DQMStore Member List

This is the complete list of members for DQMStore, including all inherited members.

book1D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int const nchX, double const lowX, double const highX)DQMStore
book1D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, float const *xbinsize)DQMStore
book1D(char_string const &name, TH1F *h)DQMStore
book1D_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TH1F *h)DQMStoreprivate
book1DD(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX)DQMStore
book1DD(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, float const *xbinsize)DQMStore
book1DD(char_string const &name, TH1D *h)DQMStore
book1DD_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TH1D *h)DQMStoreprivate
book1S(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX)DQMStore
book1S(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, float const *xbinsize)DQMStore
book1S(char_string const &name, TH1S *h)DQMStore
book1S_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TH1S *h)DQMStoreprivate
book2D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)DQMStore
book2D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, float const *xbinsize, int nchY, float const *ybinsize)DQMStore
book2D(char_string const &name, TH2F *h)DQMStore
book2D_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TH2F *h)DQMStoreprivate
book2DD(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)DQMStore
book2DD(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, float const *xbinsize, int nchY, float const *ybinsize)DQMStore
book2DD(char_string const &name, TH2D *h)DQMStore
book2DD_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TH2D *h)DQMStoreprivate
book2S(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY)DQMStore
book2S(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, float const *xbinsize, int nchY, float const *ybinsize)DQMStore
book2S(char_string const &name, TH2S *h)DQMStore
book2S_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TH2S *h)DQMStoreprivate
book3D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, int nchZ, double lowZ, double highZ)DQMStore
book3D(char_string const &name, TH3F *h)DQMStore
book3D_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TH3F *h)DQMStoreprivate
book_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, char const *context)DQMStoreprivate
book_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, char const *context, int kind, HISTO *h, COLLATE collate)DQMStoreprivate
bookConcurrentTransaction(iFunc f, uint32_t run)DQMStoreinline
bookFloat(char_string const &name)DQMStore
bookFloat_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name)DQMStoreprivate
bookInt(char_string const &name)DQMStore
bookInt_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name)DQMStoreprivate
bookProfile(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s")DQMStore
bookProfile(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s")DQMStore
bookProfile(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double const *xbinsize, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s")DQMStore
bookProfile(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double const *xbinsize, double lowY, double highY, char const *option="s")DQMStore
bookProfile(char_string const &name, TProfile *h)DQMStore
bookProfile2D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, double lowZ, double highZ, char const *option="s")DQMStore
bookProfile2D(char_string const &name, char_string const &title, int nchX, double lowX, double highX, int nchY, double lowY, double highY, int nchZ, double lowZ, double highZ, char const *option="s")DQMStore
bookProfile2D(char_string const &name, TProfile2D *h)DQMStore
bookProfile2D_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TProfile2D *h)DQMStoreprivate
bookProfile_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, TProfile *h)DQMStoreprivate
bookString(char_string const &name, char_string const &value)DQMStore
bookString_(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, std::string const &value)DQMStoreprivate
bookTransaction(iFunc f, uint32_t run, uint32_t moduleId, bool canSaveByLumi)DQMStoreinline
cd(std::string const &subdir)DQMStore
cdInto(std::string const &path) const DQMStoreprivate
checkBinningMatches(MonitorElement *me, TH1 *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
cloneLumiHistograms(uint32_t run, uint32_t lumi, uint32_t moduleId)DQMStore
cloneRunHistograms(uint32_t run, uint32_t moduleId)DQMStore
collate1D(MonitorElement *me, TH1F *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collate1DD(MonitorElement *me, TH1D *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collate1S(MonitorElement *me, TH1S *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collate2D(MonitorElement *me, TH2F *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collate2DD(MonitorElement *me, TH2D *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collate2S(MonitorElement *me, TH2S *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collate3D(MonitorElement *me, TH3F *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collateProfile(MonitorElement *me, TProfile *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
collateProfile2D(MonitorElement *me, TProfile2D *h, unsigned verbose)DQMStoreprivatestatic
containsAnyMonitorable(std::string const &path) const DQMStore
createQTest(std::string const &algoname, std::string const &qtname)DQMStore
deleteUnusedLumiHistograms(uint32_t run, uint32_t lumi)DQMStore
dirExists(std::string const &path) const DQMStore
disableSoftReset(MonitorElement *me)DQMStore
DQMArchiver classDQMStorefriend
DQMFileSaver classDQMStorefriend
DQMNet classDQMStorefriend
DQMRootOutputModule classDQMStorefriend
DQMRootSource classDQMStorefriend
DQMService classDQMStorefriend
DQMStore(edm::ParameterSet const &pset, edm::ActivityRegistry &)DQMStore
DQMStore(edm::ParameterSet const &pset)DQMStore
DQMStore(DQMStore const &)=deleteDQMStore
DQMStoreExample classDQMStorefriend
edm::DQMHttpSource classDQMStorefriend
extract(TObject *obj, std::string const &dir, bool overwrite, bool collateHistograms)DQMStoreprivate
extractNextObject(TBufferFile &) const DQMStoreinlineprivate
findObject(uint32_t run, uint32_t lumi, uint32_t moduleId, std::string const &dir, std::string const &name) const DQMStoreprivate
get(std::string const &path) const DQMStore
get(unsigned int tag) const DQMStore
get_info(dqmstorepb::ROOTFilePB_Histo const &, std::string &dirname, std::string &objname, TObject **obj)DQMStoreprivate
getAllContents(std::string const &path, uint32_t runNumber=0, uint32_t lumi=0) const DQMStore
getContents(std::string const &path) const DQMStore
getContents(std::string const &path, unsigned int tag) const DQMStore
getContents(std::vector< std::string > &into, bool showContents=true) const DQMStore
getMatchingContents(std::string const &pattern, lat::Regexp::Syntax syntaxType=lat::Regexp::Wildcard) const DQMStore
getMEs() const DQMStore
getQCriterion(std::string const &qtname) const DQMStore
getStatus(std::string const &path="") const DQMStore
getSubdirs() const DQMStore
initialise(MonitorElement *me, std::string const &path)DQMStoreprivate
initializeFrom(const edm::ParameterSet &)DQMStoreprivate
isCollate() const DQMStore
isCollateME(MonitorElement *me) const DQMStoreprivate
KeepRunDirs enum valueDQMStore
load(std::string const &filename, OpenRunDirs stripdirs=StripRunDirs, bool fileMustExist=true)DQMStore
makeDirectory(std::string const &path)DQMStoreprivate
meBookerGetter(iFunc f)DQMStoreinline
MEMap typedefDQMStoreprivate
MEtoEDMConverter classDQMStorefriend
open(std::string const &filename, bool overwrite=false, std::string const &path="", std::string const &prepend="", OpenRunDirs stripdirs=KeepRunDirs, bool fileMustExist=true)DQMStore
OpenRunDirs enum nameDQMStore
operator=(DQMStore const &)=deleteDQMStore
postGlobalBeginLumi(const edm::GlobalContext &)DQMStoreprivate
print_trace(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name)DQMStoreprivate
pwd() const DQMStore
QAMap typedefDQMStoreprivate
QCMap typedefDQMStoreprivate
QTestSpec typedefDQMStoreprivate
QTestSpecs typedefDQMStoreprivate
readDirectory(TFile *file, bool overwrite, std::string const &path, std::string const &prepend, std::string const &curdir, OpenRunDirs stripdirs)DQMStoreprivate
readFile(std::string const &filename, bool overwrite=false, std::string const &path="", std::string const &prepend="", OpenRunDirs stripdirs=StripRunDirs, bool fileMustExist=true)DQMStoreprivate
readFilePB(std::string const &filename, bool overwrite=false, std::string const &path="", std::string const &prepend="", OpenRunDirs stripdirs=StripRunDirs, bool fileMustExist=true)DQMStoreprivate
removeContents(std::string const &dir)DQMStore
removeElement(std::string const &name)DQMStore
removeElement(std::string const &dir, std::string const &name, bool warning=true)DQMStore
rmdir(std::string const &fullpath)DQMStore
save(std::string const &filename, std::string const &path="", std::string const &pattern="", std::string const &rewrite="", uint32_t run=0, uint32_t lumi=0, SaveReferenceTag ref=SaveWithReference, int minStatus=dqm::qstatus::STATUS_OK, std::string const &fileupdate="RECREATE")DQMStore
saveMonitorElementRangeToPB(std::string const &dir, unsigned int run, MEMap::const_iterator begin, MEMap::const_iterator end, dqmstorepb::ROOTFilePB &file, unsigned int &counter)DQMStoreprivate
saveMonitorElementRangeToROOT(std::string const &dir, std::string const &refpath, SaveReferenceTag ref, int minStatus, unsigned int run, MEMap::const_iterator begin, MEMap::const_iterator end, TFile &file, unsigned int &counter)DQMStoreprivate
saveMonitorElementToPB(MonitorElement const &me, dqmstorepb::ROOTFilePB &file)DQMStoreprivate
saveMonitorElementToROOT(MonitorElement const &me, TFile &file)DQMStoreprivate
savePB(std::string const &filename, std::string const &path="", uint32_t run=0, uint32_t lumi=0)DQMStore
SaveReferenceTag enum nameDQMStore
SaveWithoutReference enum valueDQMStore
SaveWithReference enum valueDQMStore
SaveWithReferenceForQTest enum valueDQMStore
setAccumulate(MonitorElement *me, bool flag)DQMStoreprivate
setCurrentFolder(std::string const &fullpath)DQMStore
setVerbose(unsigned level)DQMStore
showDirStructure() const DQMStore
softReset(MonitorElement *me)DQMStore
StripRunDirs enum valueDQMStore
tag(MonitorElement *me, unsigned int myTag)DQMStore
tag(std::string const &path, unsigned int myTag)DQMStore
tagAllContents(std::string const &path, unsigned int myTag)DQMStore
tagContents(std::string const &path, unsigned int myTag)DQMStore
useQTest(std::string const &dir, std::string const &qtname)DQMStore
useQTestByMatch(std::string const &pattern, std::string const &qtname)DQMStore