CVS - Administrative privileges
Unpacking module and classes for reading HCAL raw data and converting it into digis.
For reference, the hardware is documentated at The information on the readout chain and electronics may be useful for understanding the unpacking code and functions.
Both of the unpackers require access to the HcalElectronicsMap which is accessed from the HcalDbService in the HcalDbRecord.
Public interface
- HcalDCCHeader : Interpret the raw HCAL data from the HCAL FED (DCC)
- HcalHTRData : Helper class for interpretation of sub-fragments from a single main FPGA on a HTR board
- HcalHistogramRawToDigi : Unpacker (RawToDigi) module for special mode where histograms are read out rather than individual events. Produces HcalHistogramDigis.
Status and planned development
- HcalRawToDigi is complete and tested.
- HcalHistogramRawToDigi is complete and tested.
- Additional functions for expert work on the HTR and DCC raw data are expected as needs arrise.
Last updated: @ J. Mans