def | __init__ (self, workspace, sourcePort, sinkPort) |
def | attachedToPort (self, port) |
def | delete (self) |
def | sinkPort (self) |
def | sourceDirection (self) |
def | sourcePoint (self) |
def | sourcePort (self) |
def | targetDirection (self) |
def | targetPoint (self) |
def | __init__ (self, workspace, sourcePoint, targetPoint) |
def | belongsToRoute (self, point) |
def | betweenTwoPoints (self, point, first, second) |
def | bottomRight (self) |
def | calculateRoute (self) |
def | connectionDirectionString (self, dir) |
def | cornerIsDefined (self, type) |
def | cornerTypeString (self, type) |
def | delete (self) |
def | dragReferencePoint (self) |
def | draw (self) |
def | drawCorner (self, painter, position, cornerType, maxRadius=None) |
def | drawLineSection (self, painter, firstP, secondP, firstCorner, secondCorner) |
def | drawSection (self, painter, sectionIndex) |
def | drawStraightLine (self, painter, firstP, secondP) |
def | forceRouteRecalculation (self) |
def | getCornerType (self, lastDirection, thisDirection) |
def | getPointByDistance (self, start, distance, direction) |
def | getPointToPointDirection (self, lastP, thisP) |
def | getRectBetweenTwoPoints (self, firstP, secondP, firstCorner=CornerType.UNDEFINED, secondCorner=CornerType.UNDEFINED) |
def | isDeletable (self) |
def | isSelectable (self) |
def | isSelected (self) |
def | keyPressEvent (self, event) |
def | mousePressEvent (self, event) |
def | nextPointByDistance (self, route, distance, direction) |
def | nextPointByTarget (self, route, target, orientation) |
def | paintEvent (self, event) |
def | routeChanged (self) |
def | routeIsValid (self) |
def | select (self, sel=True, multiSelect=False) |
def | setDeletable (self, sel) |
def | setDragReferencePoint (self, pos) |
def | setSelectable (self, sel) |
def | setSourceDirection (self, dir) |
def | setTargetDirection (self, dir) |
def | setType (self, type) |
def | setZoom (self, zoom) |
def | sourceDirection (self) |
def | sourcePoint (self) |
def | targetDirection (self) |
def | targetPoint (self) |
def | topLeft (self) |
def | updateConnection (self) |
def | updateTargetPoint (self, point) |
def | __init__ (self, parent=None) |
def | exportImage (self, filename=None) |
def | setZoom (self, zoom) |
def | __init__ (self) |
def | decrementZoom (self) |
def | incrementZoom (self) |
def | setZoom (self, zoom) |
def | zoom (self) |
def | zoomFactor (self) |
PortConnection with linear connection
Definition at line 880 of file PortConnection.py.