Go to the documentation of this file. 3 TrackSplittingTemplate=
""" 5 #adding this ~doubles the efficiency of selection 6 process.FittingSmootherRKP5.EstimateCut = -1 8 .oO[subdetselection]Oo. 10 process.cosmicValidation = cms.EDAnalyzer("CosmicSplitterValidation", 11 ifSplitMuons = cms.bool(False), 12 ifTrackMCTruth = cms.bool(False), 13 checkIfGolden = cms.bool(False), 14 splitTracks = cms.InputTag("FinalTrackRefitter","","splitter"), 15 splitGlobalMuons = cms.InputTag("muons","","splitter"), 16 originalTracks = cms.InputTag("FirstTrackRefitter","","splitter"), 17 originalGlobalMuons = cms.InputTag("muons","","Rec") 23 TrackSplittingSequence =
"process.cosmicValidation" 28 trackSplitPlotExecution=
""" 29 #make track splitting plots 31 rfcp .oO[trackSplitPlotScriptPath]Oo. . 32 root -x -b -q TkAlTrackSplitPlot.C++ 39 trackSplitPlotTemplate=
""" 40 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/macros/trackSplitPlot.C" 42 /**************************************** 43 This can be run directly in root, or you 44 can run ./TkAlMerge.sh in this directory 45 It can be run as is, or adjusted to fit 46 for misalignments or to only make 48 ****************************************/ 50 /******************************** 51 To make ALL plots (247 in total): 53 ********************************/ 55 /************************************************************************** 56 to make all plots involving a single x or y variable, or both: 57 Uncomment the line marked (B), and fill in for xvar and yvar 61 xvar = "dxy", yvar = "ptrel" - makes plots of dxy vs Delta_pT/pT 62 (4 total - profile and resolution, 63 of Delta_pT/pT and its pull 65 xvar = "all", yvar = "pt" - makes all plots involving Delta_pT 68 histogram and pull distribution, and 69 their mean and width as a function 71 xvar = "", yvar = "all" - makes all histograms of all y variables 72 (including Delta_pT/pT) 73 (16 plots total - 8 y variables, 74 regular and pull histograms) 75 **************************************************************************/ 77 /************************************************************************************** 78 To make a custom selection of plots: 79 Uncomment the lines marked (C) and this section, and fill in matrix however you want */ 82 Bool_t plotmatrix[xsize][ysize]; 85 for (int x = 0; x < xsize; x++) 86 for (int y = 0; y < ysize; y++) 87 plotmatrix[x][y] = (.............................); 92 The variables are defined in Alignment/OfflineValidation/macros/trackSplitPlot.h 94 TString xvariables[xsize] = {"", "pt", "eta", "phi", "dz", "dxy", "theta", 97 TString yvariables[ysize] = {"pt", "pt", "eta", "phi", "dz", "dxy", "theta", 99 Bool_t relativearray[ysize] = {true, false, false, false, false, false, false, 101 Use matrix[x][y] = true to make that plot, and false not to make it. 102 **************************************************************************************/ 104 /************************************************************************************* 105 To fit for a misalignment, which can be combined with any other option: 106 Uncomment the line marked (A) and this section, and choose your misalignment */ 109 TString misalignment = "choose one"; 113 // double values[number of files] = {...}; 114 // double phases[number of files] = {...}; 118 The options for misalignment are sagitta, elliptical, skew, telescope, or layerRot. 119 If the magnitude and phase of the misalignment are known (i.e. Monte Carlo data using 120 a geometry produced by the systematic misalignment tool), make values and phases into 121 arrays, with one entry for each file, to make a plot of the result of the fit vs. the 123 phases must be filled in for sagitta, elliptical, and skew if values is; 124 for the others it has no effect 125 *************************************************************************************/ 127 void TkAlTrackSplitPlot() 129 TkAlStyle::legendheader = ".oO[legendheader]Oo."; 130 TkAlStyle::legendoptions = ".oO[legendoptions]Oo."; 131 TkAlStyle::set(.oO[publicationstatus]Oo., .oO[era]Oo., ".oO[customtitle]Oo.", ".oO[customrighttitle]Oo."); 132 outliercut = .oO[outliercut]Oo.; 133 //fillmatrix(); //(C) 134 subdetector = ".oO[subdetector]Oo."; 136 .oO[PlottingInstantiation]Oo. 138 //misalignment,values,phases, //(A) 139 ".oO[datadir]Oo./.oO[PlotsDirName]Oo." 140 //,"xvar","yvar" //(B)