7 char *demangledSymbol = abi::__cxa_demangle(mangledSymbol,
nullptr, &status);
8 return (status == 0) ? demangledSymbol :
20 if (it ==
end()) {
throw cms::Exception(
"Index not found") <<
"Can't find a particle with role " << role <<
" and index " << index <<
"\n"; }
24 if (it ==
rend()) {
throw cms::Exception(
"Index not found") <<
"Can't find a particle with role " << role <<
" and index " << index <<
"\n"; }
34 if (it ==
end()) {
throw cms::Exception(
"Index not found") <<
"Can't find a particle matching filter with index " << index <<
"\n"; }
38 if (it ==
rend()) {
throw cms::Exception(
"Index not found") <<
"Can't find a particle matching filter with index " << index <<
"\n"; }
44 std::vector<pat::EventHypothesis::CandRefType>
50 std::vector<pat::EventHypothesis::CandRefType>
53 std::vector<pat::EventHypothesis::CandRefType> ret;
55 if (
filter(*it)) ret.push_back(it->second);
CandLooper loop() const
Loops over all particles.
std::vector< value_type > particles_
static const AcceptAllFilter s_dummyFilter
std::pair< std::string, CandRefType > value_type
Iterator realGet(const Iterator &realBegin, const Iterator &realEnd, const Predicate &p, size_t idx) const
static const AcceptAllFilter & get()
void add(const CandRefType &ref, const std::string &role)
std::vector< CandRefType > all(const std::string &roleRegexp) const
Return EDM references to all particles which have certaint roles.
char * getDemangledSymbol(const char *mangledSymbol) const
const_iterator end() const
eventhypothesis::Looper< reco::Candidate > CandLooper
eventhypothesis::ParticleFilterPtr ParticleFilterPtr
vector_type::const_iterator const_iterator
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
const_iterator begin() const
vector_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator
const CandRefType & get(const std::string &role, int index=0) const
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const