This package provides the Phase2TrackerRawToDigiModule and ancillary classes (Phase2TrackerRawToDigi) that read the strip tracker FED raw data buffers (IORawData/FEDRawData) and convert their payloads into digis (Phase2TrackerDigi and Phase2TrackerRawDigi), depending on the FED readout mode (one of four: zero suppressed, virgin raw, processed raw, scope mode).
The Phase2TrackerRawToDigiModule also handles the "Trigger FED" buffer provided by the DAQ when operating in local DAQ mode (only!). This buffer is interpreted as a normal FED buffer, but is identified by its identifier of 1023. The buffer contains information on run number, event number, etc, as well as commissioning-related parameters (that are used by the commissioning analysis).
Conversely, the OldPhase2TrackerDigiToRawModule and ancillary classes (OldPhase2TrackerDigiToRaw) take digis as input and create FED buffers (all contained within a FEDRawDataCollection), with the payloads reflecting one of the four FED readout modes.
Both the RawToDigi and DigiToRaw converters use the readout cabling map thast defines the connections between the front-end hybrids and the FEDs (Phase2TrackerFedCabling), accessible via the EventSetup interface.
An additional plug-in module is Phase2TrackerTrivialDigiSource, which creates dummy digis (with positions and ADC values according to a pseudo-random number generator) and attaches them to the Event. This provides a digi source for the DigiToRaw module and is for testing only.
Phase2TrackerTrivialDigiAnalysis provides a simple analysis of digi statistics, positions and "landau's", to be used as a debug tool only.
OldPhase2TrackerDigiToRaw OldPhase2TrackerDigiToRawModule Phase2TrackerRawToDigi Phase2TrackerRawToDigiModule Phase2TrackerTrivialDigiAnalysis Phase2TrackerTrivialDigiSource TFHeaderDescription
OldPhase2TrackerDigiToRawModule Takes FED buffers, wrapped by the FEDRawData class, as input and creates digis. Phase2TrackerRawToDigiModule Takes digis as input and creates FED buffers, wrapped by the FEDRawData class. Phase2TrackerTrivialDigiSource Generates "dummy" digis with positions and ADC values defined using a pseudo-random number generator.
Stable. Essentially complete. Run-time error handling to be developed further.
Last updated: @ Author: computer-generated.