1 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
4 TauMVAConfigurations_cfi.py 5 Author: Evan K. Friis, UC Davis (friis@physics.ucdavis.edu) 7 Define names, locations, and decay mode mappings of different MVA configurations 9 At the bottom of this file the collections of individual neural nets are defined (eg TaNC). 10 These collections are the inputs to the actual discriminator 14 OneProngs = cms.PSet( # name 15 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(0, 1, 2, 3, 4), # Decay modes this MVA applies to. In this case, decay modes with 1 track and 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 pi zeros. 16 # Please see DataFormats/TauReco/interface/PFTauDecayMode.h 17 # for the definition of the decay mode indexing system. [DecayMode# = (#ChargedPions-1) * 5 + #PiZeros] 18 computerName = cms.string('OneProngs') # Identifier string. Will be used to store the trainined MVA data in the database 19 # When training, the corresponding training xml file must be in RecoTauTag/TauTagTools/xml/[computerName].xml (i.e. OneProngs.xml) 20 applyIsolation = cms.bool(False), # Determines if isolation criteria is applied (for both training and final discrimination) 22 cut = cms.double(-10.) # Serves as a place holder for when the user wishes to specify the cuts they wish to use 27 OneProngNoPiZero = cms.PSet(
28 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(0),
29 computerName = cms.string(
30 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
31 cut = cms.double(-10.)
34 OneProngOnePiZero = cms.PSet(
35 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(1),
36 computerName = cms.string(
37 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
38 cut = cms.double(-10.)
41 OneProngTwoPiZero = cms.PSet(
42 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(2),
43 computerName = cms.string(
44 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
45 cut = cms.double(-10.)
48 ThreeProngNoPiZero = cms.PSet(
49 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(10),
50 computerName = cms.string(
51 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
52 cut = cms.double(-10.)
55 ThreeProngOnePiZero = cms.PSet(
56 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(11),
57 computerName = cms.string(
58 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
59 cut = cms.double(-10.)
63 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(0, 1, 2, 10, 11),
64 computerName = cms.string(
65 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
66 cut = cms.double(-10.)
71 OneProngNoPiZeroIso = cms.PSet(
72 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(0),
73 computerName = cms.string(
74 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
75 cut = cms.double(-10.)
78 OneProngOnePiZeroIso = cms.PSet(
79 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(1),
80 computerName = cms.string(
81 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
82 cut = cms.double(-10.)
85 OneProngTwoPiZeroIso = cms.PSet(
86 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(2),
87 computerName = cms.string(
88 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
89 cut = cms.double(-10.)
92 ThreeProngNoPiZeroIso = cms.PSet(
93 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(10),
94 computerName = cms.string(
95 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
96 cut = cms.double(-10.)
99 ThreeProngOnePiZeroIso = cms.PSet(
100 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(11),
101 computerName = cms.string(
102 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
103 cut = cms.double(-10.)
106 SingleNetIso = cms.PSet(
107 decayModeIndices = cms.vint32(0, 1, 2, 10, 11),
108 computerName = cms.string(
109 applyIsolation = cms.bool(
110 cut = cms.double(-10.)
124 MultiNetIso = cms.VPSet(
126 OneProngOnePiZeroIso,
127 OneProngTwoPiZeroIso,
128 ThreeProngNoPiZeroIso,
129 ThreeProngOnePiZeroIso
132 SingleNetBasedTauID = cms.VPSet(