Go to the documentation of this file.
1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
2 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDHarvester import DQMEDHarvester
4 DiMuonHLTValidationHarvest = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
5  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/DiMuon"),
6  efficiency = cms.vstring(
7  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
8  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
9  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
10  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll",
11  "hTriggerMon 'Efficiency per trigger bit' TriggerMonSel TriggerMonAll"
12  ),
13  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
14  )
16 DiElectronHLTValidationHarvest = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
17  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/DiElectron"),
18  efficiency = cms.vstring(
19  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
20  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
21  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
22  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll",
23  "hTriggerMon 'Efficiency per trigger bit' TriggerMonSel TriggerMonAll"
24  ),
25  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
26  )
28 ElecMuonHLTValidationHarvest = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
29  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/ElecMuon"),
30  efficiency = cms.vstring(
31  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
32  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
33  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
34  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll",
35  "hTriggerMon 'Efficiency per trigger bit' TriggerMonSel TriggerMonAll"
36  ),
37  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
38  )
40 topSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
41  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/SemiMuonic"),
42  efficiency = cms.vstring(
43  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
44  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
45  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
46  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll",
47  "hTriggerMon 'Efficiency per trigger bit' TriggerMonSel TriggerMonAll"
48  ),
49  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
50  )
52 topSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
53  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/Top/SemiElectronic"),
54  efficiency = cms.vstring(
55  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
56  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
57  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
58  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll",
59  "hTriggerMon 'Efficiency per trigger bit' TriggerMonSel TriggerMonAll"
60  ),
61  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
62  )
64 SingleTopSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
65  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/SingleTop/SingleMuon"),
66  efficiency = cms.vstring(
67  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
68  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
69  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
70  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll",
71  "hTriggerMon 'Efficiency per trigger bit' TriggerMonSel TriggerMonAll"
72  ),
73  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
74  )
76 SingleTopSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest = DQMEDHarvester("DQMGenericClient",
77  subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring("HLT/TopHLTValidation/SingleTop/SingleElectron"),
78  efficiency = cms.vstring(
79  "hEffLeptonEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Lepton ' EtaLeptonSel EtaLeptonAll ",
80  "hEffLeptonPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Lepton' PtLeptonSel PtLeptonAll ",
81  "hEffLastJetEta 'Efficiency vs Eta Last Jet' EtaLastJetSel EtaLastJetAll",
82  "hEffLastJetPt 'Efficiency vs Pt Last Jet' PtLastJetSel PtLastJetAll",
83  "hTriggerMon 'Efficiency per trigger bit' TriggerMonSel TriggerMonAll"
84  ),
85  resolution = cms.vstring(""),
86  )
88 topHLTriggerValidationHarvest = cms.Sequence(
89  DiMuonHLTValidationHarvest
90  *DiElectronHLTValidationHarvest
91  *ElecMuonHLTValidationHarvest
92  *topSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest
93  *topSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
94  *SingleTopSingleMuonHLTValidationHarvest
95  *SingleTopSingleElectronHLTValidationHarvest
96  )