBR()[ cryType-1 ] ) ;
1449  const double hNom ( vecNomCryDimBF()[ cryType-1 ] ) ;
1451  const double alfCry ( 90*deg + atan( ( bNom - bUnd - aNom + aUnd )/
1452  ( hNom - hUnd ) ) ) ;
1454  const Trap trapCry (
1455  ( ANom - AUnd )/2., //double aHalfLengthXNegZLoY , // bl1, A/2
1456  ( aNom - aUnd )/2., //double aHalfLengthXPosZLoY , // bl2, a/2
1457  ( bNom - bUnd )/2., //double aHalfLengthXPosZHiY , // tl2, b/2
1458  ( HNom - HUnd )/2., //double aHalfLengthYNegZ , // h1, H/2
1459  ( hNom - hUnd )/2., //double aHalfLengthYPosZ , // h2, h/2
1460  ( LNom - LUnd )/2., //double aHalfLengthZ , // dz, L/2
1461  alfCry, //double aAngleAD , // alfa1
1462  aNom - aUnd - ANom + AUnd, //double aCoord15X , // x15
1463  hNom - hUnd - HNom + HUnd //double aCoord15Y // y15
1464  ) ;
1466  const DDName cryDDName ( cryName() + sType ) ;
1467  const DDSolid crySolid ( mytrap(, trapCry ) ) ;
1468  const DDLogicalPart cryLog ( cryDDName, cryMat(), crySolid ) ;
1471 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ APD ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1472  const unsigned int copyCap ( 1 ) ;
1474  const DDName capDDName ( capName().name() + sType ) ;
1476  DDSolid capSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( capDDName,
1477  capXSize()/2.,
1478  capYSize()/2.,
1479  capThick()/2. ) ) ;
1481  const DDLogicalPart capLog ( capDDName, capMat(), capSolid ) ;
1483  const DDName sglDDName ( sglName().name() + sType ) ;
1485  DDSolid sglSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( sglDDName,
1486  capXSize()/2.,
1487  capYSize()/2.,
1488  sglThick()/2. ) ) ;
1490  const DDLogicalPart sglLog ( sglDDName, sglMat(), sglSolid ) ;
1492  const unsigned int copySGL ( 1 ) ;
1494  const DDName cerDDName ( cerName().name() + sType ) ;
1496  DDSolid cerSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( cerDDName,
1497  cerXSize()/2.,
1498  cerYSize()/2.,
1499  cerThick()/2. ) ) ;
1501  const DDLogicalPart cerLog ( cerDDName, cerMat(), cerSolid ) ;
1503  unsigned int copyCER ( 0 ) ;
1506  const DDName bsiDDName ( bsiName().name() + sType ) ;
1508  DDSolid bsiSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( bsiDDName,
1509  bsiXSize()/2.,
1510  bsiYSize()/2.,
1511  bsiThick()/2. ) ) ;
1513  const DDLogicalPart bsiLog ( bsiDDName, bsiMat(), bsiSolid ) ;
1515  const unsigned int copyBSi ( 1 ) ;
1517  const DDName atjDDName ( atjName().name() + sType ) ;
1519  DDSolid atjSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( atjDDName,
1520  apdSide()/2.,
1521  apdSide()/2.,
1522  atjThick()/2. ) ) ;
1524  const DDLogicalPart atjLog ( atjDDName, atjMat(), atjSolid ) ;
1526  const unsigned int copyATJ ( 1 ) ;
1529  const DDName aglDDName ( aglName().name() + sType ) ;
1531  DDSolid aglSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( aglDDName,
1532  bsiXSize()/2.,
1533  bsiYSize()/2.,
1534  aglThick()/2. ) ) ;
1536  const DDLogicalPart aglLog ( aglDDName, aglMat(), aglSolid ) ;
1538  const unsigned int copyAGL ( 1 ) ;
1541  const DDName andDDName ( andName().name() + sType ) ;
1543  DDSolid andSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( andDDName,
1544  apdSide()/2.,
1545  apdSide()/2.,
1546  andThick()/2. ) ) ;
1548  const DDLogicalPart andLog ( andDDName, andMat(), andSolid ) ;
1550  const unsigned int copyAND ( 1 ) ;
1553  const DDName apdDDName ( apdName().name() + sType ) ;
1555  DDSolid apdSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( apdDDName,
1556  apdSide()/2.,
1557  apdSide()/2.,
1558  apdThick()/2. ) ) ;
1560  const DDLogicalPart apdLog ( apdDDName, apdMat(), apdSolid ) ;
1562  const unsigned int copyAPD ( 1 ) ;
1563 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END APD ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1566  const double delta ( atan( ( HNom - hNom )/LNom ) ) ;
1567 //unused const double cosdelta ( cos( delta ) ) ;
1568  const double sindelta ( sin( delta ) ) ;
1570  const double gamma ( atan( ( ANom - aNom )/LNom ) ) ;
1571 //unused const double cosgamma ( cos( gamma ) ) ;
1572  const double singamma ( sin( gamma ) ) ;
1574  const double beta ( atan( ( BNom - bNom )/LNom ) ) ;
1575 //unused const double cosbeta ( cos( beta ) ) ;
1576  const double sinbeta ( sin( beta ) ) ;
1578  // Now clearance trap
1579  const double alfClr ( 90*deg + atan( ( bNom - aNom )/( hNom + sClr ) ) ) ;
1581  const Trap trapClr (
1582  ( ANom + sClr + rClr*singamma )/2., //double aHalfLengthXNegZLoY , // bl1, A/2
1583  ( aNom + sClr - fClr*singamma )/2., //double aHalfLengthXPosZLoY , // bl2, a/2
1584  ( bNom + sClr - fClr*sinbeta )/2., //double aHalfLengthXPosZHiY , // tl2, b/2
1585  ( HNom + sClr + rClr*sindelta )/2., //double aHalfLengthYNegZ , // h1, H/2
1586  ( hNom + sClr - fClr*sindelta )/2., //double aHalfLengthYPosZ , // h2, h/2
1587  ( LNom + fClr + rClr )/2., // dz, L/2
1588  alfClr, //double aAngleAD , // alfa1
1589  aNom - ANom , //double aCoord15X , // x15
1590  hNom - HNom //double aCoord15Y // y15
1591  ) ;
1593  const DDName clrDDName ( clrName() + sType ) ;
1594  const DDSolid clrSolid ( mytrap(, trapClr ) ) ;
1595  const DDLogicalPart clrLog ( clrDDName, clrMat(), clrSolid ) ;
1597  // Now wrap trap
1599  const double alfWrap ( 90*deg + atan( ( bNom - aNom )/
1600  ( hNom + sClr + 2*sWrap ) ) ) ;
1602  const Trap trapWrap (
1603  ( trapClr.A() + 2*sWrap + rWrap*singamma )/2, // bl1, A/2
1604  ( trapClr.a() + 2*sWrap - fWrap*singamma )/2, // bl2, a/2
1605  ( trapClr.b() + 2*sWrap - fWrap*sinbeta )/2, // tl2, b/2
1606  ( trapClr.H() + 2*sWrap + rWrap*sindelta )/2, // h1, H/2
1607  ( trapClr.h() + 2*sWrap - fWrap*sindelta )/2, // h2, h/2
1608  ( trapClr.L() + fWrap + rWrap )/2., // dz, L/2
1609  alfWrap, //double aAngleAD , // alfa1
1610  aNom - ANom - (cryType>9 ? 0 : 0.020*mm) ,
1611  hNom - HNom //double aCoord15Y // y15
1612  ) ;
1614  const DDName wrapDDName ( wrapName() + sType ) ;
1615  const DDSolid wrapSolid ( mytrap(, trapWrap ) ) ;
1616  const DDLogicalPart wrapLog ( wrapDDName, wrapMat(), wrapSolid ) ;
1618  // Now wall trap
1620  const double alfWall ( 90*deg + atan( ( bNom - aNom )/
1621  ( hNom + sClr + 2*sWrap + 2*sWall ) ) ) ;
1623  const Trap trapWall (
1624  ( trapWrap.A() + 2*sWall + rWall*singamma )/2, // A/2
1625  ( trapWrap.a() + 2*sWall - fWall*singamma )/2, // a/2
1626  ( trapWrap.b() + 2*sWall - fWall*sinbeta )/2, // b/2
1627  ( trapWrap.H() + 2*sWall + rWall*sindelta )/2, // H/2
1628  ( trapWrap.h() + 2*sWall - fWall*sindelta )/2, // h/2
1629  ( trapWrap.L() + fWall + rWall )/2., // L/2
1630  alfWall, // alfa1
1631  aNom - ANom - (cryType<10? 0.150*mm : 0.100*mm ) ,
1632  hNom - HNom // y15
1633  ) ;
1635  const DDName wallDDName ( wallName() + sType ) ;
1636  const DDSolid wallSolid ( mytrap(, trapWall ) ) ;
1637  const DDLogicalPart wallLog ( wallDDName, wallMat(), wallSolid ) ;
1639 /* std::cout << "Traps:\n a: "
1640  << trapCry.a() << ", "
1641  << trapClr.a() << ", "
1642  << trapWrap.a() << ", "
1643  << trapWall.a() << "\n b: "
1644  << trapCry.b() << ", "
1645  << trapClr.b() << ", "
1646  << trapWrap.b() << ", "
1647  << trapWall.b() << "\n A: "
1648  << trapCry.A() << ", "
1649  << trapClr.A() << ", "
1650  << trapWrap.A() << ", "
1651  << trapWall.A() << "\n B: "
1652  << trapCry.B() << ", "
1653  << trapClr.B() << ", "
1654  << trapWrap.B() << ", "
1655  << trapWall.B() << "\n h: "
1656  << trapCry.h() << ", "
1657  << trapClr.h() << ", "
1658  << trapWrap.h() << ", "
1659  << trapWall.h() << "\n H: "
1660  << trapCry.H() << ", "
1661  << trapClr.H() << ", "
1662  << trapWrap.H() << ", "
1663  << trapWall.H() << "\n a1: "
1664  << trapCry.a1()/deg << ", "
1665  << trapClr.a1()/deg << ", "
1666  << trapWrap.a1()/deg << ", "
1667  << trapWall.a1()/deg << "\n a4: "
1668  << trapCry.a4()/deg << ", "
1669  << trapClr.a4()/deg << ", "
1670  << trapWrap.a4()/deg << ", "
1671  << trapWall.a4()/deg << "\n x15: "
1672  << trapCry.x15() << ", "
1673  << trapClr.x15() << ", "
1674  << trapWrap.x15() << ", "
1675  << trapWall.x15() << "\n y15: "
1676  << trapCry.y15() << ", "
1677  << trapClr.y15() << ", "
1678  << trapWrap.y15() << ", "
1679  << trapWall.y15()
1680  << std::endl ;
1681 */
1682  // Now for placement of cry within clr
1683  const Vec3 cryToClr ( 0, 0, ( rClr - fClr )/2 ) ;
1685  cpv.position( cryLog,
1686  clrLog,
1687  copyOne,
1688  DDTranslation ( 0, 0, ( rClr - fClr )/2 ), //SAME as cryToClr above.
1689  DDRotation() ) ;
1691  if( 0 != capHere() )
1692  {
1693  cpv.position( aglLog,
1694  bsiLog,
1695  copyAGL,
1696  DDTranslation( 0,
1697  0,
1698  - aglThick()/2. + bsiThick()/2. ),
1699  DDRotation() ) ;
1701  cpv.position( andLog,
1702  bsiLog,
1703  copyAND,
1704  DDTranslation( 0,
1705  0,
1706  - andThick()/2. - aglThick() + bsiThick()/2. ),
1707  DDRotation() ) ;
1709  cpv.position( apdLog,
1710  bsiLog,
1711  copyAPD,
1712  DDTranslation( 0,
1713  0,
1714  - apdThick()/2. - andThick()
1715  - aglThick() + bsiThick()/2. ),
1716  DDRotation() ) ;
1718  cpv.position( atjLog,
1719  bsiLog,
1720  copyATJ,
1721  DDTranslation( 0,
1722  0,
1723  - atjThick()/2. - apdThick() - andThick()
1724  - aglThick() + bsiThick()/2. ),
1725  DDRotation() ) ;
1727  cpv.position( bsiLog,
1728  cerLog,
1729  copyBSi,
1730  DDTranslation( 0,
1731  0,
1732  - bsiThick()/2. + cerThick()/2. ),
1733  DDRotation() ) ;
1735  cpv.position( sglLog,
1736  capLog,
1737  copySGL,
1738  DDTranslation( 0,
1739  0,
1740  - sglThick()/2. + capThick()/2. ),
1741  DDRotation() ) ;
1743  for( unsigned int ijkl ( 0 ) ; ijkl != 2 ; ++ijkl )
1744  {
1745  cpv.position( cerLog,
1746  capLog,
1747  ++copyCER,
1748  DDTranslation( trapCry.bl1() - ( 0 == ijkl ? apdX1() : apdX2() ),
1749  trapCry.h1() - apdZ(),
1750  - sglThick() - cerThick()/2. + capThick()/2. ),
1751  DDRotation() ) ;
1752  }
1754  cpv.position( capLog,
1755  clrLog,
1756  copyCap,
1757  DDTranslation( 0 ,
1758  0 ,
1759  - - capThick()/2. + (rClr - fClr)/2. ),
1760  DDRotation() ) ;
1761  }
1764  const Vec3 clrToWrap ( 0, 0, ( rWrap - fWrap )/2 ) ;
1766  cpv.position( clrLog,
1767  wrapLog,
1768  copyOne,
1769  DDTranslation ( 0, 0, ( rWrap - fWrap )/2 ), //SAME as cryToWrap
1770  DDRotation() ) ;
1773  // Now for placement of clr within wall
1774  const Vec3 wrapToWall1 ( 0, 0, ( rWall - fWall )/2 ) ;
1775  const Vec3 wrapToWall ( Vec3( (cryType>9?0:0.005*mm),0,0 )+wrapToWall1 ) ;
1777  cpv.position( wrapLog,
1778  wallLog,
1779  copyOne,
1780  DDTranslation ( Vec3( (cryType>9?0:0.005*mm),0,0 )+wrapToWall1 ), //SAME as wrapToWall
1781  DDRotation() ) ;
1783  const Trap::VertexList vWall ( trapWall.vertexList() ) ;
1784  const Trap::VertexList vCry ( trapCry.vertexList() ) ;
1786  const double sidePrime ( ( trapWall.a() - trapCry.a() )/2 ) ;
1787  const double frontPrime ( fWall + fWrap + fClr + LUnd/2 ) ;
1789  // define web plates with clearance ===========================================
1791  if( 1 == cryType ) // first web plate: inside clearance volume
1792  {
1793  web( 0,
1794  trapWall.b(),
1795  trapWall.B(),
1796  trapWall.L(),
1797  theta,
1798  vHAW[4] + Pt3D( 0, hawYOffCry(), 0 ),
1799  hawRLog,
1800  zee,
1801  sidePrime,
1802  frontPrime,
1803  delta, cpv ) ;
1804  zee += vecGapAlvEta()[0] ;
1805  }
1807  for( unsigned int etaAlv ( 1 ) ; etaAlv <= nCryPerAlvEta() ; ++etaAlv )
1808  {
1809  LogDebug("EcalGeom") << "theta=" << theta/deg
1810  << ", sidePrime=" << sidePrime << ", frontPrime=" << frontPrime
1811  << ", zeta="<<zeta<<", delta="<<delta<<", zee=" << zee;
1813  zee += 0.075*mm +
1814  ( side*cos(zeta) + trapWall.h() - sidePrime )/sin(theta) ;
1816  LogDebug("EcalGeom") << "New zee="<< zee ;
1818  // make transform for placing enclosed crystal
1820  const Pt3D trap2 ( vCry[2] + cryToClr + clrToWrap + wrapToWall ) ;
1822  const Pt3D trap3 ( trap2 + Pt3D( 0,
1823  -trapCry.h(),
1824  0 ) ) ;
1825  const Pt3D trap1 ( trap3 + Pt3D( -trapCry.a(),
1826  0,
1827  0 ) ) ;
1829  const Pt3D wedge3 ( vHAW[4] + Pt3D( sidePrime,
1830  hawYOffCry(),
1831  zee ) ) ;
1832  const Pt3D wedge2 ( wedge3 + Pt3D( 0,
1833  trapCry.h()*cos(theta),
1834  -trapCry.h()*sin(theta) ) ) ;
1835  const Pt3D wedge1 ( wedge3 + Pt3D( trapCry.a(),
1836  0,
1837  0 ) ) ;
1839  const Tf3D tForm1 ( trap1, trap2, trap3,
1840  wedge1, wedge2, wedge3 ) ;
1842  const double xx ( 0.050*mm ) ;
1844  const Tf3D tForm ( HepGeom::Translate3D(xx,0,0)*tForm1 ) ;
1846  cpv.position( wallLog,
1847  hawRLog,
1848  etaAlv,
1849  DDTranslation(tForm.getTranslation().x(), tForm.getTranslation().y(), tForm.getTranslation().z() ),
1850  myrot( + "_" + std::to_string( etaAlv ),
1851  tForm.getRotation() ) ) ;
1853  theta -= delta ;
1854  side = sidePrime ;
1855  zeta = delta ;
1856  }
1857  if( 5 == cryType ||
1858  9 == cryType ||
1859  13 == cryType ||
1860  17 == cryType ) // web plates
1861  {
1862  const unsigned int webIndex ( cryType/4 ) ;
1863  zee += 0.5*vecGapAlvEta()[cryType]/sin(theta) ;
1864  web( webIndex,
1865  trapWall.a(),
1866  trapWall.A(),
1867  trapWall.L(),
1868  theta,
1869  vHAW[4] + Pt3D( 0, hawYOffCry(), 0 ),
1870  hawRLog,
1871  zee ,
1872  sidePrime,
1873  frontPrime,
1874  delta, cpv ) ;
1875  zee += 0.5*vecGapAlvEta()[cryType]/sin(theta) ;
1876  }
1877  else
1878  {
1879  if( 17 != cryType ) zee += vecGapAlvEta()[cryType]/sin(theta) ;
1880  }
1881  }
1882  // END filling Wedge with crystal plus supports --------------------------
1884 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1885 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1886 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1887 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1888 //**************** Material at outer radius of supermodule ***************
1889 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1890 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1891 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1892 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1894  if( 0 != backHere() )
1895  {
1903  const DDTranslation outtra ( backXOff() + backSideHeight()/2,
1904  backYOff(),
1905  backSideLength()/2 ) ;
1907  const double realBPthick ( backPlateThick() + backPlate2Thick() ) ;
1909  DDSolid backPlateSolid ( DDSolidFactory::box( backPlateName(),
1910  backPlateWidth()/2.,
1911  realBPthick/2.,
1912  backPlateLength()/2. ) ) ;
1913  const std::vector<double>& backPlateParms ( backPlateSolid.parameters() ) ;
1914  const DDLogicalPart backPlateLog ( backPlateName(),
1915  backPlateMat(),
1916  backPlateSolid ) ;
1918  const DDTranslation backPlateTra ( backSideHeight()/2 +
1919  backPlateParms[1],
1920  0*mm,
1921  backPlateParms[2] -
1922  backSideLength()/2 ) ;
1924  DDSolid backPlate2Solid ( DDSolidFactory::box( backPlate2Name(),
1925  backPlateWidth()/2.,
1926  backPlate2Thick()/2.,
1927  backPlateLength()/2. ) ) ;
1929  const DDLogicalPart backPlate2Log ( backPlate2Name(),
1930  backPlate2Mat(),
1931  backPlate2Solid ) ;
1933  const DDTranslation backPlate2Tra ( 0,
1934  -backPlateParms[1] + backPlate2Thick()/2., 0 ) ;
1935  if( 0 != backPlateHere() )
1936  {
1937  cpv.position( backPlate2Log,
1938  backPlateName(),
1939  copyOne,
1940  backPlate2Tra,
1941  DDRotation() ) ;
1943  cpv.position( backPlateLog,
1944  spmName(),
1945  copyOne,
1946  outtra + backPlateTra,
1947  myrot( backPlateName().name()+"Rot5",
1948  CLHEP::HepRotationZ(270*deg) ) ) ;
1950  }
1964  const Trap trapBS (
1965  backSideWidth()/2., //double aHalfLengthXNegZLoY , // bl1, A/2
1966  backSideWidth()/2., //double aHalfLengthXPosZLoY , // bl2, a/2
1967  backSideWidth()/4., //double aHalfLengthXPosZHiY , // tl2, b/2
1968  backSideHeight()/2., //double aHalfLengthYNegZ , // h1, H/2
1969  backSideHeight()/2., //double aHalfLengthYPosZ , // h2, h/2
1970  backSideLength()/2., //double aHalfLengthZ , // dz, L/2
1971  backSideAngle(), //double aAngleAD , // alfa1
1972  0, //double aCoord15X , // x15
1973  0 //double aCoord15Y // y15
1974  ) ;
1976  const DDSolid backSideSolid ( mytrap( backSideName().name(), trapBS ) ) ;
1977  const DDLogicalPart backSideLog ( backSideName(),
1978  backSideMat(),
1979  backSideSolid ) ;
1981  const DDTranslation backSideTra1 ( 0*mm,
1982  backPlateWidth()/2 + backSideYOff1(),
1983  1*mm ) ;
1984  if( 0 != backSideHere() )
1985  {
1986  cpv.position( backSideLog,
1987  spmName(),
1988  copyOne,
1989  outtra + backSideTra1,
1990  myrot( backSideName().name()+"Rot8",
1991  CLHEP::HepRotationX(180*deg)*CLHEP::HepRotationZ(90*deg) ) ) ;
1993  const DDTranslation backSideTra2( 0*mm,
1994  -backPlateWidth()/2 + backSideYOff2(),
1995  1*mm ) ;
1996  cpv.position( backSideLog,
1997  spmName(),
1998  copyTwo,
1999  outtra + backSideTra2,
2000  myrot( backSideName().name()+"Rot9",
2001  CLHEP::HepRotationZ(90*deg) ) ) ;
2002  }
2009 //=====================
2010  const double backCoolWidth ( backCoolBarWidth() + 2.*backCoolTankWidth() ) ;
2018  const double manifCut ( 2*mm ) ;
2020  DDSolid mBManifSolid ( DDSolidFactory::tubs( mBManifName() ,
2021  backCoolWidth/2. - manifCut,
2022  0,
2023  mBManifOutDiam()/2,
2024  0*deg, 360*deg ) ) ;
2025  const DDLogicalPart mBManifLog ( mBManifName(), mBManifMat(), mBManifSolid ) ;
2027  const DDName mBManifWaName ( ddname( mBManifName().name() + "Wa" ) ) ;
2028  DDSolid mBManifWaSolid ( DDSolidFactory::tubs( mBManifWaName ,
2029  backCoolWidth/2.-manifCut,
2030  0,
2031  mBManifInnDiam()/2,
2032  0*deg, 360*deg ) ) ;
2033  const DDLogicalPart mBManifWaLog ( mBManifWaName, backPipeWaterMat(),
2034  mBManifWaSolid ) ;
2035  cpv.position( mBManifWaLog,
2036  mBManifName(),
2037  copyOne,
2038  DDTranslation(0,0,0),