Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
4 LHCTransport = cms.EDProducer("HectorProducer",
5  HepMCProductLabel = cms.string('generatorSmeared'), ## HepMC source to be processed
6  ZDCTransport = cms.bool(True), ## main flag to set transport for ZDC
7  FP420Transport = cms.bool(True), ## main flag to set transport for FP420
8  Verbosity = cms.bool(False),
9  Hector = cms.PSet(
10  HectorEtaCut,
11  Beam1 = cms.string('SimTransport/HectorProducer/data/LHCB1IR5_5TeV.tfs'),
12  Beam2 = cms.string('SimTransport/HectorProducer/data/LHCB2IR5_5TeV.tfs'),
13  BeamLineLengthD1 = cms.double(139.0), ## distance of transport for ZDC case, length of beam line
14  BeamLineLengthZDC = cms.double(140.0), ## length of beam line for ZDC: important for aperture checks
15  BeamLineLengthFP420 = cms.double(430.0), ## length of beam line for FP420: important for aperture checks
16  RP420f = cms.double(419.0), ## distance of transport in clockwise dir. for FP420
17  RP420b = cms.double(419.0), ## distance of transport in anti-clockwise dir. for FP420
18  smearEnergy = cms.bool(True), ## if False: no Energy smearing(i.e. sigmaEnergy =0.0)
19  sigmaEnergy = cms.double(0.0), ## beam energy dispersion (GeV); if =0.0 the default(=0.79) is used
20  smearAng = cms.bool(True), ## if False: no Angle smearing(i.e. sigmaSTX(Y) =0.0)
21  sigmaSTX = cms.double(0.0), ## x angle dispersion at IP (urad); if =0.0 the default(=30.23) is used
22  sigmaSTY = cms.double(0.0) ## y angle dispersion at IP (urad); if =0.0 the default(=30.23) is used
23  )
24 )