Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
3 # online trigger objects monitoring
5 # HLT path monitoring (per PD)
8 # lumi
11 # Egamma
13 from DQMOffline.Trigger.EgammaMonitoring_cff import * # tag-n-probe (egammaMonitorHLT + egmHLTDQMSourceExtra)
14 # Muon
16 # TOP
19 #from DQMOffline.Trigger.QuadJetAna_cfi import *
20 # Tau
22 # JetMET
26 # BTV
33 # TnP
34 #from DQMOffline.Trigger.TnPEfficiency_cff import *
35 # Inclusive VBF
38 # vertexing
41 # tracking
43 from DQMOffline.Trigger.TrackingMonitoringPA_cff import*
45 # hcal
48 # strip
51 # pixel
54 # photon jet
57 ##hotline
58 #from DQMOffline.Trigger.hotlineDQM_cfi import * # ORPHAN
60 ##eventshape
61 #from DQMOffline.Trigger.eventshapeDQM_cfi import * # OBSOLETE
63 ##UCC
64 #from DQMOffline.Trigger.heavyionUCCDQM_cfi import * # OBSOLETE
67 dqmEnvHLT= DQMServices.Components.DQMEnvironment_cfi.dqmEnv.clone()
68 dqmEnvHLT.subSystemFolder = 'HLT'
70 # EXO
72 # SUS
74 # B2G
76 # HIG
78 # SMP
80 # BPH
83 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
84 dqmInfoHLTMon = DQMEDAnalyzer('DQMEventInfo',
85  subSystemFolder = cms.untracked.string('HLT')
86 )
87 ###################################################################################################
88 #### SEQUENCES TO BE RUN depending on the input DATAFORMAT
89 ## on MiniAOD
90 ## ADD here sequences/modules which rely ONLY on collections stored in the MiniAOD format
91 offlineHLTSourceOnMiniAOD = cms.Sequence(
92 )
94 ## on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly)
95 ## ADD here sequences/modules which rely ONLY on collections stored in the AOD format
96 offlineHLTSourceOnAOD = cms.Sequence(
97  dqmEnvHLT
98  * hltResults
99  * lumiMonitorHLTsequence
100  * muonFullOfflineDQM
101  * HLTTauDQMOffline
102  * hltInclusiveVBFSource
103  * higPhotonJetHLTOfflineSource # plots are filled, but I'm not sure who is really looking at them and what you can get from them ... good candidates to be moved in offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
104 # eventshapeDQMSequence * ## OBSOLETE !!!! (looks for HLT_HIQ2Top005_Centrality1030_v, HLT_HIQ2Bottom005_Centrality1030_v, etc)
105 # HeavyIonUCCDQMSequence * ## OBSOLETE !!!! (looks for HLT_HIUCC100_v and HLT_HIUCC020_v)
106 # hotlineDQMSequence * ## ORPHAN !!!!
107  * egammaMonitorHLT
108  * exoticaMonitorHLT
109  * susyMonitorHLT
110  * b2gMonitorHLT
111  * higgsMonitorHLT
112  * smpMonitorHLT
113  * topMonitorHLT
114  * btagMonitorHLT
115  * bphMonitorHLT
116  * hltObjectsMonitor # as online DQM, requested/suggested by TSG coordinators
117  * jetmetMonitorHLT
118 )
120 ## w/ the RECO step on-the-fly (to be added to offlineHLTSourceOnAOD which should run anyhow)
121 offlineHLTSourceWithRECO = cms.Sequence(
122  hltResults
123  * egHLTOffDQMSource ## NEEDED in VALIDATION, not really in MONITORING
124  * egHLTOffDQMSource_HEP17 ## NEEDED in VALIDATION, not really in MONITORING
125  * jetMETHLTOfflineAnalyzer
126  * b2gHLTDQMSourceWithRECO ## ak8PFJetsPuppiSoftDrop collection is not available in AOD, actually it is produced by the miniAOD step
127 )
128 ####################################################################################################
129 # offline DQM to be run on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) only in the VALIDATION of the HLT menu based on data
130 # it is needed in order to have the DQM code in the release, w/o the issue of crashing the tier0
131 # asa the new modules in the sequence offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra are tested,
132 # these have to be migrated in the main offlineHLTSourceOnAOD sequence
133 offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra = cms.Sequence(
134 ### POG
135  btvHLTDQMSourceExtra
136  * egmHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
137  * jmeHLTDQMSourceExtra
138  * muoHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
139  * tauHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
140  * trkHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
141 ### PAG
142  * b2gHLTDQMSourceExtra
143  * bphHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
144  * exoHLTDQMSourceExtra
145  * higHLTDQMSourceExtra
146  * smpHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
147  * susHLTDQMSourceExtra
148  * topHLTDQMSourceExtra
149  * topHLTriggerOfflineDQM # plots are filled, but I'm not sure who is really looking at them and what you can get from them ... good candidates to be moved in offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
150  * fsqHLTDQMSourceExtra # empty in 10_2_0
151 # * hinHLTDQMSourceExtra
152 )
153 ####################################################################################################
154 #### SEQUENCES TO BE RUN @Tier0 ####
155 ### Express : not really needed
156 ### HLTMonitor : special collections allow to monitor tracks, strip and pixel clusters, b-tagging discriminator, etc --> OfflineHLTMonitoring
157 ### Physics PDs : monitoring vs offline collection (typically, turnON)
159 ## DQM step on Express
160 offlineHLTSource4ExpressPD = cms.Sequence(
161 )
163 ## DQM step on HLTMonitor
164 ## ADD here only sequences/modules which rely on HLT collections which are stored in the HLTMonitoring stream
165 ## and are not available in the standard RAW format
166 offlineHLTSource4HLTMonitorPD = cms.Sequence(
167  dqmInfoHLTMon *
168  lumiMonitorHLTsequence * # lumi
169  sistripMonitorHLTsequence * # strip
170  sipixelMonitorHLTsequence * # pixel
171  BTVHLTOfflineSource * # BTV
172  trackingMonitorHLT * # tracking
173  trackingMonitorHLTDisplacedJet* # EXO : DisplacedJet Tracking
174  egmTrackingMonitorHLT * # EGM tracking
175  vertexingMonitorHLT # vertexing
176 )
178 # sequences run @tier0 on HLTMonitor PD
179 OfflineHLTMonitoring = cms.Sequence(
180  offlineHLTSource4HLTMonitorPD
181 )
183 # sequences run @tier0 on HLTMonitor PD w/ HI (PbPb, XeXe), pPb, ppRef
184 OfflineHLTMonitoringPA = cms.Sequence(
185  dqmInfoHLTMon *
186  trackingMonitorHLT *
187  PAtrackingMonitorHLT
188 )
190 ## DQM step on physics PDs
191 ## transient collections produced by the RECO step are allowed ;)
192 offlineHLTSource4physicsPD = cms.Sequence(
193  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
194  * offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
195 )
197 ## DQM step on special physics PDs (HI, FSQ and LowLumi, etc)
198 ## transient collections produced by the RECO step are allowed ;)
199 offlineHLTSource4specialPhysicsPD = cms.Sequence(
200  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
201  * offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
202  * fsqHLTOfflineSourceSequence
203  * HILowLumiHLTOfflineSourceSequence
204 )
206 ## DQM step on relval
207 offlineHLTSource4relval = cms.Sequence(
208  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
209  * offlineHLTSourceWithRECO
210  * offlineHLTSource4HLTMonitorPD ## special collections (tracking, strip, pixel, etc)
211  * fsqHLTOfflineSourceSequence ## FSQ
212  * HILowLumiHLTOfflineSourceSequence ## HI
213  * offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra ## EXTRA
214 )
215 ####################################################################################################
216 # offline DQM to be run on AOD (w/o the need of the RECO step on-the-fly) in the VALIDATION of the HLT menu based on data
217 # it is needed in order to have the DQM code in the release, w/o the issue of crashing the tier0
218 # asa the new modules in the sequence offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra are tested
219 # these have to be migrated in the main offlineHLTSourceOnAOD sequence
220 offlineValidationHLTSourceOnAOD = cms.Sequence(
221  offlineHLTSourceOnAOD
222  + offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
223 )
224 ####################################################################################################
227 ## old sequence, it should be dropped asa we are confident it is no longer used
228 offlineHLTSource = cms.Sequence(
229  offlineHLTSource4physicsPD
230 )
232 ### sequence run @tier0 (called by main DQM sequences in DQMOffline/Configuration/python/ on all PDs, but HLTMonitor one
233 triggerOfflineDQMSource = cms.Sequence(
234  offlineHLTSource
235 )
237 # this sequence can be used by AlCa for the validation of conditions,
238 # because it is like offlineHLTSource (run @tier0) + offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra (meant to validate new features)
239 offlineValidationHLTSource = cms.Sequence(
240  offlineHLTSource
241  + offlineHLTSourceOnAODextra
242 )